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A letter to Donald Trump

Dear President Donald Trump,

Congrats .....

Now that you've made it this far, we need to talk. I need to implore you....

You have a responsibility now, to the whole country. This is not an acquisition. You cannot do whatever you want now. Everything you do now represents America as a whole. America put you here in this position. We, Americans, picked you.
“If Donald Trump really wants to be president of all Americans, then I think his first duty is to fill in the deep rifts which arose during the campaign,” Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier of Germany, a country where Mr. Trump is deeply unpopular, appealed for reconciliation.
We also picked Mike pence. We liked him- We liked you guys as a team. Please please listen to him. Use his knowledge. Use him as a sounding board. Pick a wonderful cabinet, surround yourself with knowledgeable people. Do the right thing. Make this election outcome something to be remembered.

Please move forward with tact.
You said you would do things and people listened.

But please- don't go on a witch hunt... For illegal immigrants. Please do not repeat a horrible scenario that history has already seen. Please find a way to do this that won't make people hate you. Invest the time in the situation to find a way to do this that upholds the truths and rights that Americans hold self-evident. Be open to working with some people who have done nothing wrong while they have been here. Get rid of free loaders and those involved in crimes and those dragging us down... But have mercy on those who have been nothing but hard workers. Yes, they should pay taxes too. No, they should not get a free pass into our healthcare or welfare systems when actual citizens are in need. But let's make a plan- a plan that doesn't make you seem like a huge A-HOLE.

You got rural America to come out and vote. Rural America backed you. Please do right by them. Please consult about agriculture in America- please do research, please hear the hard working rural Americans, please help those who make America great. They have been breaking their backs to feed and clothe (cotton, etc) us and they have been screwed over a LOT.

Women backed you. Educated, smart, savvy, beautiful women thought you were the better choice. Do right by them. Show them you're not just that guy who made crude remarks. Show them they deserve everyone's respect. Show them they are important. Show them you view them as more than 'baby and sandwich making machines that are nice to look at'. Show women they are the key to the future just as much as any man is. Show them that they too, can be President one day. Fix what you have done to upset and offend them. Gain their trust and MEAN IT. Just f**king apologize and mean it- by acting better right away.

Please think before taking away people's only source of insurance. That crumbling structure of ObamaCare may be just that, but it is some people's only life line. Please- before you dismantle it, research, make a plan, and come up with something better. Please don't leave people's lives uncovered...

Please think about all the GOOD that Planned Parenthood has done. Please think of the positive effects it has had on our nation. It's not just a place people can go to to have an abortion- it is so much more than that. People who are scared go there, people who need help and don't know where to turn, people who want the ultimate in privacy go there for that reason. They assist ANYONE in getting birth control- which brings down abortion rates. They supply condoms and preach responsible and safe sex- which brings down the numbers of teen moms, the number of single moms/dads on welfare, and the number of abortions.They assist anyone in getting health care, not just for things like STDs and pregnancies. Real doctors work with patients for SOLUTIONS.  Please do the research into what a necessary program they run there, and then make a decision about how to move forward. Planned parenthood is not the reason we have such high abortion rates- it is the reason the numbers don't go HIGHER. It gives people options, it gives people resources, and it gives people help they need.

People are scared of you- please make it known it's not YOU they should be afraid of. It's the laws they are breaking, it's the injustices the politicians have allowed, it's the natural change of the world that everyone is afraid of and no one knows how to handle. There are certain groups you need to reach out to. Black lives matter is a huge thing right now- remind them they matter to you and have been heard and will be heard and will be helped. LGBT equality is a big thing right now.- remind them that they have rights, namely the pursuit of happiness. Remind them that they are a huge part of the melting pot that is the united states and that they matter and have a place in your heart. Immigrants in general- ones that have legally chosen to be citizens- remind them that they matter. Remind the world you hire them, the value  them, and that you know we are all decedent of immigrants (except of course Native Americans, respectfully). Please show us all how you will take that into account and handle the changing world as best you can, with guidance from seasoned vets and legitimate advisers. Let them know they you don't have an itchy trigger finger to go to world with the war- because the way I've heard it is, you want to do most of your work right here in our home country.

When you have that moment in January ... The big event where the mantle is passed to you, please pick wonderful people to be a part of it. Please find someone wholesome and the poster American to sing the national anthem from the heart. Please have key speakers who will be original like you and ignite and unite the public. Please pay them accordingly, you don't have to always negotiate. Make sure people feel appreciated and feel that you are THEIR president. Not a conman, not a heartless soulless businessman. Be the people's PRESIDENT and a role model.

Please think about doing things differently than others have done them, but still doing them RIGHT. An example, since you are a bajillionaire and you funded most of your own campaign, maybe to gain some ground with the upset Americans, you can FOREGO the salaries attached to this position. You don't need it. you nanny doesn't need to be paid for by the people. All sorts of expenditures that usually fall on the general public for the President- forego it all. Be independent of the public's pocket. that will surely garner some respect.

Please be careful with Twitter. Rural America doesn't tweet as much as you think- they're busy working with their hands. They don't have time for that. You don't have time for multiple daily tweets. They don't have time for drama and twitter wars and re-tweeting .Your life is not too be lived out on twitter for the next four years. You will put yourself at risk and you could put those around you at risk. Please be aware. Make a conscious decision to use Twitter for good from here on out. It WILL be EVEN MORE scrutinized now than it ever was.

Everyone has been fired up by what you have said. Now we need you to talk REAL policies and DO some things. We need action. We need a revamp. We need you to gracefully move forward with a level head. We need you to show the world you are not a joke, we are not a joke, you are a man for the people picked by the people and here to serve and do right by THE PEOPLE.
Please. Think before you speak and act. Please don't let us down. We've been let down enough by politicians. Please use some of them for their valuable knowledge but don't screw us over- they've done that enough. Please be the change you promised. Please don't be like Hitler. Please don't make us regret this.



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