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Showing posts from April, 2017

Interesting study on Gen Z (specifically ages 13-17) That's the link to the results of the study that involved "400 teens ages 13 to 17 and 800 millennials ages 18-25". Based on that reference from their closing page, I can see we are dealing with juveniles here. FFS could you pick a way to write the ages and be consistent? Use "to" or "-" but not both. UGH. Here we go!!! Page 3: According to this study, each teenager spends about $733 annually. They have the power to get their household to spend about $3,333 annually. They are about 25% of the population- and companies and marketing firms should not underestimate the power of their dollars. *I had a job at 13, and I don't think I spent $733 annually. Since paper routes are almost non-existent now, how exactly are these kids coming up with their own $733 to spend? And I sure didn't have the power to make anyone in my household spend $3,000 a year. We bargain-shopped and did without mos...

"Not so Skinny Jazzy" is not so skinny...again...

So it's interesting that the name of this blog is "Not so Skinny Jazzy". I immediately regretted that when I posted my first non-weight loss inspired post. I literally just counted - out of 175 entries, about 13 are about weight loss. Pretty much the first 13 that were written in the 30 days I was doing the strict 30 days of the Isagenix diet. And I look at myself and realize I will have to start that strict 30 again. I will have to start dieting and exercising at least moderately. Since I first started this blog, I have blown up like a balloon. I have never weighed so much in my life, not even with freshman 15 and a fetus inside me. I weigh 145lbs. My "happy weight" (based on BMI) is like 122. Let me interject here- this is exactly why I call myself "not so skinny Jazzy".... There are some people who would say "I wish I weighed 145lbs" and scoff at me and make me feel bad for my feelings. My own family has done this throughout the years. A...

you gotta LIVE

I absolutely love this.  Let me break it down for you: Observe:  notice or perceive something and register it as being significant Taste:  perceive or experience the flavor of Dream: thoughts, images, and sensations occurring in a person's mind during sleep, to contemplate the possibility of doing something Feel: be aware of or experience a sensation Live: to remain alive Why wouldn't you do all of these things?  (Ask yourself that...)

A great life...

I used to frivolously spend money. If I saw it and wanted it I got it- even if it meant racking up the credit card bill. One day I realized that all these things were temporary. They didn't make for great stories or conversations. They got me minimal compliments. And they didn't make me feel their worth in the long run. My mindset changed. I am now (and hopefully forever will be) a huge advocate of EXPERIENCES over possessions. Spend money on life experiences, not everyday objects.  Of course, there are necessities- food, clothing, shelter. But do you need 5 pairs of leggings?  Not until one gets a hole! How about 5 different heels? Not until the heel breaks on one! Do you need to breath fresh mountain air while gliding down the side of the mountain on a board or skies? Do you need to feel the exhilaration, the adrenaline? Do you need to feel the accomplishment of not falling, or getting back up after a fall? Do you need to know you have good motor skills enough to maneu...

Thoughts that turn into 'rants'...

I have a new idea for a video. While I was cleaning stalls at the barn I ride at, I realized that I have certain qualities that the next generation will never have. If someone asked why am I 30 years old cleaning stalls like I did when I was 16... the answer is because it's humbling work and I am working off things that I want. I am working so that I can get free lessons or free trailering to shows- or money which I will put towards those two things. This is the same things I did when I was 16-21 (high school and college). At 30 years old, things are no cheaper than they were and I have a plethora of other financial responsibilities, so this is a FRUGAL way to enjoy my expensive hobby. FRUGAL. That word doesn't sit well with 'entitled' people. They don't know about living below their means. They weren't taught this valuable lesson. If they want it, they can have it, and they WILL have it. If they have to pay top dollar they will. I don't live with that m...

So if I dislike some women, or things some of them do, or judge some of them... then I am a misogynist? That seems (sooooo) extreme.

Here's the article:  Here's the title: 23 Ways You May Have Internalised Misogyny Without Even Realising Boy oh boy it's rant/response time!! Definition of misogyny: dislike of, contempt for, or ingrained prejudice against women. So if I dislike some women, or things some of them they do, or judge some of them... then I am a misogynist? That seems extreme. Read the article, then move on to my response to it *I've been appalled by body hair on other women- mustaches and 5 o'clock shadows mostly- while allowing some of mine to get unruly at times (So I participate in no shave November, judge me). *I've felt uncomfortable having stubble under my arms, on my legs, and on my bikini line-- That's my personal feeling about it and my personal regret for overlooking it. I take responsibility for why I feel uncomfortable, and I usu...

Some days you may just need this....

And you can buy it here:

Officially a "Biker chick"!!

Per  Prof. Thomas Gilovich: Want Happiness? Buy Experiences, Not Things Experiences become a part of our identity.  We are not our possessions, but we  are  the accumulation of everything we’ve seen, the things we’ve done, and the places we’ve been. Buying an Apple Watch isn’t going to change who you are; taking a break from work to hike the Appalachian Trail from start to finish most certainly will. “Our experiences are a bigger part of ourselves than our material goods,” said Gilovich. "You can really like your material stuff. You can even think that part of your identity is connected to those things, but nonetheless, they remain separate from you. In contrast, your experiences really are part of you. We are the sum total of our experiences." This weekend, for $320, I bought myself an experience and a skill. I took the  Basic Rider Course offered by Motorcycle Riding Centers, Inc. Link to their site: I got my permit som...