The Pope recently said the church should ask forgiveness for the way it has treated gays, as well as 'women, for turning a blind eye to child labor and for “blessing so many weapons” in the past'.
This is not to be overshadowed either. There is a reason I backed out of the church a few years ago. Antiquated teachings, and comments about gays, and the fact that women cannot play a larger role in the church... all these things and a priest who didn't make me feel accepted and loved and didn't enlighten me. I felt like it was not doing the good in my life that I needed and I did not make it a priority. And yet,that was just locally. Since I have scaled back my church going, Pope Francis has upped his game. He is talking about things like being tolerant and apologetic to gays. And he's talking about us... that's right ladies- he's talking about women and their role in the church.

If anyone didn't know that...shame on you. the MOTHER of the SAVIOR. The woman who gave it all up to birth the child that would save the world. She is the ultimate gift giver. The ultimate teacher- because she taught Jesus as much as God did. She is a symbol of LOVE and Compassion. She bore what to some would be a burden- because no one would understand and believe her even if she told them. That in itself, her strength, her devotion, her unselfish acts. She is the ultimate role model.
Women are important... to the religion... to the world? I really hope one day he elaborates. I hope he provides the insight, the theological explanation as to why women are important even if they are not given a high title such as "priest". Or maybe, just maybe- the Pope will have more research done into the formula he mentioned that shows why a woman could not be a priest, because other Christians have allowed for it and there must be some really good reasoning behind that decision to. Mother Theresa had such an impact, and she was a lowly sister. Who do you think of when you think of women religious leaders? Mother Theresa- the one, the only. Mary- but of course. But modern day? Mother Theresa. And who follows in her footsteps? Who rises now and continues her great works? Who gets the media's attention, who gets to spread the word and good news? WHAT WOMAN?
Pope Francis- help women rise, help them know why they are important, help them be better messengers of a great cause. Help them find their place in the church. AMEN.
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