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Did "day without immigrants" accomplish anything??

I have said it before and I will say it again- my husband is an immigrant. His whole family and the majority of his friends are immigrants. This"immigrant" conversation really hits home for me. Here's why...
The country my husband comes from tries it's hardest NOT TO LET IT'S PEOPLE OUT. Especially the youth. Government officials know the youth will power the country forward into the new century (duh) and are important to the workforce and the economy. People have to win a lottery for VISA's. People who apply for VISA's can be denied for no reason at all, and not informed of this denial for a long period of time. It's also a country with a very high white population, almost no blacks, and I don't remember seeing any Latinos or Asians while there either...THAT'S A FIRST WORLD EUROPEAN COUNTRY RIGHT THERE. 

2/16/17 was an organized nationwide strike called "day without immigrants".
One headline read: 'Day Without Immigrants' protest shows consequences of an immigrant nation without immigrants

In my opinion, not really- it shows who uses illegal immigrants in their staff/workforce
No one was missing from my office to participate ( I actually spoke to 3 of our resident immigrants in person on 2/16/17), my husband and his family all went to work as normal. 

Adamantly professing that you use illegal immigrants isn't the smartest move.... it just might backfire on if Trump goes on a purge or illegals. Now you're all over the interwebs as having participated in the strike. Interwebs don't go away people.

The one article I read about it, there's this mexican restaurant, the owner says "I'm a legal citizen but some of my workers wanted to participate in the "day without immigrants". I was originally going to shut down the entire restaurant, both locations. Instead, I decided to make a bigger statement- I decided to operate with just the non-immigrant staff and only serve hot dogs and hamburgers." 

What exactly does that prove? That you stand by your illegals who didn't go through the painstaking process you did to get where you are? That you'd rather discriminate and punish your non-immigrant workers so your immigrant workers feel better about themselves? Because I see this playing out this way- non-immigrant workers had to work shifts they potentially don't usually work, and do jobs/positions they potentially don't usually do, and thus, they had to endure the backlash of any customers that came in. I can imagine reviews from that day included "slow service, server seemed distracted/distraught" and such. So why would you alienate and discriminate against your non-immigrant employees?
Because.... feelings?? Because some people's feelings trumps other people's feelings? Because feelings trumps legailty? Because feelings trumps everything?

That's all I got for now. I'm going to continue working my 3 jobs, and afterward go home to my rented apartment, kiss my legal citizen immigrant husband and file my taxes and do other legal citizen stuff in the apartment complex overrun by immigrants (legal or illegal, I could care less) and I'm going to feel all sorts of warm and fuzzies towards them because they deserve it more than I do. Cheers America.


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