I really don't get how people can equate BLM/Black Panthers to neo-nazis/KKK/nazis/alt-right. They are not the same thing. The thing that troubles me is that it's so many people on my feed doing this whether it be with statuses or comments on statuses. I really don't get how you can come to this conclusion.
Boy oh boy... if you don't get how people come to these conclusions, it's because you are not actually listening to the other person speak.
Here we go! (My response)
BLM IS a hate group. They readily say things like "Whites are genetic defects, are 'subhuman', and should be 'wiped out'". Listen to some of the rhetoric of the most powerful partners of BLM. Co- Founder Yusra Khogali? She uses her status and fame to call for more violence by her extreme group. She is known for is known for her public diatribes and violent rhetoric. She led the disruption of a gay pride parade- who ARE AS or MORE oppressed than the blacks.
Al Sharpton? Charles Wade?
The Black Panthers engaged in violence all the time. They were a gang of thugs. Definition of thugs: a violent person, especially a criminal. synonyms: ruffian, hooligan, vandal, hoodlum, gangster, villain, criminal. I think people who block highways, loot the trucks stuck in the traffic they created, set cars on fire, smash store windows, loot those stores- all in the name of BLM - fall under the definition of THUGS.
Neither BLM or Black Panthers follow in the footsteps of the great Martin Luther King Jr.
Would Dr. Martin Luther King Jr approve of using violence right now?
Facts beat out feelings every time. I don't know about life in Furgeson, or what went down in Charlottesville, about the people who were involved and what they truly believe. But I counter with, I also don't know about the REAL lives of the Black Panthers, or the KK, or the Neo-Nazis. Everyone can paint them however they want, but none of US were there- You can't paint a picture based on your feelings. I wish someone had a great aunt or uncle who was part of it, or we could interview BLM and Neo-Nazi and KKK leaders who could share the REAL LIFE experiences. Give us the insight we are looking for instead of everyone making assumptions and growing more hate based on that.
There is a strange trend with today's activists, where they provide themselves cover for engaging in hate speech. They say that because the system they live under has racial problems, they should be absolved from being held accountable when they make violent, absurd statements- especially against whites. If we whites have to be PC and not say racist things, so do other races... because separate but equal is NOT equal. EQUALITY is equal. No double standards.
The co-founder of BLM has a hateful rhetoric. Her followers have a hateful rhetoric. There is HATE there. If you cannot agree to that, then it is insulting to me who is trying to have an open and progressive dialogue. You literally said "I really don't get how you can come to this conclusion", and you are not listening to how and why we have come to these conclusions. THAT is the root of the problem we are all having. No one wants to listen or be sympathetic to the other side.
ALSO- ANTIFA. they are anti American, anti white, anti- EVERYTHING YOU KNOW AND LOVE ABOUT THIS COUNTRY... oh and very pro violence.
I really don't get how people can equate BLM/Black Panthers to neo-nazis/KKK/nazis/alt-right. They are not the same thing. The thing that troubles me is that it's so many people on my feed doing this whether it be with statuses or comments on statuses. I really don't get how you can come to this conclusion.
Boy oh boy... if you don't get how people come to these conclusions, it's because you are not actually listening to the other person speak.
Here we go! (My response)
BLM IS a hate group. They readily say things like "Whites are genetic defects, are 'subhuman', and should be 'wiped out'". Listen to some of the rhetoric of the most powerful partners of BLM. Co- Founder Yusra Khogali? She uses her status and fame to call for more violence by her extreme group. She is known for is known for her public diatribes and violent rhetoric. She led the disruption of a gay pride parade- who ARE AS or MORE oppressed than the blacks.
Al Sharpton? Charles Wade?
The Black Panthers engaged in violence all the time. They were a gang of thugs. Definition of thugs: a violent person, especially a criminal. synonyms: ruffian, hooligan, vandal, hoodlum, gangster, villain, criminal. I think people who block highways, loot the trucks stuck in the traffic they created, set cars on fire, smash store windows, loot those stores- all in the name of BLM - fall under the definition of THUGS.
Neither BLM or Black Panthers follow in the footsteps of the great Martin Luther King Jr.
Would Dr. Martin Luther King Jr approve of using violence right now?
Facts beat out feelings every time. I don't know about life in Furgeson, or what went down in Charlottesville, about the people who were involved and what they truly believe. But I counter with, I also don't know about the REAL lives of the Black Panthers, or the KK, or the Neo-Nazis. Everyone can paint them however they want, but none of US were there- You can't paint a picture based on your feelings. I wish someone had a great aunt or uncle who was part of it, or we could interview BLM and Neo-Nazi and KKK leaders who could share the REAL LIFE experiences. Give us the insight we are looking for instead of everyone making assumptions and growing more hate based on that.
There is a strange trend with today's activists, where they provide themselves cover for engaging in hate speech. They say that because the system they live under has racial problems, they should be absolved from being held accountable when they make violent, absurd statements- especially against whites. If we whites have to be PC and not say racist things, so do other races... because separate but equal is NOT equal. EQUALITY is equal. No double standards.
The co-founder of BLM has a hateful rhetoric. Her followers have a hateful rhetoric. There is HATE there. If you cannot agree to that, then it is insulting to me who is trying to have an open and progressive dialogue. You literally said "I really don't get how you can come to this conclusion", and you are not listening to how and why we have come to these conclusions. THAT is the root of the problem we are all having. No one wants to listen or be sympathetic to the other side.
ALSO- ANTIFA. they are anti American, anti white, anti- EVERYTHING YOU KNOW AND LOVE ABOUT THIS COUNTRY... oh and very pro violence.
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