I am reminded on International Women's Day that I am a woman, and that that is something that is a force to be reckoned with. I am reminded by Hillary Clinton, Ashley Judd and countless other feminists that being a woman is a bold, brazen (nasty?), and strong thing to be. I just want to take a moment now to count down the times I truly felt like a strong woman. When I learned to throw, hit, and catch like a girl. When I put pen to paper and drew a detailed picture or wrote a moving poem. When I made it onto the honor and high honor roll (the first time and every time) The first time I rode a horse- and every single time after. When I won my first blue ribbon. When I fall off, and get back on. Also, when I realize it's ok to not get back on right away. The first time I decided I had to be strong for someone else. Even though I was dying inside. When I earned my Girl Scout Silver award. When I learned to drive a stick shift. And every time I get to drive one. When I...