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SO apparently Trump will make Birth Control unavailable? Who comes up with this shit

There's a birth control company who is giving discounts on birth control with the promo code DONALDTRUMP. That is true- I went to their site and put it in and they accepted it. Funny part about that is the site only sells CA, NY, DC and WA, and they are the states with the most affordable healthcare and birth control. They also all voted for Hillary. Coincidence?

So I gave my 2 cents. And I will post every retort I had to give to the internet trolls who don't seem to understand my stance on this.
If people don't have access to healthcare (including birth control) it's because of the current state of the healthcare system, and the government not making big pharmaceutical companies charge affordable prices for products. that being said. Reproductive rights start with your right to make a decision way before another life is involved. another life meaning a sex partner, and also a fetus.
Such as your decision to have or not to have unprotected sex.
Such as your decision to responsibly follow instructions for the pill (drinking and antibiotics can cancel them out).
Such as your decision to ask your partner to use a condom.
Such as your decision to tell said partner NOT to stick it if there is not condom or if you think your BC might fail.
Such as your decision to get the morning after pill if all else fails.
All precautionary decisions you should be making in regards to your reproductive rights way before you show up at a clinic and require a controversial service due to irresponsible behaviors.
Rights and responsibilities go hand in hand people.

Troll #1- You do realize committed couples using multiple methods of BC still get pregnant, right? WHAT NOT RESPONSIBLE WAYS WHEN I AM ON BC AND USING CONDOMS WITH MY HUSBAND?!

retort: If that is true and you really didn't want children- you could have snipped. They have surgeries for that. Vasectomy, tubes tied- etc. You have other options than BC and condoms. I think there's even female condoms. And spermicides. You could have abstained. All sorts of options. Life is all about options. And knowledge is power!

Troll #2- What if the girl was raper? What if the baby has HIV? What if the pregnancy will kill the mother? What if you can't afford any forms of birth control?  What if a man puts a hole in the condom or vice versa? What is the child will be born with a life debilitating illness or deformity? What if I don't want to pay taxes on kids I'll never see? Abortion is cheaper.

retort: If there are so many what-ifs, why are you having sex? Answer that question. Sex is not a necessity. Maybe the answer is simply: For your own selfish fulfillment

Troll #3-wow you are one of the most judgmental posters I have ever read. You must be a paragon of virtue, so nice for you, perfect in all ways. Why aren't you in the news with your world shaking advice? Contact one of the news outlets right away so they can feature you. Life is not lived according to a script that YOU lay out for others.

....we are starting to get off topic here, but still....

retort:  I actually had an abortion at age 18 because I was raped ... I think they call it "rape culture on college campuses" now-a-days. Abortion is "cheap"... but emotionally it's not. If I could go back I wouldn't make the same [abortion] choice again. But I also would choose to not get drunk around horny teenage boys with no adult supervision- Since that is something I had complete and utter control over. At least in the wake of mistakes, I can see what the actual mistake was. Lives are not lived by any script anymore, and yet everyone seems to think they're super entitled to all sorts of shit, all sorts of "rights". That's right- Mic drop- a person who had an abortion can be anti abortion. Because I know all about it.

Troll #4- No one is going to stop having sex with their partner for pleasure and intimacy because someone on the Internet says they should. Most people know exactly what they will do in the event of an unplanned pregnancy, either carry to term or terminate. An abortion isn't controversial, it's LEGAL. Stop judging others, it's pathetic.

....getting more off topic- but I will turn it around in just a second....

retort: It's not legal when the law makers deem it to not be. I think that may be what people don't get. If you have a state that deems it ILLEGAL it is ILLEGAL... just like in other countries it's ILLEGAL to have sex with livestock and other stupid laws you didn't even know existed. It's ILLEGAL in Pennsylvania for 5 unrelated women to live in a house together because it's considered a brothel. Did you know that?
Here in America it IS controversial- because in some states it's not strictly governed and in other states they have bans and such.
If you are arguing whats legal and illegal than that is pretty black and white... The laws are public record. Look them up. If you are arguing whats moral... That's more gray. 
And I'm not judging, although I do believe I- as someone who went through it all, yes all. Thanks for downplaying my situation though?- have a right to have an opinion on it, unlike others who are just spitting internet garbage for anyone who will listen. 
You don't have to have sex- anyone who says they do should re-evaluate themselves. there are plenty of couples who don;t have sex until their wedding night and the reason for sex is for procreation. I do believe that is the natural way of things- ya know, the birds and the bees and all.

