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This time, it's not just about weight loss

This January is actually not dominated by the weight loss competition that I am competing in.
I am doing a whole body overhaul, and even doing a whole PERSON overhaul.
I am not sure what is driving this overhaul. It may be very, very personal reasons- it may be it may be a combination of things, and it may be a little abstract and not fully known even by myself.
But let me share with you my main focuses of this personal overhaul.
On January 2nd I opened up an LLC, a Limited Liability Company. I established this to make my pet sitting side hustle more legit and help it to grow.
I have currently been doing my pet sitting through the ROVER app/website. Rover hosts my profile, and based on my reviews and response times and how well I follow their recommendations and rules, it moves me up and down the list of sitters in my area. When I first signed up, I received my first client in a few days- and they are one of my FAVORITE! I have moved them off of the Rover platform and they are a private client who pay me directly. Why did I do that? Because Rover takes 20% cut from the sitter AND charges the client a 3% booking fee! That 20% that they take has NO CAP- I have had a $600 booking become a $480 payout, meaning that I actually did a whole day's work for FREE. When I mention this to my clients, they are not happy about it because they value the care that I give. So, many of my clients have opted to pay me cash or through Venmo, and I am on track to make 5 figures in 2020. I established the LLC, and then I opened a business checking account and got a business credit card.
This is a huge jump towards where I want to be in my career- I want to be the boss. Right now, my own boss, running my own show. These are my monkeys, and this is my circus. I'M A BOSS!
You already know, I am working on losing weight and eating healthier. I am taking some supplements- Vitamins B12 and D along with a prenatal vitamin. I also have Metamucil on my roster and powdered magnesium. I have started cycling in teas- green, black, red, white, herbal... everything recommended for weight loss and energy. I am also killing it at getting in 12,000 (or more) steps 65% of my days. I am definitely going to the gym 2 days a week. This is all being done for overall health and longevity.
This one might sound weird, but I am actually really trying to revamp my hair. In August(5 months ago) I underwent a rough hair transition, which required me to heavily bleach my hair one day and return about 36 hours later to lighten again and then lay down color. I went from dark brown with hints of red to 'rose gold' which was some blonde, some orangey or coppery colors, and some pink.I should have done this over the course of a few weeks and not a course of a few days. Needless to say, my hair is a little fried, frizzy with split ends and lacking the luster of healthy hair. So I have been using an organic strengthening shampoo and hair masque, and I just recently purchased a coconut oil based 'miracle' serum for my hair. I applied to damp hair after every shower and style as desired- usually I let it air dry and then hit it with a blow dryer and brush or straight iron. I have not added pigment to my hair in in over two months to protect whatever quality it still has. Also, the prenatal vitamins that I take promote new, healthy hair growth and it's the longest it's been for years! I am hoping that in a few weeks my hair looks less frazzled and more healthy, at which point I can think bout what to do with my grays and my roots. Some people would keep pushing on toward their next style and their next color, but I am a firm believer that even your hair needs a break and to rest and recharge. 
I am in my early 30's, mother to a toddler, an entrepreneur, sufferer of anxiety, and an overly compassionate SOB to boot! I stress A LOT, I worry a lot, and this has created not only lines on my face and bags under my eyes, but pimples. I have not had so many pimples at once since I was a teen. To say I'm a little embarrassed is an understatement. I usually cleanse my face whenever I shower and then I moisturize afterwards, and some times in between. I use an array of cleansers depending on what's been going on with my skin- if I have pimples I use a harsher one with salicylic acid that probably has exfoliating properties. On a normal day its a cream cleanser for regular skin type. My moisturizer is either straight up Aveeno lotion or when I am feeling wrinkly, I use a collagen based age fighting cream. I didn't do it ever night, only when I was especially upset about what I saw in the mirror.  Now, I am taking a more religious approach to my skin care. I have added a wrinkle fighting over night serum which states on the box that it is to be applied to a freshly cleaned face that has been air dried and to be followed with a lotion of choice once it has been allowed time to be absorbed. I will say, it stings or 'tingles' a little, as noted by the box. But overall I'm not mad about the way it makes me look. And for special occasions, I have under-eye hydrating gel packs That I can smack on and in 5 minutes I will look brighter and more refreshed, with a max of 15 minutes for full and long lasting results. I am using the Aveeno moiturizer on my hands and arms, and the collagen cream on my neck and chest. I really need to invest in a pedicure to clean up my feet and then I can put some time and effort into treating them daily, as well. And lastly, the more water I drink, the less parched my skin truly looks.

So there it all is, my overhaul plans. I don't count doing my nails in there because this is something that once you start, the fun just don't stop. I have to go every few weeks until I decided to bite or soak off the gel polish because it's ridiculously heard to remove. I've been doing them since November and right now they're a very neutral, natural color that won't look too bad as it grows out.

What do you think? Should I include the products I am using and a description of my skin, hair, and body type so that you can try to OVERHAUL too? Let me know in the comments!


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