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I can see the point to protesting, I really can. The right to protest injustice is actually ingrained into our culture- down to the very roots of America.

There is something very wrong with our society and scary things happening at an alarming rate. This is APPARENT. There is UNREST. There is INEQUALITY. There are things happening that have NO RHYME OR REASON. To an open minded and accepting individual, there is a huge problem and no solution in sight.

I don't want to pick sides. I want to say that both sides have an equal responsibility in escalating this situation. Point fingers all you want, but cops don't gun down people who are standing there minding their own business. That has not happened ONCE. Cops don't go after people because without REASON. Whatever the reason is. A merchant called the cops because of loitering and dealing going on in his parking lot, it resulted in a death. A bystander called the cops to report an abandoned vehicle in the middle of the road, it resulted in a death. A routine traffic stop for a busted taillight results in a death. There are trigger happy cops, and then there are scared cops. There are scared perps and then there are people who agitate a situation. IF SOMEONE MADE YOU FEAR FOR YOUR LIFE- WOULD YOU FIGHT OR FLIGHT? That's the question we all have to ask ourselves, and then put ourselves in both the victim's and the officer's shoes.

I try not to pick a side.

But when I read things like this I get confused:
"Protesters blocked Interstate 85, one of two major expressways running through Charlotte. Some started a fire at the center of the highway, forcing vehicles and tractor-trailers to stall as far as the eye could see. Other protesters removed boxes from the back of semitrailers and set the items on fire. Police in riot gear formed a line and forced crowds away from the highway."
Staring a fire to stop traffic.... OK. Breaking into the trucks and steal merch, even if used to fuel your fire? Some of these protesters are just opportunists... robbing and cause senseless violence under a different name. This has nothing to do with the movement. This is just adding 'stupid salt' to the wound that is social injustice/inequality.

This is the kinda stuff that makes outsiders not take you seriously. Smashing store fronts, looting tractor trailers, putting other un-involved innocent lives in danger, destroying small businesses in your community... doing things like that takes away from THE POSITIVITY THE MOVEMENT HAS TO OFFER. I Truly believe that black lives won't matter, until black lives matter to black lives...

#smh #smdh #whereisthelove #MADWORLD #blacklivesmatter #bluelivesmatter #thinblueline #alllivesmatter


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