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Identifying and fighting monotony in life

I took my horses for a gallop out in the field yesterday because clearly they are frustrated with their training (trotting in the dusty ring for 40 minutes to build muscle tone). They got a kick out of it!  literally- kicking up their heels and ears perked. Some times monotony is a mind killer in horses. Sometimes they just need to "horse" more and "human" less.

But ya know what? I AM FRUSTRATED. I am sick of doing the same thing every day. Of waking up and knowing exactly what I will do at exactly what time-  and finding no surprises in my everyday life.

I want to "human" more. I feel like a machine. I am going through motions:
7 am alarm. 
Husband calls between 7:10 and 7:20 to make sure I'm up for the day. 
Get up. 
Poop.    (Threw that in there for the laugh effect.)
Walk dog. 
Prep lunch & dinner. 
Get dressed (including doing hair). 
Pack riding bag.
Sit at desk. 
Answer calls.   (volume varies each day. can be higher if considered a 'holiday' and some other offices are closed... of course ours is open lol)
Answer emails.
Do follow-ups.

Process paperwork. 
Take lunch. GO FOR A WALK (first 'human' thing all day, because I go with a friend and we hang out, talk about whatever, and enjoy the good weather. No stress. LEISURE). 
Check e-mail/voicemail. 
Return e-mails/voicemails. 
Process paperwork. 
Take client or advisor requests.
Enter timesheet. 
Make to-do list for the next day. 
5'oclock whistle. (usually stay until 5:30)
Get changed. 
Get in car- Commute (slight traffic). 
Bring in horses. 
Give supplements. 
MAYBE pet baby as she comes over to check out whats going on. 
Tack up. 
Ride 40 minute set (trotting in circles in dusty ring). 
Tack up next set. Eat dinner (shake) while doing this. 
Second 40 minute set. 
Put all horses out. 
Clean up the barn. Think about the stuff that I need to do but am too tired to do. Put it off for another day. 
Get in car. 
Commute home. Hit traffic (because they've been working on resurfacing the highway every night for 2 summers now). 
Get home. Time? Between 9 and 10pm. 
Take dog for a walk. 
Husband goes to bed. 
Maybe sit and watch some TV, maybe surf net, probably take a shower. 
Maybe prep food for tomorrows lunch. 
11 pm try to crawl into bed and go to sleep. Should have taken a melatonin when I got home because all of a sudden I can't sleep. 
Fall asleep between 11:30 and 12.......

This is Monday through Friday. It shouldn't be this way. I shouldn't be late to work every day because I'm dreading the monotony of it all. I shouldn't be finding ways to distract myself because the day is set to be boring before it starts. I shouldn't be getting a slow start at the barn- my zen, my happy place- because it's actually boring and I know I'll have to fight with bored horses because they're over the same old same old routine too. In life, there are things we have to do, things we want to do, and things we throw in there just because. I need to pick out what I want to do and what I have to do and throw in more things to break up my day that are going to pick up my mood and enhance my daily experience. Surfing FB is not one of them. Writing this blog actually is an enhancer. Spending time with my husband is an enhancer- I do not see him enough. Spending time with the baby horse perks me up. Accomplishing things at work instead of getting buried in them makes me have a spark of pride which can boost happiness. Having a chocolate snack at 3pm. Sometimes it's the little things. Sometimes things are huge that need to be put in- like a f**king day OFF.

What do you do to break up the routine in your life, to fight the monotony??


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