The recent third and final presidential debate had a wildly - and slightly gory- leading topic...abortion.
Hilary says the women have the right to choose, and even in late pregnancy she would not force a woman to give birth if it's detrimental to the health of the mother. Fair enough.
The Donald said that he didn't agree with late term terminations, saying that it's not right to "rip the baby from the womb at 9 months". In his defense- he probably has no idea of the realities of child birth.
The Donald said that he didn't agree with late term terminations, saying that it's not right to "rip the baby from the womb at 9 months". In his defense- he probably has no idea of the realities of child birth.
Because- all you out there on the 'ole interwebs- at 9 months, it's not abortion, it's straight up MURDER. However, a fetus can survive on it's own in this cruel outside world at 24 weeks. 24 weeks= 6 months. In fact, most states have banned abortion at about 24 to 26 weeks of pregnancy
So- depending on the state of the fetus, anything after that mile marker could be considered murder as well.
But what really riles me up is people's responses to this topic... Such as a doctor who claims "To dismiss first trimester abortions and focus on the later procedures means it is not about reducing abortion at all, so it can only be about punishment and control."
It's really just amazing to think that women think being told they have to carry to term is
"punishment and
Isn't that what they are
doing to the unborn child- exercising control and punishment?
Punishing the (would have been a)child for their mistakes- and I say that because that doctor claims most abortions are first trimester and are due to unplanned pregnancies.
Controlling their life before it even starts?
But it's punishment for you to be so burdened by the choices you have made. And it's controlling you to think about the rights of what could be a human being- if allowed to be born.
Punishing the (would have been a)child for their mistakes- and I say that because that doctor claims most abortions are first trimester and are due to unplanned pregnancies.
Controlling their life before it even starts?
But it's punishment for you to be so burdened by the choices you have made. And it's controlling you to think about the rights of what could be a human being- if allowed to be born.
Would love to hear your opinions on this..........
I was pretty sure I was the one doing the punishing and the controlling, since I made decisions that resulted in being in the position to make a heartbreaking choice in the first place. But then again, that's just me.
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