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The "world police" mentality

So I saw this today:

And you know what my response to this meme is??

"What I would eat and what I care about other people eating are two different things"

What I have eaten in that picture:
chicken, cow, pig, duck
What I would eat int hat picture:
chicken, cow, pig, duck, rabbit, horse... dog or cat if that was a local specialty/delicacy

Not pictured that I've eaten: Goat, fish, alligator, deer, bugs

In my eyes, I do not believe that anyone should tell me what to eat and I shouldn't tell other people what to eat.

YOU think dogs and cats are fuzzy cute companion animals. YOU think horses are companion animals. What YOU think and what (NAME ANY OTHER PERSON) thinks, believes, or knows is not the same thing. I think my micropig Tito is a family member and I would never eat his adorable little fat bacon filled body. But I eat bacon and pork in general. I think my Nigerian goat is a pain in the ass and I wouldn't eat his sinewy old ass even though he annoys me. But I ordered goat at a Caribbean restaurant.

I hug and kiss and comfort and train my horses, I am upset when they are harmed. But I have seen the evil ways of humans. After the crash of 2008, I saw horses turned out in pastures with their only water source a scum filled pond, nearly starved to death with their ribs popping out and I cried and wished someone would whisk them away to slaughter. That is not a life. I saw horses roaming forests. horses are domesticated- they depend on humans, they don't know how to fend for themselves anymore if they've been taken care of by humans diligently since birth... I've seen them turned out to be "reclaimed by the wild" and instead they seek human assistance and are were mowed down by cars they approached. They died terrifying painful deaths. Slaughter is humane. And some cultures eat horse meat. So be it. Better than meeting a terrifying and painful end.

-- Don't forget to respect the right to live & let live.... if it doesn't affect you, don't let it bother you --

Back to Americans having this "World Police mentality, I'd like to remind people that evolution-arily speaking, we pulled this mentality out of our overprivileged asses.

Based on whats demographically available, based on what's culturally been passed down as acceptable, and based on whats responsibly resourced, PEOPLE WILL eat what they find in their region, in abundance, that is nutritious.

I am a horse lover. I do not think less of people who eat horses. I have and love a dog. I do not think less of people (people=cultures) that eat dogs. I get upset when I hit a deer or rabbit or squirrel or mouse, but I would not think less of someone who hunted one of these animals for food.

If we hadn't made ourselves to be a super species, animals would still be hunting us for food.



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