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Live and let live: WEDDINGS

When did we become a nation who's own people tell each other what they should and shouldn't do, and who tells all the other nations how they should and shouldn't live their lives?

I read an article titled:

Let’s Ban Weddings and, While We’re at It, Baby Showers Too

"The celebrations women don't need to have" written by, a woman.

I'm sorry, but in a country where Freedom reigns, why would you try to ban happiness? Why would you suggest it. Really, I have more of a problem with how this was phrased and less of a problem with the actual concept of it. I see the under-title saying "don't need to have"... and that may be the truest statement of them all. There's plenty of STUFF out there we DON'T NEED TO HAVE to survive and live a decent life. Over here in the good ole US of A though, it's a society that relishes in excess, showing off, and luxury. 

Yes- weddings are ridiculously expensive, IF YOU WANT THEM TO BE. They are becoming increasingly frivolous and getting away from the actual point of them. What are the things people spend the most money on? (Please feel free to weigh in)
- decor
-dress (es???)
- food
- entertainment

 But when all is said and done- the people who wanted it paid for it and who are you to tell them they shouldn't have?

I regret spending what I did on my wedding. But it's done and over with and 18 months behind me. For me, it was about the experience. It was about the party. Because I have found and lived with and started a life with the man who is now my husband. This day was almost 7 years in the making. It culminated with heartfelt hand written vows, a unity candle lighting, and a bonding prayer- oh yeah and a kiss and signatures on a piece of paper.... to make it "legal". 

And my biggest regret is not thinking outside the box about it more. Because, there WAS a way to do it cheaper. We did things like NOT giving out favors (because at the end of the day people don't care about them), not spending hundreds of dollars to decorate to our theme, not having a scheduled send-off with sparklers or fireworks, not having an entourage of limos, not having every single person we know be in attendance. Things like that. 

I mean- I've been to weddings where you walked in to a wall of multicolored martinis and sushi towers and ice luges and Venetian tables of desserts. There's plenty of add-ons "to enhance your affair"- probably verbatim from a place's brochure. 

But at the end of the day- I wanted to plan and throw a celebration. To celebrate all that is good in our life with our near and dears. If someone tried to stop me- there would have been hell to pay. Plenty of venues had restrictions enough. NO SHOTS? What is this crap? NO DOGS ON THE BEACH? But he's our designated ring-bearer. NO YOU CAN'T ARRIVE IN A HORSE DRAWN CARRIAGE BECAUSE THE TOWN DOESN'T WANT THE TRAFFIC. There were plenty of no's and naysayers. But the bottom line is: we wanted it, we paid for it, we enjoyed it (so did EVERYONE ELSE IN ATTENDANCE), and it was OUR CHOICE.

Seriously though people- stop trying to take other people's choices away because you don't agree with it. 

And then I read another article that said: Getting married is NOT an accomplishment.
Jeez- sometimes people just want a reason- any reason- to celebrate. If you as a person allow people to only celebrate certain aspects of your life- that's your problem.
I choose to have a "my hubby got promoted" dinner, or a "housewarming party" or a "wedding".... and I asked people to celebrate with me and they joined in on it. People are saying birthdays aren't spectacular but we celebrate 21st birthdays, 30th birthdays, 50th (over the hill?), etc etc etc.
It's whatever YOU as a person choose to celebrate that gets celebrated in the way you choose to in YOUR life.
In reality- NOBODY(stra
ngers especially) really gives an eff what you do, where you live, if your married - whatever. They just use those common opening questions to start conversations in social settings. So stop being butthurt about other people's outlook on life. If getting married was an accomplishment in their eyes- good for them! 

Focus on YOUR OWN accomplishments. Always strive to better YOURSELF and make YOU happy. 


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