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Showing posts from August, 2017

TTC has broken my heart

Yesterday I took a day off work, in the middle of the week in the middle of the summer. And everyone asked me"OH WHAT FUN PLANS DO YOU HAVE??" And I just answered, "nothing really". Which wasn't quite true. I didn't sit on the beach or go somewhere fun and exciting. I slept in, walked the dog, rode my motorcycle around a little to clear my head. Then my husband and I made a trip up to the local hospital to meet up with my OBGYN for a "small procedure". In response to my anxiety over this, my husband had been saying "It's just another test" for weeks since I scheduled it. Last week I finally broke down and cried and asked him -- "What if something is WRONG with me?" You don't go to the hospital and schedule in a department for 'just another test'. They don't tell you to take 1000mg of ibuprofen an hour prior to ease cramping or bring in sterile tools and betadine for 'just another test'. It was a p...

Spread love... not hate.

It's so easy right now to just go off on people. Mostly due to our own ignorance, or own perceived self-worth. Today, right now, it is easier to react rather than take it in and formulate our actions. It is easier to let our filter be non-existent and just spew... like the girl from The Exorcist. Spewing garbage, hate, and often stupidity. It is much harder to listen, take it in, to take it into account, and then take our time to carefully formulate a response, an opnion, or a perception. Our minds are half-assed on display, while our hearts are caged away. It is a scary time, it is a hateful time, and it is all of our faults.

TTC update, 2 years of infertility

In August 2016, I wrote a post called "Making babies... it's not that easy". And today, a year later I have the same feelings about that statement. We started TTC in AUgust 2015, 2 months after we got married when we were in Europe on our honeymoon. It was a magical time, we stayed in a rooftop loft in Rome, had a balcony overlooking the sea and Mt Vesuvius in Sorrento, and ate gelato in the squares of Florence. Absolutely fairytale-esque. But no baby came from that honeymoon, and no baby has yet to come into our hearts and arms. I have spent money on ovulation prediction kits, a cycle tracking app, and pre-natal vitamins. I have watched almost all of our friends become parents. I have watched my (sorry, here comes a rant) mooching 30-something-year-old sister suck the life out of my parents as they helped her raise her first kid, and then proceeded to have a second one. I have had blood work run and been palpated. My husband has done tests. I am going for a...

Neo-Nazi's/KKK vs BPPM/BLM

Poster:  I really don't get how people can equate BLM/Black Panthers to neo-nazis/KKK/nazis/alt-right. They are not the same thing. The thing that troubles me is that it's so many people on my feed doing this whether it be with statuses or comments on statuses. I really don't get how you can come to this conclusion. Boy oh boy... if you don't get how people come to these conclusions, it's because you are not actually listening to the other person speak. Here we go! (My response) BLM IS a hate group. They readily say things like "Whites are genetic defects, are 'subhuman', and should be 'wiped out'". Listen to some of the rhetoric of the most powerful partners of BLM. Co- Founder Yusra Khogali? She uses her status and fame to call for more violence by her extreme group. She is known for is known for her public diatribes and violent rhetoric. She led the disruption of a gay pride parade- who ARE AS or MORE oppressed than the blacks. A...

(Peaceful?)Durham NC protesters topple confederate monument

Interesting that Huffpost has no problem sharing the footage of this... with a biased headline. The headline should read: Protestors destroy public property, face felony charges. But these are peaceful people, right? The ANTIFA protestors are always peaceful. It's the alt right white supremacists who we need to fear. Antifa are peaceful people... who don't take the time to petition and do things the right way. You know like kindly asking the county whose property it was on to remove it. But I mean, the alt right rally had permits and paid fees to set up in Charlottesville. They had permission to be there- They're terrible!! Vandalism is "action involving deliberate destruction of or damage to public or private property." Vandalism and destruction of property are both criminal charges- you could be convicted of breaking something minor with malicious intent, or bashing someone's car until it's unrecognizable with a baseball bat with CLEARLY malicious in...

Zoey Tur V Ben Shapiro... feelings V facts

There is a video of a Trans man (a man who charades as a woman of sorts?) named Zoey Tur (Inside Edition reporter) engaging in a conversation with Ben Shapiro (Breitbart News senior editor-at-large). It seems they were supposed to be having some sort of debate about whether Caitlin Jenner, also trans (a man who charades as a woman of sorts?), deserved the "woman of the year award" for 'bravery'. It erupted when Ben stated that Caitlin is in no way a woman, and neither is Zoey, because- FACTS. Fav line ever:  "Facts don't care about your feelings." Ben refuses to live in Zoey's reality. Ben refuses to accept things that are not based on facts. Ben sees the facts and will not be bullied into saying, doing, or believing anything illogical. At one point, the panel started getting raucous and off topic, so Ben Shapiro asked if the discussion was supposed to be on genetics and asked Zoey, “What are your genetics, sir?” (because, FACTS) Zoey proceeded...

What I learned today... (maybe why I'm not a morning person..?)

The Problem Is Most People Are Reactive First Thing In The Morning When the alarm goes off, they’re already hitting the snooze button and beginning the day in a REACTIVE STATE. They then have to rush to get ready, flood themselves with stress and anxiety thinking about all the things they have to do that day. Or they feel so tired and exhausted that after their 8 hours of sleep that they need to have their coffee just to give themselves a boost of energy...  And Sure Enough,  They Repeat The Same Pattern  Day After Day... Repeating The Same Reactive Morning Ritual.

" Human Rights": Rights vs commodities

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. ---------------------------------------------------------------- We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America. The essential issue in politics is not the size but the  function  of government- it’s not whether a government is big or small, but whether it protects or violates rights.  So the question today becomes, what is a 'right'? The two most prominent sides of the political spectrum (not alluding that there are ONLY two sides...) are the left and the right. Here's my take... The...