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Today is Ash Wednesday. It might be the first time I don't get ashes...

Today, the 1st of March 2017 is officially ASH WEDNESDAY. The good Catholic that I am, I found this out on Monday.

I have not been to church in a long while, possibly the last time was my Grandmother's funeral over a year ago.

I would hate to think I have become a "CHEAP" Catholic, who only goes when they are obligated: CHristmas, Easter, Ash Wednesday, and Palm Sunday. The reality is, that I do not feel that church is enlightening, it does not evoke strong emotions in me, and it does not make me want to be a good person any more than my everyday life does. I feel that some organized religion has not kept up with the times. It has not promoted equality between people. It preaches forgiveness and focuses on the "love one another" while also stating "you will be judged" and "feel wrath". I cannot understand the religion of peace, love, and forgiveness can still be so exclusive. And thus, I cannot be included. I feel as if I am an outcast, even if I have [possibly] done nothing wrong. Or maybe I just haven't judged myself on some bad things... not sure.

This Ash Wednesday, I have no plans on ducking my head under the eaves of a church. I am well aware that "from dust you can and to dust you shall return" unless I "seek the face of the Lord". The Lord wants to be sought not only in the houses we built to publicly worship him, but also in the privacy of our homes, in the moment we are triumphant, in the moment we are in awe, in the moment we feel darkness could consume us, in the moment we are embarrassed or feel regret or are consumed by sorrow.... The Lord, however you should call him, wants you to seek him in your own way, anytime, anyday. That is how I feel.

On a side note.... Ash Wednesday starts Lent. Lent is 40 days of "suffering" through abstinence, fasting, and almsgiving. Lent is about choosing to do works of good without asking for anything in return. Lent is about denying your self of your selfish wants in order to appreciate them (and your wonderful life, in general) more.

And then I read an article an article in regards to Catholics and Lent and I laughed....

“It has been noted, however, that Friday of the second week of Lent this year corresponds with St. Patrick’s Day (March 17), which has traditionally been an occasion for joy-filled celebrations in this archdiocese.”

If Catholics choose to eat corned beef — or any other meat — on St. Patrick’s Day, they must also “undertake a work of charity, an exercise of piety, or an act of comparable penance on some other occasion during the Second Week of Lent,”.

Noted that Lent is “a penitential season that calls us to spiritual exercises, penitential acts, charitable works, fasting and almsgiving,” and quoted Pope Francis’ message for Lent this year: “Lent is the favorable season for renewing our encounter with Christ, living in is word, in the sacraments, and in our neighbor.”

Catholics ages 18-59 who do not have a medical condition are obliged to fast on Ash Wednesday, March 1, and Good Friday, April 14, by eating no more than one full meal and two lighter meals, which combined are less than a full meal. Catholics ages 14 and older are also to abstain from meat on all Fridays in Lent.

However, Catholics not bound by meat abstinence and fasts should still find ways to enter in the penitential liturgical season.

“Pastors and parents are to see to it that their children, even when not bound by the law of fast and abstinence, are educated in an authentic sense of penance and are encouraged to do acts of penance suitable to their age,” she wrote. “All members of the Christian faithful are encouraged to do acts of penance and charity during the Lenten season beyond what is prescribed by the law.”

So let me get this straight... Women still can't be leaders of churches (priests) or dioceses (bishops) or the religion as a whole (I.E. the Pope) ... but people are kinda excused from abstaining from meat on St. Patrick's day when it falls on a Friday of Lent... AAAAaaaand this is why I am not going out of my way to go to church today. Sorry (not sorry). 


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