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" Human Rights": Rights vs commodities

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

The essential issue in politics is not the size but the function of government- it’s not whether a government is big or small, but whether it protects or violates rights. So the question today becomes, what is a 'right'? The two most prominent sides of the political spectrum (not alluding that there are ONLY two sides...) are the left and the right. Here's my take...

The term “right” denotes social systems and ideologies of freedom, it is based on capitalism and the system of individual rights. The 'right' system respects and protects individual rights and thus enables people to live their lives, to act on their judgment, to keep and use their property, and to pursue personal happiness. The political right has one goal of politics: the protection of rights. Today's conservative right is most adamant that these are rights:
The right to own and bear arms(amendment 2), the generalized absolute right to free speech (amendment 1), preservation of life (pro-life).

The term “left” is already widely used to denote social systems and ideologies of force, those who want the government to protect some rights while violating other rights- such as forcing people to fund other people’s health care, education, retirement, etc. Those on the "left" may support social welfare programs (food stamps, homeless shelters, unemployment benefits), higher or more "progressive" taxes to pay for said social programs, and social change or social justice to create 'equality' within the masses. The new age liberal left has made it very clear that this is their stance: IT IS OUR RIGHT, GIVE US FOR FREE- Healthcare, education, water, shelter, basic universal income -all things they consider general welfare.

NOW- before I go to my stance, I know that there are extremists of both sides, and there are people who really, really are mid ground. I, personally, find that I fall mid ground, but mostly 'right'. I highly disagree with the far liberal left. SO, to go back to the statement "IT IS OUR RIGHT, GIVE US FOR FREE- Healthcare, education, water, shelter, basic universal income -all things they consider general welfare".....

What they don't realize is that while yes, some of those are necessary to the welfare of any person, they are also commodities, and not rights. You have the right to food/water- you don't have the right to take my food/water.You have the right to pursue higher education. You don't have the right to make me pay for your higher education. You have the right to pursue healthcare, you don't have the right to make me pay for your healthcare. And when I say 'make me pay for' I insinuate that the person may or may not be contributing to society, and also may or may not be contributing to society in the capacity that I am. The liberal left is pushing for socialism which is defined as a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange of commodities should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. Also known as leftism and welfarism. Liberal left wants to overthrow free market and economy and even everything out. Liberal left wants to do away with hard work and let everyone slide by in the name of "welfare". Liberal left forgets that when Franklin D. Roosevelt proposed a social welfare program, he added this ominous message “The lessons of history, confirmed by evidence immediately before me, show conclusively that continued dependence on relief induces a spiritual and moral disintegration fundamentally destructive to the national fiber.  To dole out relief in this way is to administer a narcotic, a subtle destroyer of the human spirit.  It is inimical to the dictates of sound policy.  It is a violation of the traditions of America.” Liberal left forgets that both water and food require someone's hard work to create clean, viable sources for the masses. Liberal left forgets that sweat blood and tears go into everything they are asking for, for FREE.

When it comes to rights, I find that either people are free to act on their judgment, to keep and use their property, to pursue their own happiness—or they are not free; If not 'free' than they are to some extent persuaded to do something by using force or threats, or someone will obtain things from them by using force or threats. Either government protects and does not violate rights—or it violates rights to some extent. 

If people are not fully free to run their lives, homes, and businesses and voluntarily contract with others as they see fit, to engage in voluntary adult romantic relationships, to spend the money they earn and use the resources they procure as they see fit, to engage in their own preferred recreational activities, to decide to purchase or forgo health insurance, and so forth, then they are not free- they are victims of coercion.

There is no black and white here. There is a lot of gray. There is a lot of extremes. The mid-level players are being grossly overlooked. The words 'staunch', 'adamant', and 'unequivocally' are thrown around a lot in regards to people's beliefs, ideals, and 'rights'. 


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