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"Don't refer to my child as '1/2' a human being"... and other things parents CHOOSE to be offended about

No, I'm not a mother- YET. I have been trying for 2 years. No success. But I digress... do you know what I AM?? A member of society, who is NOT easily offended. 
HERE WE GO........
Link to the article for reference:

"What is childism? (Just one more thing to be offended about?) Childism is a prejudice or discrimination against a young person based on their age. (Just like sexism is prejudice/discrimation based on sex, racism is prejudice/discrimination based on race, and ageism is prejudice/discrimination based on mature age.)" ...Sounds like it's a personally made-up term by someone who has been offended. I've never heard of childism or ageism... ever. Doesn't mean it's not a thing, I guess. IDK- I'm not easily offended.

She goes on:
Here's my gentle plea to stop referring to babies as less than a whole people. Childism is adults ignoring a child's attempt at adding to a conversation "because the adults are talking."Childism is hitting a child in the name of discipline even though it's never okay to hit any other person. Imagine ,you're talking with a group of friends and another adult approaches and has something to add. Would you stop them and say, "Not right now. Go do something else. We're talking." No, right? Because it's dismissive, rude, and shows you don't value that person's thoughts.

No one says "oh, two and a half" as if they think the child isn't a whole or "real" person. The person who says it is actually going out of their way to recognize the child, to be funny, and to make you feel comfortable or better that they acknowledged your child. 

Hitting, as a form of discipline, is actually playing into their mentality- it's using something they understand to get your point across. Children hit. They understand it is anger and frustration. They understand that it is an extreme means of getting attention. They- children- understand hitting. Try "talking it out" to a dog, or a horse, or a lion. They don't understand. But they do understand brute force. You have to speak 'their language' if you want to get across to them... the same can be said about children. They don't 100% understand you, and sometimes you need to speak a language they do understand. They understand hitting because it's something they do instead of using words. We as a species use fear and violence to gain control over others, to assert dominance. Yes, there is a 'pecking order'. Yes, parents are dominant over their young. Yes, respect is taught and then earned. Yes, it needs to be this way. Look at all the wishy washy cry baby human beings walking around who didn't follow the old adage of "Spare the rod, spoil the child". Precious little snowflakes who can't cope with life in the real world because Mommy and Daddy didn't teach them how to. Mommy and Daddy didn't tell them that sometimes, their thoughts or feelings aren't important to everyone else they will come in contact with. that sometimes, people will also tell them no, or worse- force them to do things they don't want to. Like, shake hands with every random Joe Schmoe they are introduced to. Teach your child not to greet someone they know with a hug and you will see them never make eye contact or shake a hand as an adult. See how far that will get them in the real world, in the job market, on a global stage.

And lastly- if an adult rudely interrupted a conversation between other adults, and someone was annoyed by it or wouldn't tolerate it- for whatever the reason- yeah, they would say 'shut up and go away we were talking and you ARE NOT part of the conversation'. Especially if a stranger did it. Especially if the interrupting person had a RUDE habit of always butting in when they were not wanted or needed. By teaching children NOT to do this, that there is a time and place for everything, that sometimes it is better to BUTT OUT... we actually create better adults. 

Stop being an offended snowflake. Start raising better kids, since they are the only human beings you have control over. You have one job- to raise a decent human being out of the creature that you spawned. How can you do that when you, yourself, are not acting like one? When you spend your time offended by everything and anything, judging everyone else, putting your child who hasn't earned anything in life on a pedestal, and demanding other people change their ways but never focusing on any of your own? 

[Side note- I plan on calling my fetus a parasite until I see it's little face in person. Maybe even after that. Who knows. My choice. When said parasite can say to me "Mommy I don't like that, please stop", I will comply. Because at that point, my child has displayed understanding. Most likely, my child will understand that it is a term of endearment from its mommy and it doesn't matter what other people think. It will know that Mommy loves her little parasite and will fight like a lioness to protect it, will nurture it like an elephant (look it up- #1 most nurturing moms), and will coddle it like a joey when needed.] 


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