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Heat Wave!!

If you're from the US, especially the eastern seaboard, you're gearing up for power outages and having the urge to dive first into any body of water- even a scummy pond.

Thunderstorms have raged angrily for the past 24 hours. (Note, there could be/will be more) Heat lightning is a given. Heavy cloud cover increases humidity and dashes any hopes of seeing Meteors. 100% humidity. Flash flood warnings- the Louisiana Governor has declared a state of emergency.There are heat advisories and excessive heat watches- not because of actual temps but because relative temps are reaching 110.

Have I ever mentioned I used to live in FLORIDA??
When I lived there, days reached 117, 120 degrees. EASY. I was there June- October. That's PEAK summer/HOT months.
We worked from 5am til 11 ish, hid (napped) until 3 pm, then did some more work at 9pm. That was the only way to beat the heat. Usually between 11 and 3 there would be showers. Torrential downpours really. And it would cool off enough to come back out at 3 and feed the horses.

I don't mind the heat. But you have to remember a few things so you don't get a migraine and related symptoms like I did yesterday.

-WEAR LIGHT CLOTHING OUTSIDE (light in color and material)
-DON'T GET INTO THE CAR, SHUT THE DOOR, AND THEN START IT- INSTEADstand outside, reach in and start it and then open the windows. The odds that the car is 110 degrees inside and that that wave of heat will overtake you are GREAT
-EAT SOMETHING- the weather will take a lot out of you.


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