In the words of Eminem: "I am, whatever you say I am. If I wasn't, then why would I say I am? In my eyes, Eminem is admitting to being everything everyone ever said he was. That's actually awesome- because he accepts who he is (his faults, his failures, his haters), he doesn't blame other people. He wants to be perceived exactly the way he is, no political correctness, no sugar coating, no ulterior motives. He's being REAL, and he wants to be real , and he wants to be known for being real. However, there are plenty of times that people are perceived in away that is not true to WHO THEY ARE. Personally, for me, I'd like to correct that... to... " I am, whatever you say I am. If I wasn't, then why would YOU say I am?" In my life, I have felt a lot of labels were placed on me. Some maybe I earned, some maybe I outgrew, some maybe I had no knowledge of. I did feet at some points that I received labels that I did not like or agree with, and...