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Cleansing again

Ya know- there's just something that is refreshing about the idea of cleansing. 
Cleansing of your sins, cleansing your colon, cleansing your news feed or friends list. Cleaning out your closet/garage/car.
Finding all this stuff that has literally been DRAGGING YOU DOWN.
People drag you down: Toxic people. Liars. Selfish people. People who are only your friend when its most convenient to them. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram- all full of fake friends and "followers". My mother always told me not to be a follower, that is why I don't do twitter or Instagram or snap. I don't follow people. I'm not a lost puppy. And I try to go through facebook often and see who I could give a f**k less about that is probably just dead weight. "OMG I have 912 friends!" I ran into one of my Facebook "friends" the other day... they acted like they didn't even know me. A very awkward "ooooh hey..." and walked away. Sweet. [delete] #cleanse
Objects drag you down: I often can't have people in my car because I have so much crap in it. I have so much stuff on my desk or dresser or kitchen table that I can't find the damn scissors EVER. Forget trying to keep track of a freakin pen. And then you go through it and sometimes you're like "wtf do I even still have this"
Anecdote of the moment: We get Save the Dates, Christmas cards, thank you cards... My husband opens them, says "that's nice" and promptly tosses them. I had to tell them that if they have pictures on them, someone paid a lot of money for that and it's only right to display it for like 30 days. So, literally the day after Christmas he throws out all the Christmas cards. The only save the dates we still have are the ones that are magnets because we needed more magnets. He sure does have a simple, stress-free way of thinking....
But objects drag you down in other ways. EX- People who love their car more than their kids. People who cover carpets and sofas with plastic. People who have lots of "toys" and yet seem devoid of companions. People who have lots of designer clothes and cake way too much make up on so they're barely recognizable. That's all excess sludge. You're carrying it around. If you can't go out the door without a 3 hour routine to be "presentable". How is that healthy? Wouldn't you want to shed falsities, lift that burden off your body mind and soul, and just be free to be you? On the day someone dies, I'm not thinking about what car they owned or what brand shoes they wore or how they're eyelash extensions were always on point. All of that is material. You cannot take it with you. It doesn't make you the person everyone remembers. [delete] #cleanse

And then there's the kind of cleansing I do through the Isagenix program. Why do I do?
If you don't know, I'm a bit of a scientist. I know a thing or too about nutrition. I know that my favorite animals (horses) have the most inefficient digestive tracks known to grazing animals. They have a small stomach and lots of intestines that are easily disrupted, and a lot of what comes out the back is exactly what they put int heir mouth.
So think about your digestive system. you studied it in school. you know that you put things in your mouth and your stomach gurls and swirls and mashes it up into smaller particles that are usable by your body. The small intestine does most of the nutrient absorbing. STOP RIGHT THERE. Think about that. NUTRIENT ABSORBING. You eat food for sustenance, and nutrients. But most of the stuff you are putting in your body is lacking nutrients and packed with unnecessary filters. Why? To make it CHEAPER (because face it, we are all f**king cheap asses). So you put crap fillers into your body, and you know where they end up? Sludged onto the walls of your intestines. And that sludge slows down and even HALTS nutrient absorption. So you're not getting nutrients, so your body craves more sustenance, so you eat more and never feel full, never feel satisfied.
By cleansing the intestines, you are able to wipe of that sludge and let them do their job, make it efficient again. Imagine years of dirt and grime build-up- you've seen it on the undercarriage of cars, on windows, etc etc. When sludge builds up in your engine, your car ceases to run. Functionality ceases. Imagine if your body did that?
So for 2 days I drink an all natural liquid mixture that will gently scrub the inside of my intestines and flush out any (literally) crap that's been clinging to it. And when you do that- you free up these little finger like projections called VILLI that literally grab and absorb nutrients. When the sludge becomes caked on, those fingers can't grab. You're missing out on lots of good stuff.
I've lost 3 pounds of random crap in 2 days. 3 extra pounds I was just carrying around for no reason. Might as well put rocks in my purse (at least I'd build muscle!!). 3 extra pounds of CRAP that was clogging up my nutrient highway. Traffic. Clutter. And those 3 extra pounds were causing my body to work harder to get nutrients, which makes me tired. And when it's working harder I feel like I should eat more. And then 3lbs will become 6... will become 16.... and so on.

Cleansing can be an any day anything every day everything action. And it will make you feel better. Instant gratification AND long term gratification.



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