I'm online shopping right now, and I know that it's a normal thing to see a few outrageous designs or fashion choices. But today, all of a sudden, I realize one of my favorite stores is subliminally messaging me through fashion, through clothing. Clothing- which is a necessity to humans, that necessity- has now become the platform for political statements. I can't help but roll my eyes and say "Nope, would never buy that" or "who buys this stupid shit?" or "REALLY?". Like, why are clothing stores making a political agenda into "fashion"? The stuff isn't even that fashionable, but then again some dimwit (Connie Briton) at some "Hollywood Night Out" event wore a 'Poverty is Sexist' sweater that cost $380... totally nailed her point. The sad part is, some of this politically charged 'fashion' is very divisive. It's lifting up one to put down another.
Let me show you some of the dumb shit.
I choose this article of clothing to start with because it re-iterates my statement that some of the fashion statements being made are divisive. Female=future. Well, what about the other 49% of the population? The XYs, the males... They don't also hold the keys to the future? Not one bit? Gosh I hope I don't have a little boy one day because he does not equal the future.... I feel bad for my nephews. Clearly they are to be excluded in the future.
The next one, it's similar to the last. GURL REVOLUTION. Can't spell girl correctly but whatever, neither did I want to when I was in 7th grade. I thought I was cool back then, in the early 2000's, misspelling things like a rebel. Rebel, revolution. I see where they are going with this. How about the definition of revolution? Revolution: a forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system. Synonyms: rebellion, revolt, insurrection, mutiny, uprising, riot, rioting, insurgence, seizure of power, coup (d'état) . Forcible overthrow... of the government that allows you the most liberties, that is the very essence of the freest of the free. Or, the forcible overthrow of the social order, defined as the totality of structured human interrelationships in a society or a part of it. Overthrowing structure of interrelationships. HMMM. Now I agree that the female to male relationships and interactions are not always pleasant, not always safe for all involved, and not always fair. But to exact an overthrow of the social structure seems a little bit excessive. To promote a single gender overthrow of the social structure only benefits (maybe) that gender and alienates the other or 'others'. But I'm seeing the pattern here already... Females are wanting to, planning to, promoting rising up. I'm a female, but I'm not sure I'm sold.
In the words of the Queen Bee, the great Beyonce... "Who run the world? GIRLS". My butt floss makes a political statement now. A political statement not as strong as Beyonce's black panther pride at the Super Bowl, but 3 fold strong. 3 days a week I could be reminded that I, a girl, 'run the world'. Hopefully the Bey-lievers don't shart on their idol's golden rule. And in another, true Bey fashion...
Always gotta have those 'slay vibes'. SLAY is a term that I despise. The true definition is to kill (a person or animal) in a violent way. The slang version is to greatly impress or amuse someone, to dominate or 'kick ass'. So violently killing someone or something... or greatly impressing or amusing, dominating. I think I'll always view it as the REAL definition, and that's why it bothers me s much. You want to promote violence and killing? Use a word like slay. To the feeble minded who run around the world yelling "Slay girl slay!" I hope no one misunderstands your urban dictionary use of the word. Moving along...

