So the trigger meme:
"Millenials pay all the bills people in 1995 did- plus cell/internet, plus rent/food costs x2, plus student loans, with no increase in wages."
#the struggle is real #millenial problems
Here we go again.
#1 comment that pissed me off: If I had a dime for every time a baby boomer said millennials are lazy, I could buy a house in the economy they ruined for us.
My response...True millennials are lazy. The ones that mooch off their parents- don't pay for their own rent and health insurance and food- while working one menial job post graduation and whining that they don't have all the things the world has to offer. And then you have the ones who happen to fall into the age group pf "Millennial" who work 2 or 3 jobs, rent a modest place, go without internet in their home and use free WiFi when they need it, shop around to get the best deal on a cell phone carrier, buy a second hand car for half the payment of a brand new lease. All that after going to community college for the first two years to get their remedial courses out of the way and then choose an affordable in-state college with the core classes for the major they would like to pursue. Who worked through college. Who worked through high-school to get to college. Those millennials? They are the ones who don't need safe spaces OR increased minimum wage.... because they have moved themselves past minimum wage jobs. *CHEERS to whichever form of millennial you choose to be*
#2 comment that pissed me off: I get so sick of people taking a shit on Millenials. We're an entire generation that's glib about death because it's not something to fear, it's the ticket out. Out of the chaotic hellscape the fuckhole Baby Boomers created.
...IDK what "glib about death" even means, so clearly we are not an "entire generation" of anything that has to do with that... wtf?
And then I realized, these poor misinformed little vagrants, these hangry people can't be serious...
So Millennials pay all the bills people in 1995 did? They pay car loans, car insurance, gas, food, rent, electric, water, heating, medical, dental? I'm trying to think of what else... But let's see- most people OUR AGE in 1995 were also supporting a stay at home wife and maybe 2 kids. Yep, actually supporting them. The difference between those people chugging along in 1995 and millennials is... Millennials are only caring about and supporting 1 person and finding it hard to do. Mostly because they want everything and have to have everything and don't budget and spend spend spend on frivolous things that they claim are a necessity. And they don't shop around for a better price, bargain shop- they go top of the line because why not-- THEY DESERVE IT. So entitled these millennials. STOP BITCHING AND MOANING AND KEEP CHUGGING. IF YOU DON'T LIKE YOUR LIFE, TAKE STEPS TO CHANGE IT AND STOP BLAMING EVERYONE AND YOUR MOM. P.S. those "people in 1995"... are your freakin Moms and dads. YOU'RE WELCOME.
And the one response that warmed my heart... We all know that many young ones are having relatively hard times these days. No doubt about it. However, I am old---old enough so that *my* old folks were the people who survived the Great Depression at the very bottom of the financial heap. I can tell you---those old people were TOUGH. They got 'er done when getting 'er done was *really, really* difficult. All of you young ones today have nothing to compare your situations with, so you think you've got it really bad now. Of course you're having some hard times. We all know that. You'll survive them, and you will be tougher too, as a result. Somehow I doubt if you will be as tough as my grandma was, after her husband, a tenant farmer, died suddenly in 1932 leaving her with six children and just about NOTHING else. Every one of them, and my grandmother too, made it through. If you try hard enough, and are tough enough, you will make it too. I wish you all the very best of luck.
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