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And the author then follows that headline with "Ladies, before you angrily dismiss me, hear me out...You don’t have to have a brain, drive or special skill set to get married. You just have to have a willing partner." 1st of all, I just want to note that an equal amount of MEN commented on this article as women did.  Here's my thoughts.... "You just have to have a willing partner"... sounds like what they say about sex now-a-days...  Getting married IS an accomplishment, it means you accomplished putting aside all of your selfishness and insecurities to be really real with someone - to care about them as much as (or more than) you care about yourself.  It means you've learned to work together on all things, you've learned to share secrets with them, you've learned there are no more secrets, you've learned to make JOINT everything- life goals, decisions, plans, accounts.  You have bettered yourself and another by being together ...

SO apparently Trump will make Birth Control unavailable? Who comes up with this shit

There's a birth control company who is giving discounts on birth control with the promo code DONALDTRUMP. That is true- I went to their site and put it in and they accepted it. Funny part about that is the site only sells CA, NY, DC and WA , and they are the states with the most affordable healthcare and birth control. They also all voted for Hillary. Coincidence? So I gave my 2 cents. And I will post every retort I had to give to the internet trolls who don't seem to understand my stance on this. HERE WE GO: ORIGINAL POST: If people don't have access to healthcare (including birth control) it's because of the current state of the healthcare system, and the government not making big pharmaceutical companies charge affordable prices for products. that being said. Reproduct ive rights start with your right to make a decision way before another life is involved. another life meaning a sex partner, and also a fetus. Such as your decision to have or not to have unprotecte...

same-sex parents will no longer be able to be listed on their kids' birth certificates

Headlines: Arkansas just took a giant leap backward with LGBTQ rights: same-sex parents will no longer be able to be listed on their kids' birth certificates. My opinion- THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH LGBTQ RIGHTS.  LGBTQ are making mountains out of mole hills again. **SIDE NOTE- Take a look at Italy's laws about adopion, surrogacy, in vitro, etc. WAY stricter than here.** What rights are being violated here? Really- the rights of the unknowing child (if anyone's) are being violated because they are being lied to from the moment they are born.  From my point of view- this should be supported as a scientifically backed move for informational purposes.  How are we supposed to track things like genetic defects, genetically linked diseases, hereditary issues, cancers??  I had to go through all sorts of cancer screenings because my adoptive mother had breast cancer and its hereditary, and in turn they missed screening me for all the issues my biological ...

Piercings, tattoos, dyed hair... in the professional world

If you didn't know... I have all of the above....piercings, tattoos, and dyed hair. I have been told multiple times over the years that your employers do not have to hire you for ANY reason and that can fire you at will. For anything. Literally, anything. it's called "being willfully employed". This post is based on a statement made in a video labeled " It's time to end the stigma around body piercings (via ATTN:)." The general gist of the statement that I got is that "Employees should be judged on performance, not appearance" and at the same time that "piercings reflect individuality, not professionalism". Wait, what?! I find this pieced together statement to be contradictory. And it proves what is wrong with this narrative. So, let me get this straight- don't judge me by how I look, go out on a limb and pay me for a few weeks and t...

Did Baby boomers ruin the world for ENTITLED millennials?

So the trigger meme: "Millenials pay all the bills people in 1995 did- plus cell/internet, plus rent/food costs x2, plus student loans, with no increase in wages." #the struggle is real  #millenial problems Here we go again. #1 comment that pissed me off:  If I had a dime for every time a baby boomer said millennials are lazy, I could buy a house in the economy they ruined for us. My response... True millennials are lazy. The ones that mooch off their parents- don't pay for their own rent and health insurance and food- while working one menial job post graduation and whining that they don't have all the things the world has to offer. And then you have the ones who happen to fall into the age group pf "Millennial" who work 2 or 3 jobs, rent a modest place, go without internet in their home and use free WiFi when they need it, shop around to get the best deal on a cell phone carrier, buy a second hand car for half the payment of a brand new lease. Al...

be the change... (Part 3)

It's kind of funny when people tell you not to complain or worry or have an opinion or -worst of all- do something I hate the phrase "you wouldn't understand....". It's usually followed by something generalized or judgemental that the person has no clue how it affects you (and truthfully probably doesn't care). You wouldn't understand, you're white. You wouldn't understand, you're skinny. You wouldn't understand, you have a college degree. You wouldn't understand, you have money. You wouldn't understand you're not a wife/parent/or any other designation. And ya know it's actually hurtful... Because you're assuming I'm not HUMAN- that I don't CARE. That I don't have that basic human compassion for others in me. You assume I don't have feelings or can't understand complex human interactions or thoughts. All sorts of assuming. And after assuming how I think or feel, what I am or am not... You th...

Rant of the day...

