As an early millennial- as someone who graduated HS in the early 2000's and then graduated college right around the time Obama became president- I am well aware of the reality of living with more debt than income. Borrowing $30-40k a year for 4 years of college put me behind the curve, since it's pretty hard for a full time college student to hold down a full time job. I worked numerous odd jobs and held a part time one, but I also had limited savings and money I made was quickly and easily spent on everyday living (necessity or not). Mom and Dad didn't provide much financial aid outside the academic necessities- books, food, health/car insurance. Even though I started looking about midway through my last semester, upon graduation I realized that I needed a full time job quickly- the loan companies had already let me know that repayment began 6 months after graduation and that they were in the process of calculating my monthly amounts😖. I looked as far away as Australia,...