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Showing posts from January, 2020

This time, it's not just about weight loss

This January is actually not dominated by the weight loss competition that I am competing in. I am doing a whole body overhaul, and even doing a whole PERSON overhaul. I am not sure what is driving this overhaul. It may be very, very personal reasons- it may be it may be a combination of things, and it may be a little abstract and not fully known even by myself. But let me share with you my main focuses of this personal overhaul. Career On January 2nd I opened up an LLC, a Limited Liability Company. I established this to make my pet sitting side hustle more legit and help it to grow. I have currently been doing my pet sitting through the ROVER app/website. Rover hosts my profile, and based on my reviews and response times and how well I follow their recommendations and rules, it moves me up and down the list of sitters in my area. When I first signed up, I received my first client in a few days- and they are one of my FAVORITE! I have moved them off of the Rover platform and they...

I cheated, and it showed

So I've been doing fasting for 23 days, and I decided it was time to have a cheat day. And I didn't even cheat that badly. I had a delish halal platter  (rice, meat, veggies, yogurt sauce) and some hummus and babaganush and pita. For lunch. Then for dinner I had Homemade Chicken Alfredo and a glass of wine. Then for dessert I had 3 small cookies, a donut, and a piece of fudge iced cake. All within my eating window. I know, I should have left dessert out. I know I should have left the pasta out. I know, wine wasn't the best beverage choise. I know I could have had it all- ALL IN MODERATION. But it's cheat day.... And the next day I was a full 2lbs up on the scale. And I know that some of you may think I'm crazy for weighing myself daily, but it is helping me to see what works and what doesn't. I does work to do a 20 hour fast twice a week. It does work to get 12,000 steps (OR MORE!) a day. It does not work to eat a whole bunch of dessert and pasta insid...

I'm not hungry, you're hungry!

I have completed 21 days of fasting- They say that's the amount of days it takes to create a habit and enact a change in behavior. And the best part is- I can feel the change! I am not hungry all the time- as in physically hungry. My stomach does not ache and yearn for food, my brain does- but less than before. I have only to overcome the mental block, that learned urgency to eat 3+ times a day. The schedule has already successfully been broken, but the mind over matter part is still working itself out. I have been trying to close my eating window, to make it smaller. I figure that, if I eat 2000 or 1800 or 1500 calories in 4 hours, I am still getting the nutrition that I need. For example, yesterday my sister invited me out to lunch. We met up around noon, and all I had eaten up to that point was some milk in my coffee and half of a yogurt (the other half my toddler wanted). From the moment my sister suggested lunch, I was like a missile locked in. YES. ALL THE LUNCH. She wanted...

Intermittent fasting- changing things up

So I committed to the intermittent fasting diet- hooray for me. It was really hard the first few days. I get the urge to eat after 7pm- it's just ingrained in my mind that I should snack snack snack while I sit dormant watching TV. I rush to have dinner made and ready to eat before 6pm- because 6pm is the eating cut off. I try to remember to drink water throughout the day. Even though water and coffee are literally the only beverages that I consume on a normal basis. I try to get 12,000 steps a day, but often fall short with about 10,000. This has been said to be the average that a normal person walks in a normal day. But average and normal is not what gets a normally overweight person to lose weight. I lost 3 lbs in 17 days, according to the apps I am using - Fitbit and DoFasting! (I attribute most of this weight loss to the stomach virus that my whole family got last week). So, needless to say, after 17 days of using the apps and other tools- a brand new smart scale, night...

Intermittent Fasting

So, I have struggled with weight for YEARS. Literally YEARS. When I graduated high school I was 118 and had a belly pouch. But I was pretty fit. I gained the freshman 15 or 20 or so. I lost weight sophomore and junior year, gained it senior year, lost it when I moved out on my own and had to do everything for myself- like shop for food, budget, and cook for myself.  Gained weight when I got comfortable with my boyfriend, lost weight when I had a ridiculously active and time consuming job (13 hours a day on my feet), gained it when I was jobless and depressed, lost it when I was happily working 3 jobs and always on the go, lost weight for my wedding, gained it after the honeymoon while struggling to conceive. And finally, gained even more while being pregnant and dealing with postpartum. So here we are. I have tried a LOT of things over the years to lose weight. Let me list them: Herbalife Anorexia (NOT RECOMMENDED and not intentional, just happened due to lifestyle) Eating clean...

I'm fat again- and it's NOT ok

So, of course I know that there is a movement called "Fat Acceptance"or something of the sort, but let me tell you right now- I do not support that. For many reasons- mostly scientific/medical ones, but also personal ones. As you know, I blogged about being pregnant and having a baby. So, I completely understand and agree that my body has done wondrous things and should be praised. I do not think that becoming and being obese is the praise that it needs. I currently weigh about 164 pounds... when I was 8 months pregnant, which is when I ultimately delivered, I weighed about 165. That 17 months ago- and the differences in the health factor of me living at that weight is stark. 17 months ago I was harboring another human in a very swollen belly. I had a protective sack of fluids around that human, cushioning her. I did not have gestational diabetes and was not considered obese. Right now, I have a BMI of 30, which poses a moderate to high health risk. 30 BMI, for my stature...