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A little MORE about me

It has come to my attention that people have no problem disregarding my voice, my opinion, my outlooks, my feelings, and my attempts to rationalize the craziness that is going on in the world- and it seems to me that it's because they are too busy generalizing me and who I am and that based on their assumptions they are unwilling to see me fit to also have a say. So let me tell you a little MORE about me.

I think this should be made into a video to start my vlog channel.

Hi. I'm Jasmine.
People call me Jazzy, Feisty, Jersey. Call me basic bitch for all I care.

I'm white.
I'm female.
I fall into that 21-40 age range.
I'm short.
I have some sort of Italian American heritage that is noticeable in the way I talk loudly and using exaggerated hand gestures, the way (and amount of food) I cook, and my overall persona- some would even say I have an accent.

I grew up in suburban, urban, and rural America.

I'm some sort of educated... I have a high school diploma, a degree from the school of hardknocks (AKA real world experience), and a college degree. I have a bachelor's of science in NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS thank you very much. I continue to payoff every cent of my own schooling.

I am willfully employed- I work a 9 to 5 office job for a privately owned and operated company. I also have two side jobs, they are not so "cushy".

I'm married. I'm straight. He's older than me. He's an immigrant, not born in USA but a legal citizen. Came here when his parents win the visa lottery.

We rent, don't have much outstanding debt (meaning credit card debt, however I have some staggering student loan figures), own our cars, pay all our bills, have a dog. We live below our means and make (mostly- him more than me) sound financial decisions. We paid for our own wedding. We have a savings and an investment account. We save for retirement using 401ks. 

I think I'm funny, fun, sweet, sometimes a bitch (when prompted, occasionally without prompting). I work hard, I laugh harder. I like to have fun, I like to make it so other people have fun. I am kind and compassionate. I love to help others- animals more so than humans, but whatever. Don't judge me.

We are pretty basic and generic. Average Joe's. Nobodies really. But we want to be better US's and make the world a better place for our (hopefully someday soon)kids. 

I have come to feel that because I am a white, straight, educated, relatively well paid woman (with a big mouth) others feel that parts of what make me who I am disqualify me from speaking my mind, having my opinion be heard and respected, and otherwise render me undeserving of 2nd amendment rights (AKA Freedom of speech). My words have been met with unadulterated hate. My very being has been bashed. I have been called bigoted and racist just because I fall into a few certain choice categories of people that are not held in high esteem right now. 

And then there's the question of why I do this.... to be blunt: I have a lot to say.
Maybe people agree with me, maybe they don't. But I've lived and learned and I've got some interesting insight to the world. So thanks for joining me, thanks for checking this out and fingers crossed for a vlog. :)

Cheers B*tches! <3


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