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Showing posts from September, 2016

why do more People watch videos than read blogs?

So, you are seeing less articles written and less blogging... and more videos/ vlogs.  We are so progressive.  What I see happening is people either : a) People wanting to be distracted enough by the person talking rather than what they are talking about b) People thinking reading takes too long and a video is quicker (????) c) People thinking "I can multitask by listening to a video and do other things at the same time" ........Not quite sure.......... Videos get 1,000s (+++++) of views, likes, and shares. Articles and written word are getting lost. I mean, people still read actual books and magazines... they still have kindles and stuff- right?? I could bullshit the A out of written paper, but bullshit a video? Now that sound shard. But I really liked English and reading and writing stories and essays and such. Poetry. Whatever.  [.....weirdo] So what is your reason for watching tons of videos over reading something similar? Please comment below. --A...

Live and let live: WEDDINGS

When did we become a nation who's own people tell each other what they should and shouldn't do, and who tells all the other nations how they should and shouldn't live their lives? I read an article titled: Let’s Ban Weddings and, While We’re at It, Baby Showers Too "The celebrations women don't need to have" written by, a woman. I'm sorry, but in a country where Freedom reigns , why would you try to ban happiness? Why would you suggest it. Really, I have more of a problem with how this was phrased and less of a problem with the actual concept of it. I see the under-title saying "don't need to have"... and that may be the truest statement of them all. There's plenty of STUFF out there we DON'T NEED TO HAVE to survive and live a decent life. Over here in the good ole US of A though, it's a society that relishes in excess, showing off, and luxury.  Yes- weddings are ridiculously expensive, IF YOU WANT THEM TO BE. They a...


I can see the point to protesting, I really can. The right to protest injustice is actually ingrained into our culture- down to the very roots of America. There is something very wrong with our society and scary things happening at an alarming rate. This is APPARENT. There is UNREST. There is INEQUALITY . There are things happening that have NO RHYME OR REASON. To an open minded and accepting individual, there is a huge problem and no solution in sight. I don't want to pick sides. I want to say that both sides have an equal responsibility in escalating this situation. Point fingers all you want, but cops don't gun down people who are standing there minding their own business. That has not happened ONCE. Cops don't go after people because without REASON. Whatever the reason is. A merchant called the cops because of loitering and dealing going on in his parking lot, it resulted in a death. A bystander called the cops to report an abandoned vehicle in the middle...

Be the change you want to see in the world

I will not bash anyone - even though I really want to. But- positive vibes win And there is a video on Upworthy Here's how I see it. Former NFL player- not even a super good one and he kinda knows that- he got injured, got addicted to the painkillers, knew he had a problem and he asked people to help him. He embraced it and got himself help and made himself better. He re-evaluated his life and said "what can I be if I can't be a football player"? He decided to start an elite athlete training gym. Pretty cool. He found a way to exist without drugs, without football, and made something of himself. And then one day he sees someone way down in the pits of despair. He finds out the guy is an army veteran, he's addicted to drugs because they stopped giving him the painkillers, and he sleeps with a gun - just in case. That's when something mira...

Be the change you want to see in the world

I will not bash anyone - even though I really want to. But- positive vibes win And there is a video on Upworthy Here's how I see it. Former NFL player- not even a super good one and he kinda knows that- he got injured, got addicted to the painkillers, knew he had a problem and he asked people to help him. He embraced it and got himself help and made himself better. He re-evaluated his life and said "what can I be if I can't be a football player"? He decided to start an elite athlete training gym. Pretty cool. He found a way to exist without drugs, without football, and made something of himself. And then one day he sees someone way down in the pits of despair. He finds out the guy is an army veteran, he's addicted to drugs because they stopped giving him the painkillers, and he sleeps with a gun - just in case. That's when something mira...

A thought after last night's game

So I was watching the Patriot's game last night and during the National Anthem I said to my husband "while this whole Kaepernick thing is going on, someone somewhere thought this- DO YOU STAND IN YOUR HOME OR IN YOUR LOCAL WATERING HOLE WHEN THE NATIONAL ANTHEM PLAYS WHILE YOU'RE WATCHING A SPORTING EVENT AT YOUR LEISURE??? " And there we all are, in our homes, sitting in a Lay-Z-boy or laying on the couch... looking at the faces on the screen and judging them by what they are doing. Seeing who's standing, who's kneeling, who's doing what. And what do we really care? Why do we really care? Why does the media blow it up? Why does the camera instinctively cut to two players thrusting their fists in the air at the end of the song - is that a black panther salute??? Are we offended??? The narrators had it right... "These days everyone is trying to make a statement, and they're doing it during or around the national anthem". That was all. ...

15 years later- September 11th

People may not realize that the top of one of those "twin" towers was the biggest cell phone antenna in the whole city. Or that cell service went out after the 1st plane hit. Imagine that today. We are all so glued to our phones, imagine actually NEEDING THEM because there was a traumatic event going on and you needed help, or were looking for someone you knew, or were trying to tell someone you were OK.  Fifteen years ago on that fateful day my Daddy was called into action.  No he's not a police man, a firefighter, he's not national guard or search and rescue.  He's just an electrician, and he was T-Mobile's go-to guy in NJ/NYC for temporary cell service sites.  You bet your ass he had an important job to get in there and do- restore cell service to the great city as it was in its darkest moments.  He went in while people were scrambling to get out. He had to climb in and on the wreckage surrounding what is now known as "ground zero", and se...

"Bless your little heart"

I heard the funniest thing today. "Down south, you can make fun of anybody and say anything nasty about them.... as long as at the end of it all you say 'bless their(his/her) little heart' " Examples: She's got 3 kids by 4 different dads, bless her little heart. He got whooped with an ugly stick, bless his heart. They're dumber than a truck load of crap, bless their hearts. You got a funny one for me??? SHARE IT!!!!!

They call me Feisty

So, have I mentioned I did the blog thing before? The only problem is I couldn't get back into my first blog after I deleted the email account associated with it :( I wanted to go with the same set-up, I mean, they don't call me Feisty for nothing... This blog I wrote when I was younger, and kinda the same thing- I started it because I needed to lose weight, wanted to chronicle my life, WANTED TO BE RELEVANT. Isn't that what blogging, and Insta, and Snap, and HASHTAGS are all about?

What are you passionate about?

This weekend I hung out with my aunt. We laughed, I think she shed a tear, but we had a good time. And I walked away thinking, boy is she passionate. Let me give you some back story..... In 2008 my aunt had an abnormal mammogram [yes, mammograms suck but they save lives ladies] which resulted in a double mastectomy in 2009. At this time, she had 5 children, aged 8-15. She couldn't work, and her husband had to support them all while doing normal everyday life things- like driving them around to sports/activities, grocery shopping, making meals, etc. And then something miraculous happened. The community stepped up and stepped in- people she knew and many strangers who became friends. Meals were brought over, kids were carpooled without questions, someone stopped by to make sure the kids actually ate dinner and did their homework. And my aunt recovered fully. They didn't miss a beat in their lives and were no worse for the wear (minus a pair of boobies). After receiving such ...