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Showing posts from July, 2016

I hear I'm a "Millenial"

I know why our generation has no motivation to do anything. I've put a lot of thought into it. I lost sleep over it. I've felt it, I've fought it...  I'm going to highlight here three things people between the ages of 18 and 30 SHOULD be doing but are happily putting off: #1- Get higher education  Unless you  get a full ride or mom and dad can pay for it, you will pay out the ass for for the next 15-20 years of your life You may think it's common place to go to college. But college takes a lot of things... money, restraint, time, diligence, self-control... Going to college starts Freshman year of high-school. You begin prepping. You start racking up those good grades, building a GPA, building a list of extra curriculars, lining yourself up to take honors and AP classes, lining yourself up to get a high SAT score. Going to college starts 3 years before you even look at one. Then, junior or senior year you start looking at colleges that have the major you...

sensory overload

We soothe ourselves and distract ourselves and, if we can’t even face the demons inside our own brain, how can we be expected to stick something out, to love someone even when it’s not easy to love them? We bail. We leave. We see a limitless world in a way that no generation before us has seen. We can open up a new tab, look at pictures of Portugal, pull out a Visa, and book a plane ticket. We don’t do this, but we CAN. The point is  that we know we can, even if we don’t have the resources to do so. There are always other tantalizing options. Open up Instagram, Facebook, SnapChat and see the lives of others, the life we could have. The life that just looks so much more glamorous, vibrant (thanks, filters), and exciting than ours. See the places we’re not traveling to. See the lives we’re not living. See the people we’re not dating. We bombard ourselves with stimuli, input, input, input, and we wonder why we’re miserable. We wonder why we’re dissatisfied. ...

T Swift and Kim K

I think the real question is-- why do we, the common man, care so much about these idiots? Anyway Kim is an attention whore. That's what she capitalizes on. Who would record that convo between their husband and a "friend"? Clearly she (and Kanye) meant to start a problem here. Clearly she wanted the publicity. She wanted to boost her husband's album sale and video views. But then you have Taylor Swift. Taylor who has a "squad" of the prettiest, most successful (and yet most useless) women in entertainment. Victoria's secret models. Top chart singers. All women, all relatively useless to the average person. Taylor throws big expensive bashes for her friends, and everyone talks about how nice she is. Taylor didn't invite friends Kanye and Kim to her 4th of July extravaganza.... but they're "friends" Just like I'm friends with a few celebrities on Facebook..... So basically Kanye calls Taylor saying I want to use you in my u...

T Swift and Kim K

I think the real question is-- why do we, the common man, care so much about these idiots? Anyway Kim is an attention whore. That's what she capitalizes on. Who would record that convo between their husband and a "friend"? Clearly she (and Kanye) meant to start a problem here. Clearly she wanted the publicity. She wanted to boost her husband's album sale and video views. But then you have Taylor Swift. Taylor who has a "squad" of the prettiest, most successful (and yet most useless) women in entertainment. Victoria's secret models. Top chart singers. All women, all relatively useless to the average person. Taylor throws big expensive bashes for her friends, and everyone talks about how nice she is. Taylor didn't invite friends Kanye and Kim to her 4th of July extravaganza.... but they're "friends" Just like I'm friends with a few celebrities on Facebook..... So basically Kanye calls Taylor saying I want to use you in my upc...

about family

My question to you is- what does family mean to you? Does family mean you love each other unconditionally, but don't have to like each other? Does it mean that you allow others to make their own disastrous mistakes and keep your mouth closed? Does it mean that you try to divert them when they're on a collision course with heartbreak or failure or stupidity? Does it mean you "agree to disagree" every time you are with them? Does family always ask the other person first whats new? Does family always extend the invitation, or is it assumed the invite is always open? Does family mean open communication but only if it won't butthurt anyone (and does everyone's family have that one person who's butthurt about EVERYTHING?) I love my family. I would fight like a savage to protect them, I would guide them like no one guided me away from all failures and misdemeanors and stupid acts I have traipsed through. I want to be the matriarch, the one they look to...

sometimes life gets in the way

I haven't been able to keep up and post something new each day. I know I have over 600 views on my posts, so I'm glad people are reading my stuff. But sometimes living life gets in the way of doing other things- social media is one. I've had a rough few days. Everyone has them. Not feeling well Not thinking well Not sleeping well I haven't even been eating well :/ There's been a very lot on my mind and I think I will be bale to break them out into posts for you. But for those of you who have days or weeks (or even months) like the ones I've been having- chin, there's hope. there's always SOMETHING good about life. Free bagels?? Random compliments?? Making someone else laugh/smile?? Someone else who made you laugh/smile?? Saw a pretty moon?? Saw a pretty sky?? Saw a pretty person?? Puppy wagged it's tail at you?? Baby smiled at you?? Car let you go in traffic?? There's gotta be something. Find one small thing every day. Whil...

