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Falling off the wagon... or walking beside it?

I paid big bucks for 30 days of Isagenix- And then I get outside the "Strict 30" and find myself back where I began:
Eating like crap. Bloated. Gaining weight. Sluggish.

It's hard to be "strict", it's hard to say no, it's even hard to make healthier choices. I know- I did it!

McDonald's or Little Cesars is easy and cheap. Getting a drink 2+ nights a week is fun! Making healthy lunches the night before is often a hassle. :/ Excuses are easy to make.

So little by little I try to remember something I learned- like hey, instead of that chocolate bar, eat an Isadelight and it will satisfy that craving and not throw your whole day off. If you haven't packed lunch, go with something safe when you pick something up- when in doubt a salad with some grilled chicken will get you by. Drink as much water as you possibly can because water will fill that void that you think should be filled with free pastries or chips.

If you don't wanna/can't go big but don't wanna "go home" (get it? Go big or go home??) at least make some tiny adjustments. Have two shakes in one day because you overate at lunch- just because you're not being "strict (which was 2 shakes and one healthy meal) doesn't mean you can't adjust back to that every now and again to event hings out. BALANCE. Ate a huge lunch? Opt for a shake or soup for dinner. Going out to dinner? Have a shake or salad for lunch. And I say "have a shake" because how much easier could it get?? 8oz of water and 2 scoops of powder, shake it up and boom you've got a meal! And they ARE filling. More filling for breakfast or a late dinner but still, filling.

The best things in life aren't necessarily the easiest. <3


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