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UpWorthy apparently isn't so uplifting... damn, I was starting to like them

Headline: As we celebrate marriage equality and LGBTQ acceptance, we must remember there is still a long way to go. (via Channel 4 News)
Video subtitles:
Homosexuality is still illegal in 72 countries. In 8 nations it is punishable by death. In 2014, two Iranian men were hanged for Sodomy. In 2003, three men were publicly beheaded for homosexual acts in Abha, ASIR Province. (WAIT WHY IS THE INFO SO OLD?? DON'T THEY HAVE SOMETHING  A LITTLE MORE RECENT?) Uganda is one of 14 nations where same-sex acts are punishable by 14 years to life in prison.Uganda's president, Yoweri Museveni stated " No study has shown that you can be homosexual purely by nature. Since nurture is the main cause of homosexuality, then society can do something about it to discourage the trends." Homosexuality is outlawed in the majority of Africa. (Shows crying people- but I hear there's a lot to cry about in Africa...) Homophobia is on the rise in the continent, often enabled by new, stricter Anti-Gay laws. Many African countries inherited "anti-sodomy laws" from colonial rule, South Africa is the only country to allow same-sex marriage. Same-sex marriage is not yet legal anywhere in Asia. Taiwan's highest court has ruled in favor of gay marriage, but parliament is yet to pass the law. (Sounds promising tho? Why spin it in a negative light?) In May 2017 in Indonesia, two men were publicly flogged for being gay (some new news to show this is still a relevant topic). LGBT is said to violate Islamic law. Russia's "gay propaganda law" has been accused of enforcing homophobia. There is an alleged round-up of gay men in Chechnya (part of the Russian Federation), LGBT groups say more than 100 men have been detained and at least three killed. 24 countries allow same-sex marriage- 15 in Europe, 5 in Latin america, Canada, America. Germany and Malta were the most recent. 88% of Spanish people believe society should accept homosexuality- 98% of Nigerians believe it should not be accepted. END VIDEO.

First of all- this is a poorly made video with out of context pictures, video, quotes, and statistics. Secondly, it's posted by UPWORTHY which states it's mission is : "Upworthy is on a mission to tell stories that bring people together — because we’re all part of the same story.  Sometimes a story opens a door to a new and better world. It might make you feel surprised, happy, inspired, motivated — even sad. Stories like that give us what we're missing in life. They connect us with each other. They change our hearts and our minds. They are worth our time. Upworthy tells those stories, and helps them reach millions every day. Stories that are worth your time — and that make the world a better place." UpWorthy is supposed to lift people up. This doesn't seem like a very uplifting video. You would think they would lift up the LGBT, this seems to just dampen everyone's mood. There's another way to hare this story to actually spur people to DO something instead of spurring anger fear and hatred.

My response: 
And America [because UpWorthy is American based]is one of THE most progressive and accepting countries. So American LGBTQ, please shut up over here about how victimized, marginalized, and discriminated against you all are. It could be SO MUCH WORSE. You do not have a long way to go over here in the great old US of A. And basically, most of us don't really care what you do in your personal life, as long as it doesn't infringe on the 'rest' of us. If someone really is THAT offended by your personal life and choices, then they really are a huge piece of shit human being. But stop grouping the rest of us in there with them! Stop playing the victim over here in America where you are free to be whoever you want to be- and start making problems only with people who actually try to hold you back. Trump never did anything to anyone in the LGBTQ community. Pence has said some things but he has no power over you. Whoever else, unless they are really stopping you from living your best life- get over it and keep on keeping on. Start redirecting your anger where it needs to go- which is outside of our privileged and progressive country... see the countries mentioned in the video for reference as to where your efforts are truly needed. 

I just don't understand why people would rather dwell on the bad and play the victim... and I am not immune to this. I would dwell on the bad in my life and let it lead me down the rabbit hole of depression. And I really have very little bad in my life, I just allow my anxiety to make mountains out of molehills. Other people can't even come to this realization... that they are making something out of really nothing.

Other people also don't even realize that they are mistreating people who are not victimizing them, who are not offending or discriminating against them. Not just the LGBTQ community... but liberals, blacks, illegal immigrants. Why are we so quick to pass judgement based on shallow observations??? That's a whole other blog post.


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