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I can't believe I had to say this at work

Preface- I work for a Vet hospital that has been opened for 30 years, and owned by my current boss for about 9. The current "team" has been around for about a year. The doctor told me if I have concerns I should speak up. HERE WE GO:

Our hospital is not a well-oiled machine that runs smoothly, but it can be. Years of experience in offices and managing facilities leaves me to be very frustrated with the willy nilly way this establishment operates, and I can see that Doc is frustrated too. Currently, we consistently let things fall through the cracks and do not think outside the box for the betterment of the practice or ourselves as individuals.
 I’ve found some things that I think need to be addressed:
-          We have shift change sheets, use them. Put too much info if you feel inclined. Do not be afraid to put something (if you truly are afraid/worried, provide a detailed reason for not completing)
-          Speak directly to each other on important matters
o   EX: if animal comes in with suspected kennel cough, fleas, ringworm (any number of CODE RED QUARANTINE symptoms/diagnosis) speak directly to the next shift about handling/ clean-up/ disinfecting protocols.
o   If a client has mentioned any special circumstances, make it aware to the other working members of the team prior to the client’s arrival.
§  EX- client expresses financial concerns over the phone
§  EX- client is extremely worried about condition of animal, we would do best to see them in an expedited manner.
o   EX: If you take an emergency call and/or need to make special arrangements for any client, speak directly to all working members of the team so everyone is in the know.
§  Ex- client needs to come in back door, client has aggressive dog needs to be roomed immediately, client has multiple animals needs to be roomed immediately, client needs assistance getting pet in/out of car.
-          We have ways of doing things that work nicely and are (if they are not already, should be) office protocol, find a respectful way to make sure everyone is doing things the same way, every time. Find a respectful and appropriate time and place to discuss discrepancies and correct the behavior. There should not be discrepancies in our policies from shift to shift. If a special circumstance arises, it needs to be dually noted and communicated to the shift that will be handling the situation. Everyone needs to be uniform in prep, responses to inquiries, in care, and in protocol so that where one person leaves off the next can easily and quickly pick up.
Team work
-          Know your job description and duties. Know the most important things and priorities. Also know the overall priorities of the HOSPITAL. Seeing patients in a kindly, timely manner is everyone’s priority.
o   If a receptionist is not readily available, an ‘idle’ member of the team can answer the phone, check patients in, attend to walk-in clients (food, preventatives, Faithful Companions pick-ups).
o   If a tech is not readily available, an ‘idle’ member of the team can take the weight, record the weight in the patients chart, see the patient into an exam room, fill a medication for pick-up, discharge a patient, feed the house cats (at about 5pm or near that if they start causing a ruckus).
§  There should never be more than one patient waiting in the waiting room if there is an open exam room UNLESS the room is reserved for a euthanasia or other Code RED patient.
-          Picking up the slack when the office is busy is not enabling- it’s actually the epitome of TEAMWORK. Keeping the place running smoothly and efficiently is everyone’s priority. Everyone will be happier if things run smoother- especially DOC!
-          Work for the best interest of the group/Hospital and the best interest of the shift simultaneously. Know what needs to be done to get through the shift with a happy doctor.
-          If you start it, finish it. That is the best way to avoid inaccuracies.
-          This will require additional communication from the DOER of the task to the person who may have been EXPECTED to do it. Just because ‘once upon a time’ someone gave two doses of medicine to a boarding animal does not mean that this is not the best way to do things. Use the cage cards the correct way, cross train the staff to take care of kennel the correct way, and commend staff when they step up and the hospital runs better because of it.
o   Since the phones and front door are the top priorities of the receptionist, please note that #1 there is a working phone down in the kennel area and #2 it is very easy to hear the door and footsteps overhead.
-          Definition: the official procedure or system of rules governing affairs [of the practice]
-          When someone finds a good or better way to do something, they should be applauded and it should become protocol for all. When someone makes a suggestion it should be considered and tried until proven insufficient.
-          There should be staunch protocol on everything- from chart set-up, to mixing the mop bucket, to input and double-checking records received. EVEN VISITING DOCTORS SHOULD BE HELD TO PROTOCOL. “THIS IS HOW WE DO THINGS HERE”
Common sense
-          Should be exercised at all times.
o   If you start it- finish it.
o   If the cats are bothering or fighting in the waiting room, remove them and appease them. They are our ‘house animals’ but our clients make us money. Clients should feel relaxed and attended to at all times.
o   If it is delivered, open it. If you know where it goes, put it away. If you don’t know, communicate with someone who does. Do not leaving packages, packaging materials, or incoming ‘products’ in client areas. It is everyone’s job to work together to keep the Hospital neat and tidy
o   If it is not where it’s supposed to be, put it where it goes. Do not try to track down whoever put it there- If you didn’t see it happen, it’s not your responsibility to reprimand (that’s a waste of time and resources).
o   If you know it needs to be done, do it. If you want the world to know YOU did it, write it on the board and initial it.
Going the extra mile
-          There is a difference between ‘enabling’, and lending a helping hand for the greater good. If you are idle and the other person is busy, assist them.
o   Having 2 lines waiting on hold because the receptionist can only pick up one at a time does not get clients in the door quicker. Even Doc picks up the phone when there are too many lines on hold.
o    When the tech is in the room with a patient and you know the cats need to be fed, take a moment to do it. Doc will be happy that they are not being a nuisance.
o   When the tech is cleaning surgery or running bloodwork and there are no calls coming in and no patients expected, check the exams rooms for cleanliness (Nails or excess hair on the floor is disgusting, weird smells are even worse) and see if any easy re-stocking can be done (3ml syringes, cotton balls).
o   When the receptionist is on the phone and a client walks in, assist them. Clients COME FIRST. They may need something as simple as a food or preventative pick up.
o   If you start it- finish it. Take an extra 5 minutes to do it well, do it right the first time.
o   OTHER: keeping the reception area neat & tidy (including vacuuming or mopping in between patients), vacuuming the rug at the front door, picking up feces around the property (not all animals are self-cleaning😊), taking care of our kenneled animals a little extra, sorting recycling from garbage, starting/stopping the laundry at appropriate times, folding laundry and organizing it, re stocking the front display.
-          There are slow days and slow time slots that leave some idle time for miscellaneous other activities- such as marketing, “gossiping”, extra cleaning, organizing, updating social media with promotions and quick facts about pet health, inventory, etc. Use your time wisely.
-          When all hands are on deck, we get out of there quicker. When some hands only have their best interests in mind, someone gets left behind. Doing a little extra may mean 5/10 minutes more on the clock for you, it also may mean someone feels safer not being there alone late into the night. It is a win-win situation.


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