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It's tax season, and to some, Trump's taxes are more important than their own...

So tax season is in full swing. My documents are in the queue to be processed and filed with my accountant. Which brings me to my first point of discussion.... using an actual person (accountant) to do your taxes vs. Turbo tax (or other electronic self-filing program).

-If you are outraged that wealthy people (including Trump) get 'unfair' tax breaks, what have you done to remedy your own situation? Have you read up on tax law lately? Do you know the ins and outs of the system? Do you know how to make it work for you? Do you know the secrets of the trade? NO?! THEN WHY THE  F**K  ARE YOU USING A SELF GUIDED PROGRAM TO COMPLETE YOUR TAXES?

-If you think that having a professional do your taxes is too expensive, and would rather let a cheap or free program assist you, then why are you crying that you don't make out on your taxes?

-If you cry year after year about how your 'return' turns out... why aren't you seeking additional guidance/assistance? Why are you continuing to use a program that doesn't work for you?

**This just ties into what I say on almost every post... be the change you want to see. If you don't like something, changing it starts with your actions.**

When I was in high school and college, my mother said she'd do my taxes- she used a free tax preparation software program. I assumed since she'd done taxes for like 20 years already that I was normal, it would be fine. When I started to have w2s from two different states, she stopped doing them. That was the point that I marched my ass down to H&R block. I sat with a person, I paid over $100, and I got money BACK instead of owing for the first time ever. The year I graduated college I had W2s from THREE STATES and my first student loan interest payments to deduct. Oh boy did I run to H&R block!! The year after I graduated I had 1099's to add to my pile of tax docs for the year. Back to the block. **Now, people are probably reading this thinking "oh you entitled millennial, it must be nice to have extra cash to use a tax professional. #1- the word "millennial" wasn't a thing when I started using H&R block. #2- I was a struggling college graduate working three jobs... extra money was not a reality for me. But paying someone to have my taxes done right and have more of a chance of getting something returned to me-- That was worth not drinking on Friday and Saturday night. Priorities.**

When I started working for an accounting firm during tax season, I realized how many people actually pay someone to do their taxes- and WHY. TheWealth Management division was just as busy as the accountants, the two worked as a team to find tax solutions for clients. TAX SOLUTIONS. That's what we call it. We know you pay into your taxes every paycheck, we know you work hard for that paycheck, we know you want to keep wealth. Whether wealth is $1000 or $1,000,000 there is a tax solution for you. Turbo Tax won't find it for you. It's not as intuitive as a CPA who sits for 200 continuing education credits every year and has the IRS 2017 tax guidelines on their desk. **Side note- I once went to a salon that was cheaper filled with older ladies cutting hair and asked for a very new style. I came out with what was best described as a mullet. NEVER AGAIN. After that, I paid extra for a stylist that goes to conference, classes, and trade shows.** Find a professional that keeps up with the changing times, that is dedicated to always learning and being the most knowledgeable person in the field.

In the case of POTUS Trump, he did that. He has probably gone through many tax professionals. What he and other bazillionaires do is not ILLEGAL. They know how the tax system works and they use it to their advantage. Even the little guys can do this- but not if you're using a dumb program that's strictly regulated by the IRS. That program is only as good as the people who created it, and I guarantee that a free program will not go out of its way to find you a loophole. If it's free, it's probably basic. Basic taxes don't bring smiles to people's faces... complicated tax maneuvering does though. Isn't that an interesting thought???

So, in conclusion, if people spent more money on important things- like having their taxes done for them by an outstanding professional- people would stop crying that it's "NOT FAIR" that some people make the tax system work for them while they(the complainers) are getting worked by the tax system. Nothing worthwhile was ever easy. Don't go out for happy hour a few nights in January through March and you'll save enough to have a 'tax master' master your taxes.


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