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A case FOR millenials FROM a 50+ year old

Her insight:
"Some see millennials as trendy, spoiled, self-centered, privileged individuals. As a former teacher of this generation, and a follower of many, I feel they are leading the way in understanding and helping people understand privilege (whether it be white, male, straight... the list can go on and on, because we are finally are being held to the fire to respect the diversity that is America) and I think people of my generation have a lot to learn from them. My idealism, born of proximity to the first civil rights movement, the Vietnam Nam war, and "women's lib" see 'this as a effort to improve our world.

Response # 1 to this statement: But more importantly, our selfies are 0n fl33k*~
(I hope this is sarcastic.....?)

Response #2: 
Every generation takes heat from the certain obsolete minds of the preceding generations.
(Kinda misogynistic to call people who are still living in this society "obsolete" but ok...)
That's nice. They just complemented you and reply with a douschey snide remark... for me it translates to "Hey you live in OUR world now and you are obsolete")

Another fun response: I'm tired of people not taking responsibility for putting us in the position we are now. Truly, the generation complaining about us raised us and created the world we are in.
(I take full responsibility for my situation as it stands. I don't understand putting the blame on someone else. I made choices that landed me where I am... I reacted to how I was raised, I took some of it in, I ignored some of it, I acquired some attributes and dismissed some ideologies to create the person I am today. Wherever I am is exactly where I steered my own boat. Also- it's usually not the people who directly raised a "millennial" who are complaining. It's the people who are affected by them and know they didn't raise one of those.)

My overall response:
I've been labeled a millenial and thus done some research on it and I have to disagree- I believe that there IS this group of spoiled, self-centered, privileged individuals, I can't explain where they come from but they are out there. And they seem to be mostly in the 18-25 age range, however I've seen plenty in the 25-35 age range too. :/ The 'millennial' people dislike is more a mindset of certain individuals than specific sector of the population.

It's interesting to think that out of the 4 children in my family: #1 is 30+, has 2 kids, makes minimum wage, is not married, has no degree, lives at home, leases a brand new car, has a brand new phone, and has never budgeted or balanced accounts in her life. #2 has a 4 year degree, has a husband, has a dog, works 3 jobs (main source of income NOT related to course of studies), owns a certified pre-owned vehicle, rents an apartment - as a couple they can't afford a house after paying for a wedding, had $100k+ in student loan debt that is now down to about $60k. #3 lives in a big city, rents (with a roommate), leases a brand new car, has a boyfriend, has a 4 year degree and a masters, has over $200k in student debt, works 2 jobs (main source of income IS related to course of studies and yet is non profit/government subsidized so low paying). #4- Lives at home with parents, leases a brand new car, does not pay any bills at the house she stays in (claims "I'm their child, their supposed to take care of me"), works 1 full time(not related to course of studies) and one part time freelance job, has $100k in student debt, helps raise #1's kids, and tells her parents "it's a gift" when she pays the whole cell phone bill and not just her portion.
Out of 4 children in one family... I feel 2 deserve that "millennial" title. The rest of us just keep on keeping on.


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