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Showing posts from March, 2017

Today's "thought"

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Learn something new everyday... like, loquacious

I unwrapped a DOVE chocolate (it was a mint & dark piece-divine!) and read this on the inside of the wrapper: "Be more loquacious. Starting with learning the word loquacious." Not only is the chocolate delicious, but it wants me to learn and grow and be a better me!! I think I've found my soul mate! lo·qua·cious lōˈkwāSHəs/ adjective tending to talk a great deal; talkative. synonyms: talkative ,  voluble ,  communicative ,  expansive ,  garrulous ,  unreserved ,  chatty If having a blog isn't loquacious, if having a big unfiltered mouth isn't loquacious, if being known for never being able to shut up isn't loquacious... then IDK what is a good example of this word! But right now I'm just dumbfounded I've never used it to describe myself!

Let's stop the SHAMING

Fat shaming. Slut shaming. Thin shaming. White shaming. Privilege shaming. Straight shaming. Fake tan and comb over shaming. Shame shame shame on you! I had no idea that I am quadruply privileged. Apparently... I need to check my white privilege, my straight privilege, my thin privilege, and my woman privilege. Why does being what I am, make me privileged? Why does working hard and benefiting from it make me privileged? WHY DOS EVERYONE ELSE THINK I'M PRIVILEGED AND I'M ALL OVER HERE LIKE "WOE IS ME.... LIFE SUCKS"???? I think I know the answer. When people are unhappy with things, they like to disagree. Makes sense. I agree with that. When people are unhappy with things that they don't want to take responsibility for, they start to blame/shame other people.  I am fat. I feel lesser.                                  You make me feel lesser. Shame on you! I am black. I feel less...

Beware the ....ides of March?

What does that even mean?? Ides comes from an old Latin verb iduare, which meant "to divide." It was the Roman term for the day that came in the middle of each month. So Beware... but all it means is "halfway through the month." Every month has an Ides. March had 31 days, so the Ides of March is on March 15. TODAY So what should we beware of today? Not a bunch of conspirators stabbing us on the steps of the Roman capital building... unless you're an unliked Roman consulate. How about: Dangers of smoking... active inhalation and passive Dangers of not taking care of ourselves, included by not limited to: Regular screenings, regular physicals, nutrition, mental health, physical health, emotional health Dangers of judgments and prejudices Dangers of extremists and extremism... included by not limited to: Liberals, feminists, Islamic state, the two major parties, social justice warriors, racial justice warriors Dangers of texting, 'Snapping,...

taking responsibility of your life...

Taking Responsibility For Your Life Everything you are or ever will be is completely up to you. Everything that has happened and is happening in your life is because of your behavior, words, and actions. You have the freedom of choice. Virtually every circumstance in your life so far, you have chosen out of your own free will. This means, that you are completely responsible for all your successes and failures; your happiness; your unhappiness; and everything in your present and future. This realization is like a parachute jump: It’s scary and exhilarating at the same time. Taking total responsibility for your life is one of the most important things you can ever do. Accepting complete responsibility for all your actions represents maturity in your life. When you accept complete responsibility for everything in your life, success, achievement, and self-actualization will follow. You can never accomplish anything of value in your life or have any real measure of happiness without firs...

Friday's thought...

Even if that something is just getting out of bed. Or eating a banana or yogurt instead of a bagel. Or walking up the stairs instead of taking the elevator. Or holding the door for someone-- or not expecting a gracious response when you do. Or putting in a little extra effort on one project, with one client, or with your spouse or child or dog. Think about what the smallest step you can take towards a huge goal is... and do it.  And the least thing you can do to make your tomorrow better, is to just smile today. The tiniest things, the smallest steps is how you get started, get going. In the words of Dominick Torreto: "It doesn't matter if it's an inch or a mile, winning's winning."

3/8 is International Women's Day, unless you're American....

If you're an American woman, 3/8/17 is "A Day Without Women", modeled after "A Day Without Immigrants". HERE WE GO AGAIN  (I almost sound like Graham Allan ).... The website for International Women's Day challenges you to "call on yourself to help forge a better working world". The organizers behind the January "Women's March on Washington" have also organized and planned walkouts, rallies and marches dubbed "A Day Without a Woman".Women are not only encouraged to stay home from [paid] work, but also to (if socially and economically able to do so) abstain from [unpaid]housework and child care, and shop only at small, women-owned businesses. So basically... shirk all of your responsibilities in general  and go shopping   to make a point.  NO RESPONSIBILITY NO ACCOUNTABILITY NO F**KS GIVEN.... Men are being asked to help with caregiving and other domestic chores on Wednesday. They are also being encouraged to rally f...

The (actual) plunge ~*Seaside Heights Polar Bear Plunge 2017*~

Seaside Heights Polar Bear Plunge 2017!! Jazzy Feisty's POV

After hump day motivation needed

Sitting down and creating a game plan- with plan A and maybe a plan B- is something everyone should at least consider doing. And when I say consider, I mean SHOULD JUST DO IT. Like NIKE, JUST DO IT. (Yes, I grew up in the 90's/2000's) What are your PRIORITIES?  Do your priorities and goals ALIGN?  Are your goals and priorities REALISTIC? ...big question... Seriously though- WHAT IS STANDING IN YOUR WAY? Is it an assumed challenge, a real(ized) challenge, or a mythical monster that is standing in your way? Is it something you can get over? Is it something that's not really there? Is it NBD??? Stop chasing white rabbits down rabbit holes that lead to misty fantasies... stop chasing rainbows in hopes of leprechauns...  Start realizing that either you want it or you don't Either you can do it or you can't                            AND  Either you have what it takes to follow th...

Today is Ash Wednesday. It might be the first time I don't get ashes...

Today, the 1st of March 2017 is officially ASH WEDNESDAY. The good Catholic that I am, I found this out on Monday. I have not been to church in a long while, possibly the last time was my Grandmother's funeral over a year ago. I would hate to think I have become a "CHEAP" Catholic, who only goes when they are obligated: CHristmas, Easter, Ash Wednesday, and Palm Sunday. The reality is, that I do not feel that church is enlightening, it does not evoke strong emotions in me, and it does not make me want to be a good person any more than my everyday life does. I feel that some organized religion has not kept up with the times. It has not promoted equality between people. It preaches forgiveness and focuses on the "love one another" while also stating "you will be judged" and "feel wrath". I cannot understand the religion of peace, love, and forgiveness can still be so exclusive. And thus, I cannot be included. I feel as if I am an outcast, e...