These shirts seems relatively harmless. But they are still on that 3rd wave feminist agenda. "As good as", to me it implies a girl who is wearing it telling the world she's as good as them. Which at $7.99, the shirt doesn't hold much weight. If you want to show you are 'as good as' anyone else, you have to prove it with your actions. Wearing a shirt that says it is the least powerful action. "Girls bite back"... I don't know if this is a sexual reference or what, but "Girls fight back" would have fit their narrative better. "Not your princess", let's put down the notion of Princesses (Sorry Disney) because they are not role models. Princess (now Queen) Elizabeth was not a role model, no no. She didn't serve in the army or anything during a major war. She didn't gallop around on horseback. She didn't travel the world and stick to her guns on many tough decisions. She isn't the face of a nation and face that everyone recognizes. No, don't let girls be princesses, don't let girls idolize princesses, and don't let boys think you are a princess. You're no Belle (as referenced here), no damsel in distress needing a man and love to rescue you. Poo on that! We should all be like that mom who re-wrote her daughter's princess book to fit the feminist narative. Instead of "a princess is always kind (because that's a terrible notion, to be kind)", change the narrative to "A princess is kind of a bad ass"! If you want to read about that, link here :https://www.elitedaily.com/women/mom-edited-princess-book-feminist/1712109
"GIRLS, GIRLS, GIRLS!!" The motley crew song comes to mind. "female boss", "Don't underestimate me", "it's OUR world", "Girls Unite!". Fuck men, let's take over. Who needs them. Everything in life is unfair because of men and we are going to upend everything and make it a feminist paradise! Why you gotta make it all about gender-- why can't you just be a boss... why you gotta be a female boss? Like, a boss is a boss. I love the saying "like a boss"... reminds me of mob bosses, big bosses, CEOs.... It doesn't scream "MALE" to me. In my old company, there was a partner of the firm who had 6 kids and a stay at home husband. She wore bling up the wazoo and walked in 4+ inch heals every day (she was like 4 foot 10...), there's not a more beautiful picture of a boss in my eyes. Office managers? Usually women. Call it what you want, but they are the boss. Bosses in the home- definitely the women. And that's nothing to be ashamed of.
How about this one? #1 if you are a third wave feminist, you know you don't feel this is entirely true. It's not for everyone. It's not for trans women who still have wieners. It's not for Asexual women. It's not for conservative or centrist women. It's not for Jesus loving stay at home moms. It's not for Trump supporting women. It's not for Veteran women who support our government, our law enforcement, and our way of life. It's not for any woman who disagrees with you- the pro-lifers, the pro immigration reformers, the wage gap debunkers. Nope, 3rd way- TODAY'S- feminism is not for them. It's not even for men who support women and call themselves feminists. They still have that male privilege, they should feel the male guilt all day every day. It's not for them. It's for pussy having individuals ONLY. DUH.
These two are interesting. The first shirt comes in two colors with two different says... the black one says "I'm a daydreamer", the grey one says "I'm a dreamer". Curious if this is aimed at DACA recipients. Clever if it is, or not so clever if it leads to their deportation. The second shirt says "Humanity United". Well, humanity cannot be united if 3rd wave feminism continues it's march, continues to rear its ugly pussy hat wearing head, and continues to poison people's minds. You can't promote women over men over and over and over again, and then also promote humanity united, that's hypocritical. Humanity is made up of women and men exclusively. But, being a retailer means you have to target everyone... so branch out and try to get those humanitarians, try to get those women who won't buy the feminism shirt but who might buy the humanitarian one because that fits their political prospective better.
And finally, this one just cracked me up...
"Snatch" is another term for vagina. If you've been snatched, have you been "grabbed by the pussy"??
Let me show you some of the dumb shit.
I choose this article of clothing to start with because it re-iterates my statement that some of the fashion statements being made are divisive. Female=future. Well, what about the other 49% of the population? The XYs, the males... They don't also hold the keys to the future? Not one bit? Gosh I hope I don't have a little boy one day because he does not equal the future.... I feel bad for my nephews. Clearly they are to be excluded in the future.
The next one, it's similar to the last. GURL REVOLUTION. Can't spell girl correctly but whatever, neither did I want to when I was in 7th grade. I thought I was cool back then, in the early 2000's, misspelling things like a rebel. Rebel, revolution. I see where they are going with this. How about the definition of revolution? Revolution: a forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system. Synonyms: rebellion, revolt, insurrection, mutiny, uprising, riot, rioting, insurgence, seizure of power, coup (d'état) . Forcible overthrow... of the government that allows you the most liberties, that is the very essence of the freest of the free. Or, the forcible overthrow of the social order, defined as the totality of structured human interrelationships in a society or a part of it. Overthrowing structure of interrelationships. HMMM. Now I agree that the female to male relationships and interactions are not always pleasant, not always safe for all involved, and not always fair. But to exact an overthrow of the social structure seems a little bit excessive. To promote a single gender overthrow of the social structure only benefits (maybe) that gender and alienates the other or 'others'. But I'm seeing the pattern here already... Females are wanting to, planning to, promoting rising up. I'm a female, but I'm not sure I'm sold.