My cousin joined the cleanse "team"

So I had been talking to my cousin about this cleansing thing. We were recently walking on the beach just chatting about it. I didn't want to push it. I know her financial situation, but I also was listening to her talk about her body and her eating habits and her unhappiness.  And I mean I'm no sales person. BUT this is the first shake program I stuck to and it worked. The others, 30 days and no real results. This one was a little more expensive which is probably why I started with the other ones. But you truly do get what you pay for. I paid to lose 8lbs. . .To break a plateau. . . To gain energy. . . To see results. I got it. You can too. I had a long conversation with my cousin last night. I told her about my journey with Isagenix. People are always asking me "Why are you on a diet?" Why not I say- because YOU think I'm skinny? Because you think I'm petite? I'm on a diet because it seemed like the easiest thing to change- there were plenty of t...

Why do all the fun things happen on ALL THE SAME DAY

Do you ever have that instance when you have 3 or 4 fun things and they all happen to fall on the same day (or weekend)? example:  -your friend is visiting from out of state (with their new baby) -your girl friend's bachelorette party (out of state) -Your friend from college is having a "1st annual event" down the shore, so many of your college buddies that you don't see often are already going.  Each one is fun in it's own way. On one hand, friends from out of state, you don't get to see them often. They just had a kid- he's cute! And they're coming your way for the whole weekend. they did kinda plan this last minute (2 weeks before??) On the other, your really good girlfriend (I mean hell, you made centerpieces for her bridal shower and she made a speech about you... you guys are TIGHT) is having her bachelorette party out of town that same weekend. Last minute as well (less than 2 weeks before??) On the 3rd hand- you RSVP'd a month ago...

EVOO [heart]

Nope- it's not a Poke'mon (don't get me started on that subject). EVOO- Extra Virgin Olive oil. Delicious for dipping bread, on salads, on pasta, helps your pasta not stick to the sides of the pot, etc etc. An Italian staple in culinary delights. Also- great beauty care product. My hair is dyed, and recently looked really fried. UH OH. NO bueno to walk around looking like you stuck your finger in a socket. So I did the unthinkable. I added oil to it. EVOO to be exact. I just poured it in and massaged it into every strand. Then wrapped it in a towel and went to bed. Wash it out in the morning. Day one was a little better, but the roots looked slimy so I hit it with some dry shampoo. Did it for the second night in a row- and BAM !! There's my healthy looking hair! )yes, I hit it with a little more dry shampoo- tip: stay away from the roots lol) I also have been putting it on my face after cleansing (and right before bed to be specific). I make sure that in the morni...

Cleansing again

Ya know- there's just something that is refreshing about the idea of cleansing.  Cleansing of your sins, cleansing your colon, cleansing your news feed or friends list. Cleaning out your closet/garage/car. Finding all this stuff that has literally been DRAGGING YOU DOWN. People drag you down: Toxic people. Liars. Selfish people. People who are only your friend when its most convenient to them. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram- all full of fake friends and "followers". My mother always told me not to be a follower, that is why I don't do twitter or Instagram or snap. I don't follow people. I'm not a lost puppy. And I try to go through facebook often and see who I could give a f**k less about that is probably just dead weight. "OMG I have 912 friends!" I ran into one of my Facebook "friends" the other day... they acted like they didn't even know me. A very awkward "ooooh hey..." and walked away. Sweet. [delete] #cleanse Objects...

All Lives Matter Pt.3 - Let's talk about cops

Here's a thought: How often have you encountered a police officer? me: Possibly too often. I get pulled over a lot. There are often officer patrolling events I am at. I'm in cities a lot where they are working traffic. I also have one as a family member and a few as close personal acquaintances. What is your overall opinion of the officers you have had contact with? me: I'd say they're about 50% douschey and 50% stand up people. Even a stand up person can be a dousche sometimes. Even a dousche can be a stand up person sometimes. My officer family member would give the shirt off his back, is a family man, probably has his douschey "I'm a cop" moments but otherwise is a great guy. ONE TIME... I got pulled over and an officer approached my vehicle with his hand on his gun and yes, I feared for my life. I was afraid and scared and I didn't know why he would do this. After speaking with my family member about the incident, he said that the officer I e...

