And the author then follows that headline with "Ladies, before you angrily dismiss me, hear me out...You don’t have to have a brain, drive or special skill set to get married. You just have to have a willing partner." 1st of all, I just want to note that an equal amount of MEN commented on this article as women did. Here's my thoughts.... "You just have to have a willing partner"... sounds like what they say about sex now-a-days... Getting married IS an accomplishment, it means you accomplished putting aside all of your selfishness and insecurities to be really real with someone - to care about them as much as (or more than) you care about yourself. It means you've learned to work together on all things, you've learned to share secrets with them, you've learned there are no more secrets, you've learned to make JOINT everything- life goals, decisions, plans, accounts. You have bettered yourself and another by being together ...