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(Peaceful?)Durham NC protesters topple confederate monument

Interesting that Huffpost has no problem sharing the footage of this... with a biased headline.
The headline should read: Protestors destroy public property, face felony charges.
But these are peaceful people, right? The ANTIFA protestors are always peaceful. It's the alt right white supremacists who we need to fear. Antifa are peaceful people... who don't take the time to petition and do things the right way. You know like kindly asking the county whose property it was on to remove it. But I mean, the alt right rally had permits and paid fees to set up in Charlottesville. They had permission to be there- They're terrible!!

Vandalism is "action involving deliberate destruction of or damage to public or private property." Vandalism and destruction of property are both criminal charges- you could be convicted of breaking something minor with malicious intent, or bashing someone's car until it's unrecognizable with a baseball bat with CLEARLY malicious intent.
"Felony charges can be issued based on the kind of property involved: These crimes of malicious destruction of property can be a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the value or kind of the property at issue. If the property involved was worth more than $250, or was a motor vehicle, the offense is always a felony."

So, in other (REAL NEWS) HuffPost broadcasts felonies 👏😜 Way to go Huffpost! All of the protesters are now viral, easy to be identified, and can be indicted!

Side note about the 'racist and oppressive' monument that was torn down, spit on, kicked, etc: The Confederate Soldiers Monument, dedicated in 1924, depicts a soldier and is engraved "In memory of the boys who wore gray." 
Because history happened, and some of them wore gray. You can't change history. Just because they wore gray doesn't make them racists. Everyone had their own reason for fighting the fight. Some didn't even own slaves but they thought they were fighting with their families, not against them. They thought they were right. And they lost, and many lost their lives. So remember that people died on both sides of the battle, and not everyone who wore gray was evil. Some were as misguided as today's people out there protesting. Do I think slavery should be reinstated? NO. Of course NOT.
And then you have idiots who say "There are reasons there are no statues of Hitler, no statues of him near the Auschwitz camps". That is a whole different thing. HITLER EMBODIED EVIL. No one disagrees that Hitler who wanted to exterminate people was pure evil incarnate. This particular monument is for the soldiers. They are not evil- they were on the wrong side. There are plenty of 'Nazi's' who were not evil, and there were plenty that were!! As they continue to hunt down Nazi's and try to bring them to justice, you hear more and more that some members did not know about exterminations going on at the camps. Some just did what they were told and didn't kill anyone with their hands. Their negligence and ignorance may have aided in deaths, as does OURS right now.

NEWS FLASH "nazi" AMERICANS: Americans fought to END the Nazi's- and END it and them we DID. Any American who then turns around and adopts their ideals, their symbols, and their HATE is unAmerican. They should be rounded up and shipped out- send them to North Korea. They should be penalized for embarrassing us and the rest of the world. There's a reason the vast majority of GERMANS don't want to ever talk about WW2 and Hitler and Nazis. They don't want to be associated with something so embarrassingly heinous. SHAME ON THE SO-CALLED AMERICAN NAZI PARTY. Kindly, go f**K yourselves. 

They do not have statues of Hitler at Auschwitz- but do you know why they keep up the death camps? So that the world remembers and it NEVER HAPPENS AGAIN. NEVER. EVER. We cannot forget what happened. We cannot write out parts of history. We can only take note and move forward and better ourselves. 

And if you think that I am a racist and a bigot, you have not read the most heartfelt part of this post. And you can kindly f**k off with your closed mind 💋👌


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