One year ago today I was in Italy. We went to Rome, Naples, the Amalfi Coast, and Florence.
Last night, earthquakes ripped through the area. They occurred closest to Rome. Photographers and journalists rush to the area to report on it. side note-I'm glad you can make money off of other's misery. What I see in their photos is heartbreaking from all angles. First and Foremost- lives lost. God Speed. Secondly- history lost. Italy is full of beautiful old world charm. I can see it in the buildings reduced to rubble. They say they don't make them like they used to, but maybe someone should have done some inspection on those buildings and given them the support they need :(
It doesn't matter what region, what town, what nation that tragedy strikes. It happens. And it makes you stop and think "what if".
Photographers take pictures of bodies being extracted and carted away. Of broken people being rescued. Of broken buildings hiding sorrows.
We think we are safe.
We are safe from the gunman. We are safe from the tsunami. We are safe from the hurricane or the earthquake, or that crazy guy with a suicide vest, or zombies (sorry- had to throw it in there to make people laugh).
But are we???
If there are earthquakes in Italy, that could lead to volcanic explosions. Remember Pompeii? How can you not, a song and movie by the same name came out within the past year. That volcano buried a city in ash and preserved it. It's technically still an active vol,canoe. Volcanoes are how our land masses formed. A volcano recently erupted in Hawaii and lava spilled into the ocean in the first time in how long. People today are so connected, and yet they have no idea what goes on in the world around them.
They have no idea what kind of terror Isis inflicts daily.
They have no idea what kind of pollution is in our water or air or soil.
Are we drones??? Are just going through the motions of life without understanding of our surroundings?
SO Italy... my heart cries for you. Louisiana too. People- send help if you can. Send prayers if nothing else. But don't forget that whether man made or natural disaster, tragedy is out there in all shapes and sizes and you need to be aware.
*other side note* I laughed today because all of a sudden there is a video going around Facebook about beds that combat earthquakes. This is an invention in the works, the bed senses the earth quake and the person sleeping in the bed falls into this container that has food and it protects you. And oh wouldn't it have saved hundreds of lives if this was already a reality? TOO SOON INTERNET, TOO SOON. And there are plenty of people who were directly affected or killed who wouldn't have had it anyway. Either they are naive to their surroundings and don't consider earthquakes an immediate threat, or the bed is expensive and could be considered an unnecessary expenditure. TOO SOON INTERNET. Also, [world] stop coming up with great ideas that are not readily available to the masses. All these life saving inventions and nothing is free to save lives. That thought alone blows my mind....
because, money rules our lives.
Last night, earthquakes ripped through the area. They occurred closest to Rome. Photographers and journalists rush to the area to report on it. side note-I'm glad you can make money off of other's misery. What I see in their photos is heartbreaking from all angles. First and Foremost- lives lost. God Speed. Secondly- history lost. Italy is full of beautiful old world charm. I can see it in the buildings reduced to rubble. They say they don't make them like they used to, but maybe someone should have done some inspection on those buildings and given them the support they need :(
It doesn't matter what region, what town, what nation that tragedy strikes. It happens. And it makes you stop and think "what if".
Photographers take pictures of bodies being extracted and carted away. Of broken people being rescued. Of broken buildings hiding sorrows.
We think we are safe.
We are safe from the gunman. We are safe from the tsunami. We are safe from the hurricane or the earthquake, or that crazy guy with a suicide vest, or zombies (sorry- had to throw it in there to make people laugh).
But are we???
If there are earthquakes in Italy, that could lead to volcanic explosions. Remember Pompeii? How can you not, a song and movie by the same name came out within the past year. That volcano buried a city in ash and preserved it. It's technically still an active vol,canoe. Volcanoes are how our land masses formed. A volcano recently erupted in Hawaii and lava spilled into the ocean in the first time in how long. People today are so connected, and yet they have no idea what goes on in the world around them.
They have no idea what kind of terror Isis inflicts daily.
They have no idea what kind of pollution is in our water or air or soil.
Are we drones??? Are just going through the motions of life without understanding of our surroundings?
SO Italy... my heart cries for you. Louisiana too. People- send help if you can. Send prayers if nothing else. But don't forget that whether man made or natural disaster, tragedy is out there in all shapes and sizes and you need to be aware.
*other side note* I laughed today because all of a sudden there is a video going around Facebook about beds that combat earthquakes. This is an invention in the works, the bed senses the earth quake and the person sleeping in the bed falls into this container that has food and it protects you. And oh wouldn't it have saved hundreds of lives if this was already a reality? TOO SOON INTERNET, TOO SOON. And there are plenty of people who were directly affected or killed who wouldn't have had it anyway. Either they are naive to their surroundings and don't consider earthquakes an immediate threat, or the bed is expensive and could be considered an unnecessary expenditure. TOO SOON INTERNET. Also, [world] stop coming up with great ideas that are not readily available to the masses. All these life saving inventions and nothing is free to save lives. That thought alone blows my mind....
because, money rules our lives.
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