All Lives Matter Pt. 2

Scenario: I'm at the park, walking my dog, and I see a group of disabled people on an outing. They are all smiling. They are happy. They smile at me, and smile at my dog. And one woman steps forward and asks "May I pet your dog?". She's so very polite and I tell her yes he's friendly but he might jump but don't be frightened he loves to give kisses. And she reaches down, gently, and he embraces her. And he kisses her as if she's the most perfect wonderful person he has ever met. And this is basically how he greets everyone. And she tells me he is handsome, and she tells me she likes my hair, and I tell her I love her bright colored sneakers. And she says thank you and I tell her to have a wonderful day. And we part ways. I know I was smiling. My dog was smiling. She was clearly smiling the whole time. I wish everyone had more interactions like this. #1- Smiles for days. SMILES. FOR. DAYS. I said to my husband this weekend "Do I have anything in my...

All Life MATTERS pt.1

So recently it's all about BLACK lives matter, LGBT lives matter, BLUE (police) lives matter....the question begs to be answered: WHY DON'T ALL LIVES MATTER? When we were children, we would tell our parents that we had a new friend. They were nice to us. They shared their snack. They were a boy or  a girl, and they had brown/blonde/red hair.... they had some distinguishing characteristics. Most likely, we picked them out because #1 they were nice to us and #2 they stood out to us. Maybe because of their characteristics, but probably because of their personality. I really don't think I ever came home and told my parents I had a black/white/purple (whatever) friend- that didn't matter. But maybe when my parents finally met that special friend they said something like "Oh they're Asian" or "oh the little black boy". It took an adult's perception to put a gender or raced based category to my new friend. And then you grow up doing that- Classify...

There's just so Damn much going on right now

There is so much going on in our world right now and people of all backgrounds need to have open honest conversations- with each other. A conversation where all sides are heard. Where people come with an open mind and are willing to learn from one another. The more I read statuses and conversations on social media the more I realize that social media is not always the right place for these conversations because there is so much room to misinterpret what someone is saying. I'm hoping that people who really care and want to find a solution go to the proper forums to truly learn from one another. Be the change you want to see in the world. Let the change start with you. Start small and have your movement grow **Butterfly effect**

delicious and nutritious (HEALTHY) pick-me- up after the long holiday weekend

Try this recipe out P.A.M.   or Pineapple, Apple and Mint. It should just be called Y.U.M. I could bathe in this stuff. ·           1/3 of a pineapple  ·           2 large green apples  ·            A few pinches of mint (don’t add too much, or it’ll overpower the other flavors) Don't forget to strain it out if "cleansing" (not supposed to eat 'solids') Sounds freakin awesome! I hear that when your muscles are sore, Pineapple is a good recover food. Green apples boost metabolism. Mint is just dandy. How can you go wrong with this??

Kindness... a big word that takes little effort

Have  compassion  for all living things. What is compassion? By definition: sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others. Synonyms: pity, sympathy, empathy, fellow feeling, care, concern, solicitude, sensitivity, warmth, love, tenderness, mercy, leniency, tolerance, kindness , humanity, charity. That word- compassion- is so full of meaning.  Empathy, concern, mercy, sensitivity, tolerance, HUMANITY. I would say the #1 way to promote compassion is to say you should have concern for the well-being of others. That's the simplest way to put it. And it's so simple. It's like that saying- don't be quick to judge, you  don't know whats going on in someone else's life. If we were quicker to show concern for others, we'd be not as quick to show hate and judgement. We see people's expressions and without asking, we come to our own conclusion. Resting Bitch Face is a THING. SO instead of saying to someone- why do you always look...


So there's a video on facebook ( ) That I saw and it really made me think.   After graduation and well into their 20s and 30s, many of today’s millennials continue to live childishly, so much so that the idea of behaving like an adult has become a joke with its own hashtag: #adulting. Per Urban Dictionary (because that's the only place to find definitions for stupid made up words- like BAE) Adulting   (v): to do grown up things and hold responsibilities such as, a 9-5 job, a mortgage/rent, a car payment, or anything else that makes one think of grown ups. Doing something grown-up and responsible (**MY FAVORITE**)  Being a responsible adult. Used by immature 20-somethings who are proud of themselves for paying a bill. Most appropriately:  Adulting (v): to carry out one or more of the duties and responsibilities expected of fully developed individuals (paying off that credit card debt, settling bee...