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Showing posts from June, 2017

What lead me to clinical depression at the age of 30

Let's go back, back, waaaaaaaaay back to when I was a kid. When I was in 1st grade the school told my mother I probably had ADHD and should get tested and take medication to control it. My mother said I was just being a kid and she didn't medicate "kids being kids". Fair enough. However, I had this weird relationship with my mother where if she couldn't keep me quiet in front of the TV, she packed me away in my room as punishment for being too rowdy. I found out years later that it is actually called "emotional abuse" and it had been going on since my sister had been born in 1990. When I was in middle/ high school I started "feeling" anxiety. Every adolescent does. Being pretty or not, being popular or not, getting good grades, dealing with hormones. I had been made fun of since 2nd grade, and it had only gotten worse as I grew up. In 7th grade, I brought home my first C on my report card. Pre- Algebra. I still, to this day, hate everythin...

Millennials are leaving NJ at an alarming rate- and everyone else is to blame.

Trigger warning: Liberal dreadlocked poli sci snowflake upset that NJ cost of living is so high she still has to share a bedroom with her teenage sisters.  Basically what I got from this article. Read it here: You know me- I had some things to say... Article:  With $25,000 in student loans, her hopes of a settling down in a place of her own in New Jersey with her longtime boyfriend quickly evaporated. (Her student loan payments are currently deferred because of her low salary.) She only had $25,000 in student loan debt? Where did she get the other $75,000 that I'm still paying off? My total student loans were $102,000 when I graduated. I moved home for one month before securing a job in FL. I moved to FL for 6 months until the cost of living became too much under my student loan debt. I moved back to NJ to try to live with my parents. It ...

Conservative vs Liberal: Where do I fall?

This is a serious topic of discussion on 'the right'. Not even the far right... the center right.  I don't know what the spectrum is for "political or world views" but I'd have to say I hang to the right and the conservative. Which sounds so weird, because CONSERVATIVE is not really ever a word I'd use to describe myself.  During the election, I took polls and tests to tell me what I was and tell me what candidates I aligned with on what issues. Gary Johnson was my man, I was loving the Johnson. No feeling the Bern, Bern just sounds like a bad feeling.  But conservative? Meeeh... I'm used to not finding a category I fit into. 68 % conservative: You believe in personal responsibility, limited government, free markets, individual liberty, traditional American values and a strong national defense. Believe the role of government should be to provide people the freedom necessary to pursue their own goals.  You are 52% conservative and 48% liberal, ...

The trolls are out again!

Honestly, I get so much 'feels' from internet trolls. They really feed this blog. Here we go: Actress Jessica Chastain has a few thoughts on how the world creates harmful boundaries for young women (via Channel 4 News). "Society trains women to be quiet and grateful, and we need to push away from that brainwashing. In our society, women are raised to think they can't be politicians, CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, filmmakers. We are born as little girls thinking we can do whatever we want and society teaches us and shows us otherwise by eliminating examples of women in the media." "It was shocking to me that after the first debate... people were critiquing Hillary Clinton saying she was overprepared for the debate. Men have never been called over prepared. I would like the leader of the nation to be over prepared for the job... I think it really dives into how confronting it is for some people to see a woman who is over prepared- let's just say prepared ...