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Showing posts from January, 2017

Why I got rid of Facebook.

I used to go on Facebook to check in on my friends and family. My best friends live in places like California, Boston, Oklahoma... I also have family in Poland that we like to keep tabs on... my little sister lives in Chicago.... And I miss them all dearly. Facebook was the best way to keep up with their lives, see their wonderful faces, and feel connected to them. All of a sudden- within the past year or so?- Facebook has become a place of darkness, of utter negativity. The complainers, the haters, the shamers, the "I know better than you" opinion sharers. The self-proclaimed "social justice warriors" battling it out with every person [they deem to be a bigot, racist, or - in reality- just] in disagreement with their idea or way of expressing it. Sorry but not sorry- when did we stop "agreeing to disagree"? When did we write people off for their political views, or their ideals, or their opinions about random shit? The "you-wouldn't- u...

Be the change.... Part 3

Because the world needs more positivity in it........

Some thoughts on how to live a better, more positive life 💖 Live beneath your means Return everything you borrow Give clothes not worn to charity Do something nice and try not to get caught Don’t make excuses Don’t argue Stop blaming other people Admit when you make a mistake Listen more, talk less Be kind to people Be kind to unkind people Let someone cut ahead of you in line Be on time Get organized Strive for excellence, not perfection Take time to be alone Cultivate good manners Be humble Realize and accept that life isn’t fair Stop creating unrealistic expectations Know when to keep your mouth shut Go an entire day without criticizing anyone Go an entire day with smile on your face Everyday take a 30 minute walk Learn from the past  --  Plan for the future  --  Live in the present Don’t sweat the small stuff (it’s almost all small stuff). Don't forget- we were born to be REAL, not perfect.

What exactly are we protesting, and why is it supposedly Trump's fault?

Protesting. This is a normality now. It is an everyday occurrence. Another thing we have to consider "the new normal", right next to terror attacks and 'shootings'. We all heard about the women's marches... the most famous was the one on DC the day after the inauguration. But let me point out- this movement was organized and marches were held on a WORLDWIDE LEVEL.... which got me thinking that that issue actually has NOTHING TO DO WITH TRUMP.... But what do I know? I'm just a woman-- who's not afraid of a Trump-governed America. But that's not the only thing being marched or protested about. Gays were out in full force this weekend- They piggybacked the women's rally with signs that said things like "If I can't marry my boyfriend, I'll marry your daughter". I am not sure what that has to do with anything, but it seems disrespectful to the women who are marching for THEIR rights. Organize your own damn rally!! Blacks were p...

Being a wife is a powerful thing

It seems the idea of being a 'housewife' is outdated, and is now widely considered a negative thing. I think that people who don't revere it, know nothing about it. People who think that running the household or child-rearing is not the most important thing a woman- or any parent can do- or that a woman can do so much more than the 'petty nuances of a stay at home mom'- this one is for you! Because, as a wife, I beg to differ. And the bible, an ancient text with so much profound wisdom to offer, actually states a wife's character is nothing short of NOBLE. I have copied and pasted the text, and of course added my insight. ;) Enjoy- or don't... your choice. Epilogue: The Wife of Noble Character   Proverbs 31:10-31 10  A wife of noble character  who can find?  She is worth far more than rubies. She is invaluable. That's a no-brainer. 11  Her husband  has full confidence in her  and lacks nothing of value. Her husband definitely knows it, and knows ...

Yesterday was MLK Jr day, and BLM jumped right on the bandwagon

As the nation celebrates  # MLK  Jr day — some would say it's important to note the current movement, that his people are still fighting the battle he started. They may go as far as to remind us all that people today are more critical of the movement for black lives than they were of the civil rights movement in the 60's. And then they ask-- How do we change that? ~~~Here we go... you want 2 cents? I got it!~~~ I think that what most people in this day and age forget, is that MLK Jr WAS A PACIFIST- That is probably the big difference. He was also educated. He calculated his words. He calculated the response to his words. He calculated his response to their response. He thought things out and always stayed true to his core self- being a pacifist (which means he wholeheartedly believed that war and violence are unjustifiable). And thus, he will always be remembered as the biggest ACTIVIST. His demeanor, his actions, his very well thought out words and marches were the...

Should we "blame" parents for MILLENNIALS?

People are "blaming parents of millennials" for the way their kids turned out.  But think of it this way- OUR parent's(and their parent's before them) generation grew up and raised us by breaking their backs and pinching pennies so we(the children) would have everything we 'wanted and dese rved' and thus they handed us many things with the reasoning that "their parents were never able to do it like this"  ...So instead of us working hard and breaking our backs for things we wanted starting at a very young age(as our parents and grandparents did before us), some of us became accustomed to things being bestowed upon us and grew up thinking that was how the world worked.  Our parents- most of them- were great people only trying to do what they thought was best for us.  But a little bit of working for something and appreciating it when you earned it can surely go a long long way.   I have had a job since I was 12 or so and lived mostly on my ...

Comfort Zone? Safe space? Get out of the box....

"The comfort zone exists because of our natural responses to danger. But we are no longer products of nature. We learn, we build, we are self aware, we wage wars, we create beautiful works of art, and so much more. With all that, why the hell can't we rise above our necessity to stay within our comfort zone? It's time to throw away this made up zone you feel you need to confide yourself within. Break out of the norm. Live hard." Now-a-days, safety pins are being worn to show strangers "you are safe with me". There are "safe spaces", which should be defined as a place or environment in which a person or category of people can feel confident that they will not be exposed to discrimination, criticism, harassment, or any other emotional or physical harm. And while that sounds all unicorns and fluffy clouds and rainbows, is it realistic? -Is it realistic that safe spaces were created on college campuses for college students (who are considered ADULT...