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Interesting study on Gen Z (specifically ages 13-17)

That's the link to the results of the study that involved "400 teens ages 13 to 17 and 800 millennials
ages 18-25". Based on that reference from their closing page, I can see we are dealing with juveniles here. FFS could you pick a way to write the ages and be consistent? Use "to" or "-" but not both.

UGH. Here we go!!!

Page 3: According to this study, each teenager spends about $733 annually. They have the power to get their household to spend about $3,333 annually. They are about 25% of the population- and companies and marketing firms should not underestimate the power of their dollars.
*I had a job at 13, and I don't think I spent $733 annually. Since paper routes are almost non-existent now, how exactly are these kids coming up with their own $733 to spend? And I sure didn't have the power to make anyone in my household spend $3,000 a year. We bargain-shopped and did without most of the time. WTH are these kids and their parents buying?

Page 4: The activities they think are cool represent their generational power struggle between technology and RL (real life).
*So these kids are growing up in a fantasy world?

Page 5: Augmented Reality is one of the coolest things in tech
* WTF is that? Why are people wasting time and money on VR and augmented reality instead of LIVING real life? This is alarming to me. 
Page 5: 10% of males in this age group don't use a smartphone. 8% of the females don't use a smartphone. More females use Apple phones than males, males prefer Android.
*I got my first phone when I was 18. It was a Trac phone. It was a flip phone, it made calls and sent texts. I think Nokia made it. I didn't care- it made calls and texts. Why are kids who can't even drive having phones glued to their hands 24/7?
Page 5: Snapchap and Instagram are king, Facebook is right behind them in terms of "consumption and stalking" but not the main source of posting.
*They prefer to post to Snap because it's instant and not permanent... unless of course someone screenshots that nudie or something. I don't have Snap Insta or Twitter.... Facebook is more than enough for me to handle. Plus, the kid's whole outlook of SnapChat explains why I'm not on it- what could you possibly be sharing that you prefer for it to be gone almost immediately FOR LIKE, GOOD?

Page 6- Musicians and philanthropic celebrities top the popularity contest.
*Steph Curry has gone off social media a bunch of times. Kids should take note and follow suit. Arianna Grande had that whole Donut Shop 'I Hate America' Scandal...she sings about being with some guy all night and all day and walking side to side when he's done with her... Not exactly philanthropic or role-model worthy right there.
Page 6: Although outward appearance isn't everything, inner beauty is way cooler- check out our top cosmetic picks!
*That are really expensive! MAC, Clinique, NARS (all too expensive for me...), Maybelline, Neutrogena, Tarte(eyeliner is $10 on thanks!), and Too Faced(lip balm is $20 on sale?!). If an adult with 2 jobs can't afford this stuff, how can a kid on an allowance and Mom and Dad's credit card?? Why are these kids not thrifty??
Page 6: To Gen Z, the top 3 coolest shoe brands are Jordan, Converse, and Vans.
*Are any of those actually useful?? I thought Jordans are supposed to be cleaned after every use and stored in boxes... Like, where is the universal versatility and useability of the shoe?

* Um what?!?! Why are 13-17 year olds 'the most aware'? I'm pretty sure it's actually 18-35 that's the 'most aware' since that's a huge chunk of the protesters and such. Seriously Moms and dads, why is your teenager more aware than you are?
*Why do these kids have such high expectations? They are always going to expect to be entertained on demand- in many ways. Like with that college acceptance or that job offer. I really don't like this word they use, consume- it makes me feel like they're all just gluttons. Ew. 
*Oh thank God. But they can't write cursive??

Page 9: Brands are everything to teens
*The Wall Street Journal, TMZ, Buzzfeed, PEOPLE, and  BMW are pretty well-known amongst teens. Buzzfeed bleeds fake news. People and TMZ are gossip and celebrity showcases that keep us knowing that we are so far removed from the 'elite' it's not funny. BMW and The Wall Street Journal are for rich snobby people.... Why are kids (over)exposed to this crap?!

Page 11: Facebook is seen as cooler than Facebook Messenger by both Millenials and Gen X
*Facebook messenger is a feature of Facebook... like my arm is a feature of my body. WHO f**king cares which is cooler?? Did Facebook pay for that page of this report?
Page 11: TMZ and Wall Street Journal are "least cool"
* But they are still pretty high in the "awareness category.... Wait, so is Wall Street 'not cool' to these groups?

Page 14: Gen Z never knew the world before the internet - before everything you could ever need was one click away.
*That is why Gen Z will be the most demanding, whiney, entitled generation we have ever seen...
Page 14: They value connection
* But not the IRL kind....
Page 14: They also have high hopes for the brands they choose, they expect big things.
*THEY EXPECT things. They revolve around BRANDS.
Page 14: As professionals, we should live up to the standard Gen Z has set for us
*Why the F**K ARE KIDS SETTING THE STANDARDS?? That's some ass-backward thinking. Kids can't even use my professional services (accounting, pet sitting -you need a credit card on file for billing)

In conclusion... there are some people who think the 25% of Gen Z(teenagers) are molding the world we live in. Not the other 75% molding the world they will one day come to be an active part of. As in the days of King Tut, children rule and are shaping society for the rest of us. (SARCASM).
Good Lord, WTF is going on in this world???


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