(see what I did there? Brought it back to the REAL statement I was trying to make. Everyone perceives things differently...)

Troll #5- Do you even know how to get a tubal? It's impossible if you're under thirty and/or have no kids. Even though my gynecologist HIGHLY ADVISES me to not get pregnant based on my reaction to Loestrin, she still refuses to do it and I'm 27. My husband and I know nothing is permanent, I'm not going to remove that option for him if in the future we decide to hire a surrogate.

retort: How to get a tubal? You mean the surgical procedure in which a woman's Fallopian tubes are blocked, tied, or cut? I did study reproduction so yeah I have an idea how it works. It's about 99% effective and permanent. If you actually really don't want kids at any point in time- it's a viable option. You make it sound like you are married and don't want kids and use condoms and yet could still get pregnant and are OK with that- so either you want to get pregnant or you don't. If you wouldn't mind getting pregnant than why are you objecting to my views? If you would get an abortion if you did get pregnant, why are you not exercising all options. Sounds to me like you don't know what you want and you're flexing your internet muscles against me for no reason.

(That one was an easy shut down...)

Troll #6- Typical Republican thinking..."Now that I got away with it, no one else should be able to do it." Obviously, you couldn't even follow your own advice so get over yourself.
Retort:  typical republican? I'm not sure what that even means- Thanks for assuming something about someone based on a single FB post haha. I voted democrat in 2008 and 2012 SMH. Oh the assumptions. Everyone's got such balls on the internet behind a screen and keyboard. Got away with it? Yeah, years of grief counseling really made me feel like I got away with it. SMH. Spending the next 10+ years of my life on birth control really made me feel like I got away with it. Not being able to conceive now that I'm happily married due to 10+ years of birth control really make me feel like I got away with something. Please- keep your presumptions and assumptions to yourself ha
troll #6 again- Idc who you voted for. You still think like a Republican, always judging others and contradicting yourself at the same time. Your original posts shames women who choose abortions and here it is that you killed your own baby. What gives to tell others how to live? Maybe I'm better than you cause I was "responsible" enough to never get pregnant in the first place, but not an asshole like that. 

retort again: Lol funny you are like "maybe I'm better than you cause _____, oh but I'm not an asshole like that". Actually- you kinda are. Shamed women? No, I merely point out that Abortion is only one of many choices a woman can make about their "sexuality". There are plenty of other choices that don't end in abortion, and birth control in the form of the cute little pills is only one of them. But I really like how you assume I'm some sort of political platform based on one view. That's really open minded of you. Want to talk about some other views? Minimum wage? The unrest in the rest of the world? BLM? 'rape culture'? Chris "Krispy Kreme" Christie and his antics? Gun control? terrorism? No? none of that? then how can you label me as anything. You make an assumption off one statement on one topic. Like I said, pretty open minded of you, SMH

Troll #7-  Hey everyone, Jazzy said to stop having sex so we should all just listen to her and ignore our perfectly natural urges and desires because she said so!!!  Pregnancy is NOT a punishment for sex and should not be treated as such!

Retort: Pregnancy is never a punishment. Abortion is punishment. So which side of the conversation are you on? I can't understand from your statement. Also... Ignoring your urges and desires is called self control. Some people urge and desire to rape and kill .... Those people either learn to control it or they indulge because they want to. Some people urge and desire to eat until they are 600lbs, or throw up after every meal. All sorts of stuff. Your urge and desire argument isn't very strong. Responsible people learn to control their urges and desires. Which goes back to my original statement.... You're responsible for your own actions and the aftermath. Take responsibility. Of your body. Of the aftermath of your sexual choices.

