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Rant of the day...

A "news outlet" aired a video of a Texas Mayor saying he is "more fearful of large gatherings of young white men that come into schools, theaters and shoot people up" than any Muslim or refugee.

Now that's all fine and dandy. Everyone is entitled to their opinion- and Texas has a very large Muslim population. It also has had multiple incidents of "mass" (4 or more dead) shootings perpetrated by both Muslims and whites.

Of course people are quick to jump on his bandwagon and say that white people are the devil.
UM, WHAT? So the majority of the country is "the devil"... ?

My original comment to this video is :
"It's actually not large gatherings of white men who do these terrible things... it's isolated incidents of individuals. And yes some are white. Except the Orlando shooter and the San Bernadino shooter and the Virginia Tech shooter, the Boston marathon bombers (pretty sure they were considered refugees) and oh yeah those guys that did some stuff on Sept 11th. But let's gloss over all of that, those other events with HUGE death tolls. 
Also people- he's from TEXAS where concealed carrying is allowed. Just that fact makes that state a safer place to live in. If the places where these white shooters went on rampage were also concealed carry states, there is a potential that less lives would have been lost because citizens would have defended themselves.

One commenter said:
"Uh oh, offended white person" "Jasmine says why can't we talk about Muslims instead" "white people most frequently go on shooting sprees- don't be offended, consider the point"

At this point I said: The media is pointing your anger in the wrong direction.

To which he answered: Jasmine - where should my anger be pointed if not at the group most frequently responsible?

And that's a great question, as it is also a great reminder that there is a lot of anger in people, in the United States, and in humanity in general. So I think my LAST response will really be a mic drop.

"If you have anger to point... point it at humanity as a whole- for breeding such hate that people are driven to do these things. You should look past race, color, creed, religion, and gender and hold us ALL, as humans, accountable. The generalizations that everyone leaps to are astounding- especially when not backed by facts. But also, what do studies and statistics and research actually prove? Do they help us stop these things from happening over and over again? Have we made any headway from headlines like this towards actual repair? No- we continue to grow hate and fear. We do nothing but let our minds fester. If you have hate and you want to point it- point it at yourself for not actively understanding what's going on around you and for not doing something to make the world a better place. Don't point it at me because I'm white, or a woman, or whatever else you want to label me as. That's exactly what Mic wants you to do... they don't want unity, they want us to be more divided, because if we don't see eye to eye with them then we are the enemy, the enemy to their agenda. Their agenda is only sharing "news" they agree with. Not reporting equally on everything- not reporting truthfully on everything. This is one man's opinion and they agree and they want us all on their bandwagon. Great reporting. One opinion to rule them all. Tear each other apart since you don't agree with each other. Suppress the voices that don't voice concerns in line with yours. This is what we are up against, and the MEDIA is the ringleader. And then we ourselves are next in line to be pointed at- for allowing ourselves to be dragged in and letting our minds be poisoned. For not doing our own research and forming our own opinions. For taking everything at face value and letting ourselves be dumbed down. Don't blame me for problems because I don't agree with your opinion. Don't blame a group of people because someone told you to. Don't harbor so much anger towards anyone, because when that festering sore explodes- you might be the next person making headlines. "


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