So you'd think that losing 6lbs in 8 days would make me want to keep it strict. I thought so too.
Friday I had a shake for breakfast, a shake for lunch, and planned to eat at someone's house. They invited hubby and I over because they wanted him to fix their computer and offered a delightful dinner and conversation in return. Love it!
How do you go to someone's house and NOT EAT what they put in front of you?
-breaded chicken
-tomato and mozzarella with roasted red peppers
- gourmet deli meats
-fresh green beans light salt/pepper
-homemade bread
-homemade pierogies
So anyone who is on the strict life would say "oh you only eat what you can eat that they have, politely decline". Seriously, how do you politely decline? I could have eaten salad all night except the host was saying "try the chicken try the pierogies try this try that have wine".
I decided it was best to not offend my friends. They laid out a spread fit for a king and queen because we did them a favor.
So I had the chicken. I had some pierogies. I had the fresh mozz. I tried the homemade bread. Ya know what- at least I knew everything was homemade. My friend even cooks in coconut oil. And I didn't over-indulge. I didn't eat until I was stuffed.
Dieting shouldn't be able self-denial. That's when you become miserable. It's about balance in life.
Saturday I got up, when to the farm. Work to be done. Afterwards, my husband and I and a few friends went to the Beer Bacon BBQ festival. Let me say this- I love bacon. I'm not a beer person so easy to refuse. BUT BACON. Because, BACON. But again, I didn't overdo it. yes, that maple glazed bacon topped donut was not necessary.... but the bacon cannoli was!!
Sunday I had a shake in the morning, then all the shit hit the fan. After running a brisk 5k and feeling dizzy I figured a shake was NOT the best course of action. SO I got a wood fired pizza (margherita). I went to my parents for a BBQ and all they had were ribs. Not supposed to eat pork or red meat. Had nothing I could eat at my parents-- deviled eggs prob full of mayo, macaroni salad (homemade with EVOO), cheeses. Had to make the decision again to eat what was provided.
I'm debating whether when I'm dieting I should be a hermit, or it's OK to have something here and there that's not so strict. I'm pretty convinced that being a hermit would make me miserable, even if not eating everything delicious that I see will not.
I lost 6 lbs in 8 days, I gained back 2 in 4 days. Is it water weight? is it what I ate? is it because I lost too much too fast and my body is in a starvation mode as it is? who knows. But as of today my weight loss =4lbs.
Friday I had a shake for breakfast, a shake for lunch, and planned to eat at someone's house. They invited hubby and I over because they wanted him to fix their computer and offered a delightful dinner and conversation in return. Love it!
How do you go to someone's house and NOT EAT what they put in front of you?
-breaded chicken
-tomato and mozzarella with roasted red peppers
- gourmet deli meats
-fresh green beans light salt/pepper
-homemade bread
-homemade pierogies
So anyone who is on the strict life would say "oh you only eat what you can eat that they have, politely decline". Seriously, how do you politely decline? I could have eaten salad all night except the host was saying "try the chicken try the pierogies try this try that have wine".
I decided it was best to not offend my friends. They laid out a spread fit for a king and queen because we did them a favor.
So I had the chicken. I had some pierogies. I had the fresh mozz. I tried the homemade bread. Ya know what- at least I knew everything was homemade. My friend even cooks in coconut oil. And I didn't over-indulge. I didn't eat until I was stuffed.
Dieting shouldn't be able self-denial. That's when you become miserable. It's about balance in life.
Saturday I got up, when to the farm. Work to be done. Afterwards, my husband and I and a few friends went to the Beer Bacon BBQ festival. Let me say this- I love bacon. I'm not a beer person so easy to refuse. BUT BACON. Because, BACON. But again, I didn't overdo it. yes, that maple glazed bacon topped donut was not necessary.... but the bacon cannoli was!!
Sunday I had a shake in the morning, then all the shit hit the fan. After running a brisk 5k and feeling dizzy I figured a shake was NOT the best course of action. SO I got a wood fired pizza (margherita). I went to my parents for a BBQ and all they had were ribs. Not supposed to eat pork or red meat. Had nothing I could eat at my parents-- deviled eggs prob full of mayo, macaroni salad (homemade with EVOO), cheeses. Had to make the decision again to eat what was provided.
I'm debating whether when I'm dieting I should be a hermit, or it's OK to have something here and there that's not so strict. I'm pretty convinced that being a hermit would make me miserable, even if not eating everything delicious that I see will not.
I lost 6 lbs in 8 days, I gained back 2 in 4 days. Is it water weight? is it what I ate? is it because I lost too much too fast and my body is in a starvation mode as it is? who knows. But as of today my weight loss =4lbs.
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