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Everyone's thinking it, I'm asking: Is today's left wing liberalism a mental illness?

This is a serious topic of discussion on 'the right'. Not even the far right... the center right. The "68 % conservatives", the "Centrists", the "Young Outsiders", and the "Somewhat Liberals". 

I don't know what the spectrum is for "political or world views" but I'd have to say I hang to the right and the conservative. Which sounds so weird, because CONSERVATIVE is not really a word I'd ever use to describe myself. But I talked about this in past blog posts... today's topic is, are people on the FAR LEFT suffering from mental illness?

My psychologist sister would have you believe that everyone suffers from some form of mental illness in varying degrees. I suffer from anxiety which induces depression. FUN! The anxiety is inherited, the depression is what occurs when you stop learning how to cope with new or prolonged anxiety inducing situations. Anxiety is a product of chemical imbalance, it can be treated with drugs and with coping mechanisms that you have to be dedicated to teaching yourself. I used to be able to handle my anxiety well, I mean I got myself through college. I still had many many anxiety/panic attacks, I had trouble sleeping in my dorm room all alone (I have trouble sleeping alone in my apartment/house even to this day), I still had a few mental breakdowns, but never depression. Depression didn't hit me until I entered the real world.

However, it seems that pre-real world liberals are having breakdowns in the streets, breakdowns in the classrooms, and breakdowns all over the internet. 

It seems that Liberal feminists don't actually want equality between the sexes, they want female dominance. They want to squash men under their feet and prove that they can do everything a man can do, and do it better- that we don't need men. They also think it's OK to spit at, throw things at, throw their boobs/body at, or hit anyone of any gender... but if a man hits you back, men shouldn't hit women. That's not fair. 

It seems that liberal racial equality leaders don't want equality, they want separate but equal (but stepping on others to get there, but playing the victim the whole way, and oh yeah and a healthy serving of violence). Because, white people suck.

It seems that liberal LGBT(QXYZ#?????!) want equality, but are not inclusive. They like to remind you to kindly f**k off if you are a Cis straight anything. Or if you are proud of - not even proud of, just being and existing as- the gender you were born with, with an attraction to a person of the opposite gender that they were also born with. Interestingly enough, the B stands for Bi and the LGBT community is very judgemental about who is actually Bi. They tend to alienate people who are not flamboyantly and extremely LGBTQPA....whatever else. They tend to celebrate those who ARE the most extreme of the extreme genres that make up their community. Just a little gay does not go a long way.

It seems that liberals want to be non-defined, or very incredibly specifically defined, while defining everyone else... with lump generalizations. "Bigot! Racist! Mysoginist! Shamer!" ALL negative connotations towards people they have barely any knowledge about.

It seems liberals say "Love Trumps Hate" and yet they sling hate at every chance they get. You would think that "Love Trumps Hate" means that you brush off hate that you feel towards you and glow with love, not reflect the hate 100x stronger back at the haters. 

Liberals want everyone to know that they are always the victim, they are always offended, that YOU need to change, and that they aren't backing down. They need to scream and throw temper tantrums and block roads and march to get their point across. They need to be more offensive than you to get their point across. They don't need to hear your point of view because it's bullshit to them. They also need to make you feel like absolute shit while being devoid of any sound reasoning for their attack.

Liberals have no problem wearing bloody fake body parts on their heads, sticking up for ILLEGAL aliens over homeless veterans, blocking traffic for reasons even THEY can’t articulate, looting in said traffic, looting stores in the name of dismantling capitalism, raging when anyone with an opposing view dares to speak... all the while bodies in the neediest cities are piling up, the children they pretend to care for are not educated or are incorrectly educated, and all they are truly after is one world government. A government that provides free shit for all the people so the people have to do less to survive. A government that helps stifle those whose opinions differ from the Liberal agenda. A government who has no say over it's people past giving them everything they could ever need or want.

