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Thought of the day

"If you don't believe the same thing I believe, you're wrong and I don't like you and we can't be friends."

That's not how America was founded.

That seems to be how many people think now-a-days.

Everyone is offended. Everyone is a tyrant forcing their own views on people. Everyone is wearing blinders. No one can have a conversation anymore, let along a debate. NORMAL PEOPLE cannot discus ideas and ethics and politics without getting ANGRY.

People are threatening to do harm to other people for voicing their opinions.

I'm sorry but I thought I live in the country that promises me life, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, a gun to protect myself, and freedom of speech.
The citizens of America are steadily making this NOT SO. Not the politicians.

The every day Joe Schmoes who tell you to "STFU and find a hole to die in" because you made a comment on a Facebook post. The people who call you an inbred and a tranny and a retard over your opinion because they have nothing better to do than insult people, an nonetheless use insults that have nothing to do with the topic at hand. The people that tell you "if you have reproduced already you should kill your own child and then off yourself".


I'm tired of big bullies hiding behind keyboards and voices of reason being drowned out by voices of insecurity and uneducated rationality (that's probably an oxymoron. Pun intended)


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