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I cheat too much on weekends and that's probably why I'm not successful....

At least I can point out my flaws. I know the reasons I'm "disappointed in myself" again and again when it comes to weight loss.

*Mimosas on Sundays
*Bacon and egg bread pudding
*Long Islands on rooftops
*Wawa subs because you need something quick to put in your belly so you can keep drinking 

*Red bull or Monster because you need energy since you got up at 6am and are trying to go hard until 2am
*Shots of Fireball because you spun the shot wheel and won a round

Normal people (ages 20-25 mostly) can do things like this. People who aren't happy with their bodies and buy into expensive products, should not.

People who sometimes care but kinda really don't can do them too...

Sunday: 6am wake-up to go ride the horses. Home by 10. Dressed and out the door by 11. Pick up friend, drive into NYC, somehow find parking on the street in the meatpacking district. Walk up to where it says the restaurant should be but there's nothing, not even a sign. Walk up and down the sidewalk 3 times- 3rd time a waiter is putting a sign out with the restaurant's name and an arrow towards a relatively unmarked door. Cool. 12 pm reservation. Cocktails? Sure! Baked eggs with spinach and tomatoes sounds like a real clean winner. Ordered. WINNING. Side orders of bacon and egg bread pudding (what is this witchcraft??) and truffle fries--- FML. All so good. View is amazing. Friends are having a good time. We decide to find another cool rooftop to hang out with. We don't walk quite as far as I'd like after all I've eaten. We don't even have to climb 20 flights of stairs, damn thing has an elevator. Lazy bastards (I needed that stair workout...). Find a couch that's unoccupied with an amazing view to plop down on. Get a LIT because I only plan on having one drink so it might as well be strong. The place starts filling up with weird chicks that maybe are 19 (but its 21 to get in) and boy are they annoying as f**K. Hipsters? Name dropping Cyndi Lauper's son is their best friend? Saying they miss Hannah Montana? Asking what house in Hogwarts you would have belonged to? I'm too old for this sh*t. Boys say screw it let's go to the shore- I'm in. Pack into the car, make a quick pit stop for mister show stopper to change into his 3rd outfit of the day (and make drinks to GO), another quick stop for subs and Monsters. Find THE LAST PARKING SPOT IN THE 1ST LOT by Bar A in Belmar, Woah. Let's just stop and relish in that moment (and eat our subs on the trunk while every car that pulls in asks if we are leaving). $15 to get into Bar A... omg toes in the sand for the first time this year! Happy Dance! Lots of Dancing. Fitbit says 22,000 steps worth of walking and dancing. Logs over 2 hours of dancing and calls it aerobics. THANK YOU!!!
Run into other friends, who's buying a round, who's spinning the wheel and winning a round. We go to the back bar to hear the BEST music and dance dance the night away-- until some of us are barely staying awake and I have danced myself into an upset stomach. Home we go. 1:30 am. I'm 29 years old and I've just had an epic 36 hours.


I didn't follow my diet at all. And I will probably pay for it. I suck at life.


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