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Live and let live

I posted this one year ago on my FB page.
Little did I know that within a year, everyone would be trying to tell everyone else how to live 100% worse than they were at that moment in time.
What do I mean?
"Accept trans people, let them use your bathroom, and don't call them by any pronouns associated with any specific gender"
"Accept feminists, listen to their rants, support them as they protest, pay for their birth control"
"Accept pro-choice supporters, because you're a woman and you should know we should have the only control over our own bodies. If that means everyone in the country chips in for our birth control and medical well-being and abortions, so be it. We have the right to choose"
"Accept illegal aliens, let them live here free of national responsibility, pay for their medical, send their kids to the schools you pay for, don't alienate them"
"Accept fat people, don't act like their lifestyle is unhealthy, make them feel beautiful and wanted and loved just the way they are"
"Accept murders and rapists, pay for them to live out their life in a cushy prison free of national and individual responsibility, accept the appeals process even though they were found guilty without a doubt, forgive them of their transgressions even though they show no remorse- they are human beings and deserve better than a painful execution"

Basically, there are people out there arguing with me over my beliefs, not letting ME live the way I want to. Trying to change my mind about how I feel about the world and things that go on in it.

Here's my stances, read it and understand and accept it

#1- Trans is a thing because we make it a thing. There is no such thing as a "tranny" which is short for 'transitioning'... if they are male they were born with an X and a Y and will have that same X and Y their entire life just like every other male on earth. There are 2 genders defined by biology. Gender is binary. If you'd rather abandon your physical and genetic state, that's fine FOR YOU. But don't get offended when I can't figure out what the f**k you are or are trying to be. In my eyes- If you sound like a dude and look more like a dude, it doesn't matter what you are trying to be, I will stand by my perceptions. You know, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck- it's a f**king duck. If you kindly explain that you want to be referred to as a female, I will kindly oblige. If you rudely, snottily, or douschily demand I bend my reality and act like I'm a bigot- kindly go f**k yourself. In reality, I don't care what's between your legs, but if changing sex can be done by mutilating your genitals, then by that same logic I can have a beak sewn onto my face and that automatically makes me a bird. I'm done paying taxes if that is deemed to be a truth. But I highly doubt it ever will be. Don't try to bend my reality. These people are pushing against "normality" so hard, but they fail to accept that being trans is nowhere near universally accepted-- and they can't accept that. They need to force everyone to see tings the way they do, or they can't be happy. *MIND BLOWER* They can't accept that that a 6 billion+ society isn't completely accommodating to literally 1% of the population.  AND IT'S MORE ACCEPTED IN AMERICA THAN ANYWHERE ELSE AND YET THAT'S WHERE THEY PUSH THE HARDEST! People need their own time to adjust to something -if they so choose. You can't just ram it down people's throats and call them the bad ones when they barely understand the issue or situation or topic(whatever you want to call it). So go ahead, you do you, but if you make me feel uncomfortable in the bathroom, the classroom, the boardroom, the supermarket, or in my zen spaces- I will rain hell down on you.

#2- Feminists. What the f**k ever. If the diarrhea info you are spewing doesn't sit well with me or I find it to be in no way factual, I will let you know. Your argument that I am a woman and I should agree with your rhetoric is unconstitutional- I will not be told what or how to think. I will not be told to blindly follow because I have tits and a pu$$y. I will not be offended by things that offend you just because I'm a woman. I have my own priorities and prerogatives and I choose not to be a voluntary victim. I do not hate men, in any way. I've actually always felt more comfortable around them, and steered clear of large groups of women.

#3 Pro Choice. I sit on the fence with this one. I think that people need to take responsibility for every action that lead up to the decision to have an abortion. I have. I know that I was a drunk promiscuous college student. I cannot confirm nor deny if the sexual assault I experienced produced the child. I feared that my child was sick- it had been swimming in liquor from the moment it was created. I had no support net. The main person I went to for hope, support, and guidance turned me away. Feeling lost and alone and ashamed at what I had done to myself and the child, I opted to abort. I paid for it out of my own pocket. When the doctor showed me my child's face, I almost changed my mind. It had a face. It was barely a bulge under my freshman 15 weight I had gained, up until this point I had completely hid it's existence from those in my world. It had a face and hands. It was nestled in there so safe and sound and unsuspecting. I stumbled out of there without that child. It was a horrible experience. I felt shamed when I got home. I was told to clean up and act like this had all never happened. Coping with this decision is ongoing. I would talk every woman out of saying it was their only choice. Every selfish woman who says "it's my body, I don't want this" I will tell them "You should have thought about that way before this very moment". Because I tell myself that every day. I could have prevented this in so many ways. 

#4- Illegal immigrants. My husband's country declares that it's citizens must win a lottery to be allowed to leave it. The country tries it's hardest to keep it's talented youth (16-40) on home soil. If that means denying travel and vacation visas to the US, then so be it. His Dad came over first- males who won the lottery could not just take the rest of the family. Mom had to win to take the kids. Mom won the right to leave over a year later. They immigrated and were nationalized as quickly as they could. They learned English. They paid their taxes. They worked for American companies. They voted. Somehow, some people from other countries (and even his own homeland) overstay vacation visas, gain employment, gain access to our healthcare system, take up residence, and do not pay into the federal systems. You know, there' only 2 things you've got to do in life- pay taxes and die. I don't know why it's so offensive to ask people who are living on the soil of the great United States to pay into the systems that support them. Social security, welfare, taxes. It actually really easy to get breaks on your taxes. I had rarely owed taxes until I was 30 years old. I had worked my ass off, and somehow not owed ridiculous amounts in taxes. But when I owe, I just know I owe it. When it's taken out of my paycheck, I tip my hat to uncle Sam. I'm just curious why 100% of Americans- legal or illegal if you are living here you are considered American- can't just do the right thing. And you know, I understand the whole DACA dreamers thing. It was a great idea. Poorly executed- it left no path to citizenship, it was an unfinished idea with no end game. I think that is what people don't realize. DACA created a protected limbo, it didn't create a solution. Now that it's being looked into, we have the opportunity to complete the idea and create a solution for this overwhelming group of people. These people who say it's not fair, this is their "home"... but who don't play by the rules because of the limbo they are sitting in. If they want to stay here, they should get on the fast track to citizenship or green card and get in the game for real. It's not racist- it's real life. You want the perks of living here? You want to really be an American? Actions speak louder than words- DO IT! You have plenty of American friends to sponsor you, start a Go Fund Me, etc. Get it done. THAT'S the American spirit. My husband and his family did it the right way, it wasn't the easiest way- but they did it. I cannot be sympathetic to people who cut corners when I've seen success stories from doing it the straight up right way. Stop trying to force me to sympathize. Stop trying to force me to support them. Stop trying to change my stance.

AND THAT'S REALLY THE MORAL TO THIS STORY- STOP TRYING TO CHANGE MY STANCE. I have done my research, I have my reasons for feeling the way I do, and I have the right to my own free thought and free speech. Stop trying to change my mind. If you don't like it, if you would rather sit in the echo chamber, if you prefer to use rude, harassing, defamatory, or derogatory rhetoric to prove your point-- please just leave me alone. I'm not worth your time, because you are surely not worth mine. LIVE, AND LET LIVE. Live your life, live your truth, and let everyone else live theirs. AGREE TO DISAGREE. If it's not affecting your well being, your pursuit of life liberty and happiness, then don't let it affect you at all.
It's kinda sad that I have to explain this to people.


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