SO I just read that the Pope made a statement about gays...
He said that the church owes an apology for judging and offending people who identify this way, as Christians are not supposed to judge or discriminate like this.
And it is profound.
The church teaches that gay tendencies are not sinful but that gay acts are, and that gays should try to be chaste.
“The questions is: If a person who has that condition (the word he used in Italian translates to condition but can also be used as "situation"), who has good will, and who looks for God, who are we to judge?” Pope Francis said.
It is following in the footsteps of his statement in 2013 when he said, about gays, "WHO AM I TO JUDGE?"
"The church must say it is sorry for not having behaved as it should many times, many times — when I say 'the church,' I mean we Christians, because the church is holy; we are the sinners," the pope said. "We Christians must say we are sorry."
You, SIR, are the POPE. And if anyone ever could think they had a right to judge, it would probably be you. And you are able to bring yourself above that. You know that no one of mortal flesh should be judging and discriminating and alienating people. It is not God's will or way. God has the final judgement, and that is not even until the very last moment. It is something we cannot comprehend... that we are all created equal, and that the #1 rule is to love one another. The Cardinal rule. And it seems such a hard rule to follow. But love means many things. I feel love, above all, is RESPECT. The highest form of love is an unwavering respect. And then there is compassion and kindness. The cornerstone of respect, built upon by compassion and kindness is such a strong foundation for a person.
Respect all living things, respect life, respect their differences and their right to be happy (whatever may make them happy). And as long as these things don't directly affect your happiness, then just respect their them enough to let them be them.
Have compassion for all living things. What is compassion? By definition: sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others. Synonyms: pity, sympathy, empathy, fellow feeling, care, concern, solicitude, sensitivity, warmth, love, tenderness, mercy, leniency, tolerance, kindness, humanity, charity.
That word is so full of meaning. Empathy, concern, mercy, sensitivity, tolerance, HUMANITY. I would say the #1 way to promote compassion is to say you should have concern for the well-being of others. That's the simplest way to put it. And it's so simple. It's like that saying- don't be quick to judge, you don't know whats going on in someone else's life. If we were quicker to show concern for others, we'd be not as quick to show hate and judgement. We see people's expressions and without asking, we come to our own conclusion. Resting Bitch Face is a THING. SO instead of saying to someone- why do you always looks so unhappy- we assume they are in a bad mood or unhappy and we create our own reasons. Show some concern: Talk to that person, hear them, and know why they are the way they are. If you don't have the time or the need (maybe you don't even know this person- and if that's the case then why are you letting it bother you??) then LET IT GO. That's the tolerance part. Tolerance = the ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with. SO.....Let it go- Let it be.
The Pope also elaborated, saying that “there are traditions in some countries, some cultures, that have a different mentality about this question (gays)” and that there were “some (gay) demonstrations that are too offensive for some.” **No offense people but it's kinda true. Some demonstrations are downright vulgar. It's all in good fun, but sometimes it's too much. I personally feel like the whole GAY PRIDE thing is being shoved down our throats a little, but I hope that when there is better treatment of gays that subsides. Being flamboyant is one thing but having it rammed down our throats is the same thing the gays don't want- they don't want the "straight is the way" mentality rammed down theirs. So I agree- some demonstrations are overly raunchy and vulgar- something you wouldn't ever want your child to see - and I don't say this because it's GAY. I say it because there's often lots of nudity shoved in our faces. I'm all about being naked, but there's a time and place. And a classy way to do things. **
But enough of my opinion.....
But he- THE POPE- suggested that those (demonstrations)(cultures) (ways of being) were not grounds for discrimination or marginalization of gays.
Who knew that the girl with the shaved head, the facial piercings, 5 tattoos, the mouth of a sailor, the swagger of a college kid, and two fingers that are in the air ridiculously too much was actually so religiously inclined? I am a CHRISTIAN. I identify with the principals of that religion. I do not agree with everything, but for the most part I find comfort and meaning in the teachings of Jesus. I also feel that some people preach it better than others. This Pope, I like him- I like his views, I like his outlook on Life and religion. He is a maverick in an "establishment" that has for too long been closed-minded. For too long has been teetering the line of hypocrisy. For too long has been out of touch with the times and unwilling to bring itself up to speed. It is wonderful to have a leader that not only promotes the simplest teaching of the past- because he knows they will stand the test of time- but implements it into the present. It's hard to do. And he is doing a great job. he is invoking thought, discussion, and teaching people, and opening hearts. He is just all around a great leader and human being.
So- Did you think this was going to be a bible-hugging post? Are you pleasantly surprised? Or are you inclined to "let it go/be" and agree to disagree? Let me know in the comments!