Sounds a lot like the Nazi take over... where the party brainwashed everyone into thinking something so ludicrous (the Aryan race is supreme??) that no one remembered Hitler was half a Jew and overlooked the fact that he had dark hair and eyes and not the blonde haired/blue eyed features he lauded. On top of that, they allowed him to ostracize, isolate, and then exterminate people. In today's day and age, it will be the cis/straight/white people who will be rounded up and exterminated. It will be scientists and realists and Christians and Republicans who will be in concentration camps while the liberals run wild and free and spread their ridiculous notions of (?)reality(?). I'm curious if they will leave the ultra conservative Mormons, Jews, and Amish out of this. Islam will probably take over, as they have been trying to do before The Crusades were even a thought. Islam who is NOT progressive. Islam who is not pro-women, pro-choice, pro-anything really.

People have concluded the Nazi leader had a mental illness, that his subjects were brainwashed, and that anyone who truly in their heart believed what he preached was also suffering from mental illness.

I would like to see more studies done about mental illness in Liberals. 


  1. The same thing you articulated for far left can also be applied to far right groups in much of the same way.

    1. Far-right conservatives and far-left liberals are definitely both "extremists" of their ideologies. However there seem to be a lot less far-righters or 'groups' in general, less extreme outbursts and demonstrations, and less perversion of reality. The right seems more based in reality and interested in protecting that reality and less about turning everything upside down and forcing others to believe in it. I think that Hitler was FAR FAR FAR right, and Kim Jong Il and that regime, the KKK and the Westboro Baptist (can you call it a church??) people. But that's not the majority of Conservatives. It seems- to me- based on recent events, on skewed news coverage, and based on personal experiences that the majority of 'left' liberals are closed minded extremists.
      And I know it's not every liberal standing out as far left, but so many more are leaning that way and publicly lashing out. While the rights all over thee just kinda like "keep calm and carry on". Just my take on things.

    2. What about far rights like the Bundy family and all their followers? Taking over federal land doesn't seem like keeping calm and carrying on. There are also tons of far right, racist extremists still protesting different things throughout the Southeast, if not across the country. There's actually a white nationalist rally this weekend in Charlottesville, which is made up of far right people.

    3. I think the difference is I swing more to the left, so the far right seems more extreme to me because when they do things they are further from my personal views. You swing more right, so when far left people do things they seem more extreme to you because they're further from your personal views.

    4. I don't know much about the Bundy thing but it seems like that was a legal thing taken to the extreme... hard working cattle ranchers not happy with the ridiculously high fees and taxes levied on them for using "federal land" for the betterment of the American people- grazing cattle that feed Americans. I personally feel that farmers (of all sorts) are the most screwed hard working Americans out there. They always get the short end of the stick. I did research and apparently that Bundy guy is a Racist redneck as well, but that's not why he took over the federal Land. He and the handful of individuals who partook in the standoff were all arrested and jailed for it.
      The Charlottesville thing was done with permits that were granted by the local govt. Doesn't make it right what they stand for, but they aren't out of line under their constitutional rights of free speech. Assholes have certain unalienable rights too.
      Although- I think that a lot of people will miss the fact that I condemn EXTREMISM on both sides. There are uneducated sheep on both sides of the spectrum. I agree though, I find it hard to find common ground with the extremism further away from my personal views. I hope no one thinks I'm a racist, bigoted, white supremacist/nationalist, misogynist because I lean right. But they are entitled to their opinions... :/

    5. I agree, I think that farmers are generally hard working, good people who often don't make as much money as they deserve. I do not believe the Bundys fall in that category. They basically wanted free use of federal land for their cattle to destroy, so they could make 100% profit on those cattle, and when the government finally fought back, they threatened their lives. I've seen the land their cattle run all over in Nevada. The area is beautiful and unique and easily devastated by cattle because it's the desert and things don't decompose quickly and there isn't much food for them. It's sad to see some of the areas there just riddled with piles of cow shit, that will be there for decades.

      It just seems to me as though you're picking out some extreme liberal views/incidents and making it sound like that is the majority, but when it comes to anything extreme on the conservative side, you're just writing them off as extremists/ racists/ bigots that you don't agree with. I certainly don't think you're one of those groups because you lean right, I just think I see things skewed the opposite way, and that maybe the reality is somewhere in the middle. That both sides will always have a minority of extremists on the ends, and that both groups of people have equal chances of suffering from mental illness.


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