Troll #7 again-  Pregnancy is used as a punishment for female sexuality, when they are not allowed to control their own pregnancies. 
The constitution does not protect unborn, and a pregnancy is not a guarantee of life. The choice should be made between a woman, her doctor, and her personal beliefs. Not by yours.
Also - I said perfectly normal desires. Everything you listed is an abnormal desire. Nice try though.
Also, are you willing to let the women who can't carry babies successfully suffer and die by prohibiting a necessary medical procedure? What about women who have been raped? Young girls who have been raped, especially? Are they responsible for the aftermath of someone else's choices? What if your partners sabotages his condoms? Are women responsible for that too?
Hello - termination an unwanted pregnancy when you cannot afford a child or a pregnancy is being responsible. You just don't like the decision.

**let me crack my knuckles...**

Retort again: 
Your idea of perfectly normal may or may not be the same as anyone else's. Actually, the desire to kill is a predatory desire and we are predatory animals so thus, it would be "perfectly normal". Pregnancy is supposedly not a punishment, its supposedly a blessing every single time. Or do you not believe that there is a miracle of life, that spark when the sperm and egg meet? Anyway. If you actually read what I wrote instead of blindly perusing while putting together your own comeback, you would see that what I am saying is---- women make many many choices that lead up to the ultimate choice of abortion or birthing a baby. There are many choices made that bring you to that point. And there are plenty of people for don't consider every little choice they make along the way, don't take responsibility for it, and then find themselves at the biggest choice and think "well how did I get here"? Simply put- you didn't read the street signs as you were navigating. Hopefully you can follow that analogy. 
And you say - what about young girls who were raped, are they responsible for the aftermath of other people's choices... Well is the baby responsible for the aftermath of the other people's choices? Scientifically speaking, if the 'child' got pregnant her body is prepared to bear a child. That's all I'll say about that. Physically ready, yes- women have given birth as young as 6 I believe. Which in turn proves that's what our bodies were meant to do. But that's another conversation.
Termination of an unwanted pregnancy can start way before the pregnancy occurs. that is my stand on this. I don't condone anyone's actions- because I took that route and know how hard it is to make the decision and to deal with it afterwards. Termination on certain grounds is irresponsible and selfish- if you cannot afford pregnancy, avoid it like the plague. If you cannot afford a child- put it up for adoption. If you cannot afford a puppy and all the time and care that goes along with it- don't get a puppy. If you can;t afford a house and all the maintenance that goes into it- don't get a house. If you can't afford a pregnancy, don't get pregnant. There are TOO MANY preventative measures EASILY available to continue supporting irresponsible behaviors.

WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO that took a lot.
In conclusion:Here's a few questions for all of you-
How many of you internet trolls have a family member who had an abortion? If yes- how many of you internet trolls provided them support and love and guidance?
How many of you internet trolls had a friend who
 came to you with a 'situation' and asked for advice and help? If yes, how many of you provided support, advice, love, time, energy to said person?
How many of you internet trolls who say "No- I've never had anyone in this situation in my life?" How many of you really believe that no one you know has had to go through anything like this? 
Most people who have an abortion or a scary pregnancy or any of the things you all so freely talk about don't talk to people about. They keep it in. They are embarrassed. They are ashamed. They feel guilt. They think they are going to hell in a fast car for what they have CHOSEN TO DO because they know that the choice was theirs. 
I just thought I'd share because I think that above all, above whether abortion should be legal or birth control should be free, the story Mic is spitting here is aimed at a certain mindset, a certain fraction of the population.... and also that even though it is short, the underlying perspective is riddled with inaccuracies and fake 'facts'. I also think the human mindset is now "I don't have to think things out and be responsible EVER, so don't tell me how to live my life". Trump has control over birth control? Give me a break. We all know that it's not as simple as that. If it were Obama may have given it out for free. Oh wait, Obama made it unaffordable for people to get healthcare under his "affordable care act". Let's just take a step back and look at the legislative and judicial and presidential systems and their duties and then--- make an educated decision about how we feel that will play out. Because right now people don;t even understand how the popular vote vs. the electoral college works.


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