A "news outlet" aired a video of a Texas Mayor saying he is  "more fearful of large gatherings of young white men that come into schools, theaters and shoot people up"  than any Muslim or refugee. Now that's all fine and dandy. Everyone is entitled to their opinion- and Texas has a very large Muslim population. It also has had multiple incidents of "mass" (4 or more dead) shootings perpetrated by both Muslims and whites. Of course people are quick to jump on his bandwagon and say that white people are the devil. UM, WHAT? So the majority of the country is "the devil"... ? My original comment to this video is : "It's actually not large gatherings of white men who do these terrible things... it's isolated incidents of individuals. And yes some are white. Except the Orlando shooter and the San Bernadino shooter and the Virginia Tech shooter, the Boston marathon bombers (pretty sure they were considered refugees) and oh yeah t...

America- have some common sense...

So there's some craziness going on in America So some people didn't get what they wanted So some people want to fight the system The outcome of the 2016 election may suck, but we were going to end up with one of these two (actually there were 5 but let's not get into that) people as our President..... so it is done, it has happened.... and now it's time to come together and make the most of it. Please. I keep seeing people post on how they are terrified or scared  Well.. what are you scared of exactly?  War? Because that's happening. School shootings? Because that's happening. Pipeline? That's been happening. Terrorism? Definitely alive and well. Going broke due to health insurance? Mm yes. Corruption throughout the system? Already there. Police officers being murdered? Yep, that's happening. Innocent lives being lost? Happens every day Bullying? Check. Loss of jobs? We've got that on lock. Loss of Social Security? That...

A little MORE about me

It has come to my attention that people have no problem disregarding my voice, my opinion, my outlooks, my feelings, and my attempts to rationalize the craziness that is going on in the world- and it seems to me that it's because they are too busy generalizing me and who I am and that based on their assumptions they are unwilling to see me fit to also have a say. So let me tell you a little MORE about me. I think this should be made into a video to start my vlog channel. Hi. I'm Jasmine. People call me Jazzy, Feisty, Jersey. Call me basic bitch for all I care. I'm white . I'm female . I fall into that 21-40 age range. I'm short. I have some sort of Italian American heritage that is noticeable in the way I talk loudly and using exaggerated hand gestures, the way (and amount of food) I cook, and my overall persona- some would even say I have an accent. I grew up in suburban, urban, and rural America. I'm some sort of educated... I have a high sc...

Be the change ... (Part 2)

I have said it before and I will say it again-- BE THE CHANGE YOU WANT TO SEE IN THE WORLD. Be it. Do it. Take action. "Teacher tell student 'you and your parents are getting deported'... is this Trump's America?" If we are blaming Trump for the teacher's actions.... If there are people out there blaming Trump for their actions, those people are a huge part of the problem. Those people are the ones inciting fear. Anyone who blames other people for the way they act or present themselves or treat others is a problem. And I feel that problem gets fixed by starting at HOME. Since when did we stop teaching kindness, and equality at HOME. Since when did we stop preaching accountability and respect at HOME? Because all the little a-holes running around running their mouths and not respecting other people, bullying other people, forcing their views on other people, blaming other people are more of a problem than the one man the majority of America e...

Just some positive vibes from some of my friends

Each one of my friends has some good points to share. Here, I highlight the 3 posts I got the most from today. If we are moved by something, we should share it to move others. I try to positively move people... and I feel at this uncertain and often scary time in EVERYONE's life, we need some little ray of hope. Here are some thoughts to ponder. Friend #1- Grow and learn. Half of America voted Trump and half voted Clinton. Don't be close minded. Don't box all Trump supports in as racists or dumb republicans and stop labeling those against him as idiot liberals. There are at least 60 million people with an opposing view. Clearly there are other perspectives. Try to understand each other. Our different experiences and values make us special but our unwillingness to understand each other makes us ignorant. For me, this is a tough pill to swallow but I have a faith in our future. Friend #2-  Words of encouragement: I read thru the news feed of people's feelings in...

Just a thought

I guess I should say that YES I DO CARE... however there is more we can DO to fix our problems. We can start a revolution, by educating ourselves and our offspring. We can start a movement with deep roots. We can change the way we act to the world, and thus influence the way they act towards us. We can eliminate our problems, not just for ourselves- but for future generations. We can train, nurture, and produce better human beings than we have. We can do this- we can make the difference. Will you be the one to take the first step?

A letter to Donald Trump

Dear President Donald Trump, Congrats ..... Now that you've made it this far, we need to talk. I need to implore you.... You have a responsibility now, to the whole country. This is not an acquisition. You cannot do whatever you want now. Everything you do now represents America as a whole. America put you here in this position. We, Americans, picked you. “If Donald Trump really wants to be president of all Americans, then I think his first duty is to fill in the deep rifts which arose during the campaign,”  Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier of Germany, a country where Mr. Trump is deeply unpopular, appealed for reconciliation. We also picked Mike pence. We liked him- We liked you guys as a team. Please please listen to him. Use his knowledge. Use him as a sounding board. Pick a wonderful cabinet, surround yourself with knowledgeable people. Do the right thing. Make this election outcome something to be remembered. Please move forward with tact . You said you wou...