And it is profound.
The church teaches that gay tendencies are not sinful but that gay acts are, and that gays should try to be chaste.
“The questions is: If a person who has that condition (the word he used in Italian translates to condition but can also be used as "situation"), who has good will, and who looks for God, who are we to judge?” Pope Francis said.
It is following in the footsteps of his statement in 2013 when he said, about gays, "WHO AM I TO JUDGE?"
"The church must say it is sorry for not having behaved as it should many times, many times — when I say 'the church,' I mean we Christians, because the church is holy; we are the sinners," the pope said. "We Christians must say we are sorry."
You, SIR, are the POPE. And if anyone ever could think they had a right to judge, it would probably be you. And you are able to bring yourself above that. You know that no one of mortal flesh should be judging and discriminating and alienating people. It is not God's will or way. God has the final judgement, and that is not even until the very last moment. It is something we cannot comprehend... that we are all created equal, and that the #1 rule is to love one another. The Cardinal rule. And it seems such a hard rule to follow. But love means many things. I feel love, above all, is RESPECT. The highest form of love is an unwavering respect. And then there is compassion and kindness. The cornerstone of respect, built upon by compassion and kindness is such a strong foundation for a person.
Respect all living things, respect life, respect their differences and their right to be happy (whatever may make them happy). And as long as these things don't directly affect your happiness, then just respect their them enough to let them be them.
Have compassion for all living things. What is compassion? By definition: sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others. Synonyms: pity, sympathy, empathy, fellow feeling, care, concern, solicitude, sensitivity, warmth, love, tenderness, mercy, leniency, tolerance, kindness, humanity, charity.
That word is so full of meaning. Empathy, concern, mercy, sensitivity, tolerance, HUMANITY. I would say the #1 way to promote compassion is to say you should have concern for the well-being of others. That's the simplest way to put it. And it's so simple. It's like that saying- don't be quick to judge, you don't know whats going on in someone else's life. If we were quicker to show concern for others, we'd be not as quick to show hate and judgement. We see people's expressions and without asking, we come to our own conclusion. Resting Bitch Face is a THING. SO instead of saying to someone- why do you always looks so unhappy- we assume they are in a bad mood or unhappy and we create our own reasons. Show some concern: Talk to that person, hear them, and know why they are the way they are. If you don't have the time or the need (maybe you don't even know this person- and if that's the case then why are you letting it bother you??) then LET IT GO. That's the tolerance part. Tolerance = the ability or willingness to tolerate something, in particular the existence of opinions or behavior that one does not necessarily agree with. SO.....Let it go- Let it be.
The Pope also elaborated, saying that “there are traditions in some countries, some cultures, that have a different mentality about this question (gays)” and that there were “some (gay) demonstrations that are too offensive for some.” **No offense people but it's kinda true. Some demonstrations are downright vulgar. It's all in good fun, but sometimes it's too much. I personally feel like the whole GAY PRIDE thing is being shoved down our throats a little, but I hope that when there is better treatment of gays that subsides. Being flamboyant is one thing but having it rammed down our throats is the same thing the gays don't want- they don't want the "straight is the way" mentality rammed down theirs. So I agree- some demonstrations are overly raunchy and vulgar- something you wouldn't ever want your child to see - and I don't say this because it's GAY. I say it because there's often lots of nudity shoved in our faces. I'm all about being naked, but there's a time and place. And a classy way to do things. **
But enough of my opinion.....
But he- THE POPE- suggested that those (demonstrations)(cultures) (ways of being) were not grounds for discrimination or marginalization of gays.
Who knew that the girl with the shaved head, the facial piercings, 5 tattoos, the mouth of a sailor, the swagger of a college kid, and two fingers that are in the air ridiculously too much was actually so religiously inclined? I am a CHRISTIAN. I identify with the principals of that religion. I do not agree with everything, but for the most part I find comfort and meaning in the teachings of Jesus. I also feel that some people preach it better than others. This Pope, I like him- I like his views, I like his outlook on Life and religion. He is a maverick in an "establishment" that has for too long been closed-minded. For too long has been teetering the line of hypocrisy. For too long has been out of touch with the times and unwilling to bring itself up to speed. It is wonderful to have a leader that not only promotes the simplest teaching of the past- because he knows they will stand the test of time- but implements it into the present. It's hard to do. And he is doing a great job. he is invoking thought, discussion, and teaching people, and opening hearts. He is just all around a great leader and human being.
So- Did you think this was going to be a bible-hugging post? Are you pleasantly surprised? Or are you inclined to "let it go/be" and agree to disagree? Let me know in the comments!
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