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Let's get this started-- Isagenix Strict 30 days!

Friday the 13th is as good a day as any to try something new, right?!?!

How about a no dairy, no added sugars, no preservatives, lots of water, no exercise needed (but always acceptable!), no red meat, no wheat/rice/PASTA, diet?

Insert {Isagenix}

So I woke up and took a shot of "tonic" and then had my first shake. It's Creamy dutch chocolate flavored and not too shabby. And w/in a half hour of the tonic you have to take a natural accelerator. Easy peasy, breakfast is over.
For lunch ... oh crap I forgot to run to the store and get healthy food! A salad from Panera will have to sub in (no dressing or cheese!) and another accelerator. In between, I slipped in not only 2 8ozs of water but also an Isadelight chocolate. I got them in dark chocolate. It's awesome #1 that we get to have specially formulated DIET chocolate, and #2 that it has caffeine in it(green tea extract!!)

I choose to eat my "fork and knife" meal at lunch because I have more time to dedicate to preparation and eating. After 5pm, I go from the office to a farm- dinner on a schedule? Dinner at a decent hour? What is that?! Before the program I was eating between 8 and 10 pm at night. Now, I bring my shake with me, and I can eat between 6 and 8 which is a much better time to be consuming a major meal. The shakes are also lighter, so I don't wake up feeling like I have softballs in my stomach. Gross!
I also tried eating a Snacks! wafer around like 3. Not too shabby. I don't like the vanilla flavor so much, it's kinda chalky. But it did the trick!

I got home, I took the dog for a walk with my man, and I don't feel any worse for the wear.

Starting something new is the hardest step. You have to think it, say it out loud, commit to it, then take the first action. I bought the products. I opened the box when it came. i had a discussion about it with my Coach, and now here I am physically using the products.

Need my backstory? Want to know the reason for the madness?

June 7th 2015 I weighed 122 pounds and got married. Best day ever. I looked back at my pics and there is one thing that bothers me more than anything, something I have struggled with my WHOLE LIFE. The belly pouch. I can see it in pictures from multiple angles. I knew I should have seran wrapped myself into a twig! My Spanx are too old and stretched out to combat anything, even a little bulge. So I try to ignore it. But honestly, I've been trying to ignore it my whole life.

There's pictures of me at the lake fishing/swimming and there it is- I have no boobs to hide it but there is that little belly bump.
There's pictures of my from 12-15(++) on my grandpa's boat down the shore. Boobs starting to show up and yet that belly is ever present.
There I am at 16,17,18... playing 3 sports in high school and horseback riding on the side. Not binge drinking like some. Active, mom feeds us well and we eat relatively healthy. I weighed 118lbs. Belly? Check!
College. Of course freshman 15 (or 25, whatever). Drop some weight sophomore year, keep it off into Junior year. Car accident mid senior year and blow up like a blimp again. Have I mentioned I have NEVER seen an ab muscle on my body?

I met my husband right before I graduated Senior year. I look back on the pictures of us from that time. I'm a blimp in my eyes. 135lbs doesn't look good on me. He looks great though.

I moved to Florida, started eating healthier (hell i had to buy all my own food!!) and lost 12lbs. I came back home six months later and started gaining it all back. FAST. Drinking, pizza, pasta, eating out all the time. Hopped around from job to job.

2012 I started working 13 hour days at a job that was ALL physical labor. I had no time to eat, I wasn't paid to eat lunch or dinner. At 11 pm when I got home I had no urge to eat. I loved SLEEP. Worst 3 months of my life. I went down to 112lbs. I had skin and bone arms and collar bones popping out. WOULD YOU BELIEVE I STILL HAD THAT GOOD DAMNNNED POUCH???

Since then, my weight has fluctuated. I try to keep it around 125. 120 is most ideal when you're 5'2". Healthy is what they call it. I'd rather have lean muscle than fat.

I want to be healthy. I want to have energy. I don't want to be depressed about my body.
That is why I do what I do- that is why everyone should do this their way for themselves. HEALTH.


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