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Just some positive vibes from some of my friends

Each one of my friends has some good points to share. Here, I highlight the 3 posts I got the most from today. If we are moved by something, we should share it to move others. I try to positively move people... and I feel at this uncertain and often scary time in EVERYONE's life, we need some little ray of hope. Here are some thoughts to ponder.

Friend #1-
Grow and learn. Half of America voted Trump and half voted Clinton. Don't be close minded. Don't box all Trump supports in as racists or dumb republicans and stop labeling those against him as idiot liberals. There are at least 60 million people with an opposing view. Clearly there are other perspectives. Try to understand each other. Our different experiences and values make us special but our unwillingness to understand each other makes us ignorant. For me, this is a tough pill to swallow but I have a faith in our future.

Friend #2- 
Words of encouragement:
I read thru the news feed of people's feelings in regards to the result of the election. And as much as we can express our opinions of either how much we dislike or like Trump... he is our president now and we are to accept and hope for the best of America and the people living in it. I did my part and voted and whether it made a difference or not, I will not let the result determine my happiness in this country.
Regardless of race color creed religion etc., we must continue to support each other as people of America. We must continue to move forward with love and respect for one another. Because no matter who our president is, it is how we treat each other that matters. Because it is us who decides how the world goes round in our daily lives.
America being great again is a slogan Trump used for his campaign but is we the people who make our everyday great again in this country...
"It is only you who can make yourself happy in this world. God has a plan and I will trust and believe that and so I shall follow."
You may either extremely dislike or like the result of this election, but let's keep our heads up high and keep moving forward and not look back...

Friend #3-
Alright so.
Number 1) America does not hate women. I keep seeing these stupid Facebook articles about how America hates women and everyone is sexist because Clinton lost the election. No that's completely ridiculous, knock it off. Women can do anything..ANYTHING they want. And for the most part they have total control over men and if a man doesn't respect a woman he better start, he won't get very far without.
2) stop crying! Half of this country looks like the biggest pile of sore losers ever. Little kids cry over lost games that's fine. You are supposed to be mature adults, stop it! Yes, it was an upset. Yes, those of us with half a brain know your reasons why you're pissed and it's a shame you feel that way and can't just accept what has happened and allow it to move on.
3) Most importantly, America has spoken. Listen closely to everyone that keeps going on and on about our new President-elect Trump. Even if all the crazy rhetoric over the last few months about him was true, those of us that have the short end of the stick in this country DO NOT CARE! Hillary Clintons supporters don't care about her corrupt madness and that's ok, but the guy says something a decade ago (that all guys say don't lie to yourselves) way before he was running for president and was just a rich dickhead, everyone loses their minds. From those of us that ARE the backbone of America, especially to people like Clinton's campaign manager who said trump "can go fuck himself". Hey bitch, YOU can go fuck Yourself! We in the middle class and I don't mean this new middle class making 120K a year, I mean somewhere around 50K or less and still making it work, are so tired of politicians screwing this economy up that we are willing to give the businessman a shot at it. Everyone came out to vote this time. This was the biggest Fuck You in American history, folks. And it's is now proven that there are more of us middle and lower middle class citizens and people disgusted by our government that we are willing to give Donald Trump a chance. It sounds just as crazy to us trust me!
4) Acceptance. He IS, and for 4 years (or 8 depending) WILL BE our president. If he isn't your president then move. I'll give you a ride to the airport. I would always hear Clintons supporters preaching tolerance, and they're not being tolerant at all. You are now what we were. Completely disgusted. The difference is we dug in and still had to go to work and still had our bills to pay and we never gave up we never quit. We dealt with the cards we were handed and let life move on. No riots, no outlandish news articles calling the White House the house of horrors. That's crazy people. Deal with it, sit back and see what happens. Have some damn respect for your new president-elect, your fellow countrymen of all creeds and colors, and your country. You don't have to like him, but you should respect him. If Hillary Clinton was our president-elect I wouldn't like her at all, but I would respect her and allow her to proceed running the country. If you have no respect, no tolerance and don't feel you can live here then leave. No one is stopping you.
Well that was a long one I'm sorry. If you have made it this far I appreciate that and hope you have a great day. God Bless


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