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Showing posts from January, 2018

What is humane?

The definition of HUMANE is : 1. having or showing compassion or benevolence. "regulations ensuring the humane treatment of animals" synonyms: compassionate, kind, considerate, understanding, sympathetic, tolerant; More 2. intended to have a civilizing or refining effect on people. What I find interesting, is that humane leans toward human empathy, and yet does not include being empathetic to humans. Let me explain. It is humane to remove the testicles of male animals and the entire reproductive tract of female animals. Not only humane, but considered 'responsible'. There is even a campaign run by Friends of Animals (friends....?) that since 1957 has advocated for and provided for low-cost spaying and altering since it is the most effective means of preventing the births of dogs and cats, and their subsequent abandonment, suffering and mass killing. SOOOO... it is humane to prevent the abandonment, suffering, and mass killing of animals by choosing to medical...

Clothing lines promoting discord in the masses

I'm online shopping right now, and I know that it's a normal thing to see a few outrageous designs or fashion choices. But today, all of a sudden, I realize one of my favorite stores is subliminally messaging me through fashion, through clothing. Clothing- which is a necessity to humans, that necessity- has now become the platform for political statements. I can't help but roll my eyes and say "Nope, would never buy that" or "who buys this stupid shit?" or "REALLY?". Like, why are clothing stores making a political agenda into "fashion"? The stuff isn't even that fashionable, but then again some dimwit (Connie Briton) at some "Hollywood Night Out" event wore a 'Poverty is Sexist' sweater that cost $380... totally nailed her point. The sad part is, some of this politically charged 'fashion' is very divisive. It's lifting up one to put down another. Let me show you some of the dumb shit. I choose t...

I guess I'm pretty good at keeping secrets

Have you ever had a secret that you were just dying to tell?? Usually it's a happy one that kills you from inside... something like a surprise for a loved one, or something you know someone will be proud of you for, exciting news in your life, maybe something that will totally change your and your loved ones lives. I've had many secrets over the years. Things being "hush hush" was just a way of life for me. I wasn't supposed to tell people I used to live with my aunt. I wasn't supposed to tell people that I had an 'other mom'. I wasn't supposed to tell people my mom hit me or pulled my hair. I wasn't supposed to tell people why I was grounded again, why I couldn't come out of my room or do things with my friends. I wasn't supposed to tell people how I felt about my other mom. I wasn't supposed to tell people about the court proceedings involving my other mom. I wasn't supposed to reach out to the family members of my o...

Infertility, insensitivity, emotional abuse?

So, as you can tell from my blog there is a theme lately. Infertility.  1 in 8 couples (or 12% of married women) have trouble getting pregnant or sustaining a pregnancy, per the 2006-2010 National Survey of Family Growth by the CDC. 7.4 million women, or 11.9% of women, have ever received any infertility services in their lifetime. Couples ages 29-33 with normal functioning reproductive systems have only a 20-25% chance of conceiving in any given month, per the National Women’s Health Resource Center. After six months of trying, 60% of couples will conceive without medical assistance- that number is from 1997. 20 years later, even that statistic is out of range- #1 being that people are all waiting longer to start having children (thus they are older) and are having more issues and more time spent trying before conception. Case in point, my husband and I are 31 and 32 respectively... we started 'trying' at 28 and 29. Currently at the 2.5 YEARS mark of TRYING. When I was not...