In the words of the Queen Bee, the great Beyonce... "Who run the world? GIRLS". My butt floss makes a political statement now. A political statement not as strong as Beyonce's black panther pride at the Super Bowl, but 3 fold strong. 3 days a week I could be reminded that I, a girl, 'run the world'. Hopefully the Bey-lievers don't shart on their idol's golden rule. And in another, true Bey fashion...
These shirts seems relatively harmless. But they are still on that 3rd wave feminist agenda. "As good as", to me it implies a girl who is wearing it telling the world she's as good as them. Which at $7.99, the shirt doesn't hold much weight. If you want to show you are 'as good as' anyone else, you have to prove it with your actions. Wearing a shirt that says it is the least powerful action. "Girls bite back"... I don't know if this is a sexual reference or what, but "Girls fight back" would have fit their narrative better. "Not your princess", let's put down the notion of Princesses (Sorry Disney) because they are not role models. Princess (now Queen) Elizabeth was not a role model, no no. She didn't serve in the army or anything during a major war. She didn't gallop around on horseback. She didn't travel the world and stick to her guns on many tough decisions. She isn't the face of a nation and face that everyone recognizes. No, don't let girls be princesses, don't let girls idolize princesses, and don't let boys think you are a princess. You're no Belle (as referenced here), no damsel in distress needing a man and love to rescue you. Poo on that! We should all be like that mom who re-wrote her daughter's princess book to fit the feminist narative. Instead of "a princess is always kind (because that's a terrible notion, to be kind)", change the narrative to "A princess is kind of a bad ass"! If you want to read about that, link here :https://www.elitedaily.com/women/mom-edited-princess-book-feminist/1712109
"GIRLS, GIRLS, GIRLS!!" The motley crew song comes to mind. "female boss", "Don't underestimate me", "it's OUR world", "Girls Unite!". Fuck men, let's take over. Who needs them. Everything in life is unfair because of men and we are going to upend everything and make it a feminist paradise! Why you gotta make it all about gender-- why can't you just be a boss... why you gotta be a female boss? Like, a boss is a boss. I love the saying "like a boss"... reminds me of mob bosses, big bosses, CEOs.... It doesn't scream "MALE" to me. In my old company, there was a partner of the firm who had 6 kids and a stay at home husband. She wore bling up the wazoo and walked in 4+ inch heals every day (she was like 4 foot 10...), there's not a more beautiful picture of a boss in my eyes. Office managers? Usually women. Call it what you want, but they are the boss. Bosses in the home- definitely the women. And that's nothing to be ashamed of.
How about this one? #1 if you are a third wave feminist, you know you don't feel this is entirely true. It's not for everyone. It's not for trans women who still have wieners. It's not for Asexual women. It's not for conservative or centrist women. It's not for Jesus loving stay at home moms. It's not for Trump supporting women. It's not for Veteran women who support our government, our law enforcement, and our way of life. It's not for any woman who disagrees with you- the pro-lifers, the pro immigration reformers, the wage gap debunkers. Nope, 3rd way- TODAY'S- feminism is not for them. It's not even for men who support women and call themselves feminists. They still have that male privilege, they should feel the male guilt all day every day. It's not for them. It's for pussy having individuals ONLY. DUH.
And finally, this one just cracked me up...
"Snatch" is another term for vagina. If you've been snatched, have you been "grabbed by the pussy"??
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